I just broke down at work


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I've been on finasteride since April 2012 and I don't think it's helped much. It may have halted things as of 6 mths into the treatment, but I'm definitely worse than a year to 1.5 years ago. I got on Min a few months ago. It regrew NOTHING. I moved onto dutasteride last week. I ordered nizoral this morning.

So I was consumed with my hairloss today more than usual, as now, I can't leave home without blackening my hair to fill in my completely diffusely thinned scalp. Literally. I have a hairline, but after that, it's balding badly and evenly. I hardly done any work today. And said to my boss that I'm distracted and should go home. Then I just broke down in tears. Then my nose began to bleed. Tears and blood and baldness everywhere. I don't even know what my next move is. My hair is so thin to the point where not much can be saved. I'm ugly as well, so it's not as if my face makes up for it. I'm 30 too. I am hoping to be having maxillofacial surgery within the next year to improve my face, but I want hair too.

OK, my boss just said I can go home so Im going. I feel like DEATH.


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Maybe get yourself to your GP and see about antidepressants. Don't want to be getting poor attendance at work, that won't help you at all.


Of course finasteride won't help. It's a scam. You need dutasteride and spironolocatone. If you aren't getting any sides, it means the drug is not working.

I feel like DEATH.
That is because we are literally dying with every day. And for bald men it is even more apparent. Each dead follicle is piece of your body that has died. You are literally dying before your very own eyes. The body telling you - time to go man.

Maybe get yourself to your GP and see about antidepressants.
He needs no anti depressants. He needs hair.


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He needs to ensure his livelihood is secure firstly. Antidepressants can help with that. Not in every case, but if he loses his job too, he'll have that to deal with, in addition to the balding.

Quantum Cat

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OP is black right? just buzz it down and get micro scalp pigmentation - you'll look like Vin Diesel

the afro look isn't fashionable anymore anyway


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If i was back i would have an afro i think they are cool.


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I'm beyond fed up with the "If you're black, just rock a baldie" bull****. Bald = OLD and UGLY. That's why we're ON THIS FORUM. Certain women will NEVER date a baldie. MOST WON'T, unless he goes bald later.

Also, antidepressants??? I wouldn't be depressed if I had hair. I wanna treat the CAUSE, not the symptom. It's the equivalent of shooting someone in the face and then giving him in an aspirin.


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Did you say you've tried treatments? Just concerned that if your boss sees you distracted in work, they will ask what's up. If you start taking time off it will all come out, and employers aren't always sympathetic with depression, and I suspect even fewer would be sympathetic about depression over hairloss. If you have problems with attendance and lose your job, your self esteem will fall further. So who are you on puahate?


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Did you say you've tried treatments? Just concerned that if your boss sees you distracted in work, they will ask what's up. If you start taking time off it will all come out, and employers aren't always sympathetic with depression, and I suspect even fewer would be sympathetic about depression over hairloss. If you have problems with attendance and lose your job, your self esteem will fall further. So who are you on puahate?

True. I feel so suicidal right now though. Not really suicidal but like I have nothing to look forward to in life. My job's boring, my face is ugly, my money is LOW, nothing's good. At least before I had hair.

I was Invisible on puahate.


True. I feel so suicidal right now though. Not really suicidal but like I have nothing to look forward to in life. My job's boring, my face is ugly, my money is LOW, nothing's good. At least before I had hair.

I was Invisible on puahate.
The only thing you can do is become a recluse, go full hikkimori. Stay inside all day, earning a bare minimum in some way just to pay for apartment and play video games all day, every day. There is literally no other way to enjoy life.

Or drug overdose.

Your choice.

I'm 30 too. I am hoping to be having maxillofacial surgery within the next year to improve my face, but I want hair too.
It's over.

Admin edit: Hairplz - Stop.


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I understand feeling like that. I was like that when my depression had me in it's grip. Nothing gave me pleasure in life at all. 30 can be a strange age to be, you aren't "young" any more, and you find yourself looking back on your life and questioning decisions, wishing you'd made them differently. It's a horrible mindset to be in, as you torture yourself over decisions you made which you made in good faith at the time. On the plus side, you have a job which will give you some money, and less time to ruminate than being stuck at home with no work, no money and all the time in the world. I've been there.

The reason I asked about treatments is that if you've given it your all (do you have a tell your story thread?) and it hasn't worked, then that's better than having not tried, and then always wondering, "what if?". I know that anti depressants aren't going to give you back your hair, but if treatments haven't worked, then your options are limited sadly. The ADs may help moderate your mood, and take the edge of feeling miserable. I didn't like being on them, and self medicated in other ways, which didn't take away the lows and the highs as such, but removed the anxiety, and let me look at my situation in a more rational way. It's something to think about, as if you find yourself out of work in this recession, it can be really hard to get back into a job.

- - - Updated - - -

Hairplz, we all get you're miserable. Is it ethical to try and bring down other posters who are suffering? Does that make you feel better?


Established Member
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ive been where th OP is back in my early diffuse days, it aint pretty and the recluse lifestyle had its appeals, i gave up on my social life totally.

all i ever did was work and then go to online chatrooms, where id lie to people non stop, it was all an escape and a year of my 20's I'll never see again.

the solution for me was drastic but it has worked, i moved to a new city and got a new job. i always found that the only people i was anxious around in life were people who knew me pre hairloss, when i meet people bald already its no issue at all.

it was a big risk and it took a near nervous breakdown to motivate me into doing it but i have a life again.

id never recommend anybody copies me unless youre in a situation where like me youre comfortable with strangers. the life i lead now is comparable to how i was in my early 20's, just with more sense, more money, better health and no hair, just a buzzed to 0 nw5 horseshoe (wet shave it sometimes).

im 30 aswell btw.

Quantum Cat

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ive been where th OP is back in my early diffuse days, it aint pretty and the recluse lifestyle had its appeals, i gave up on my social life totally.

all i ever did was work and then go to online chatrooms, where id lie to people non stop, it was all an escape and a year of my 20's I'll never see again.


that's basically been my life for years. No social life and depression/anxieties.

it's very hard to make life changes when you're in this mindset because it seems like such a big risk - you think of the worse possible outcome if things go wrong. So you're stuck, not wanting to remain as you are, but too afraid to do things differently


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i just took a chance QC, i applied for a few random jobs in different places over the internet.

the very worst case scenario for me wouldve been getting one of the jobs, then hating it and the town i lived in. really not such a big deal when you consider that was my situation anyway.


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I mean, I do feel bad about my own situation, but it sounds to me like you are taking all of it slightly too much into your heart...this is not good for you.

Antidepressants - great uplifter with an even great suprise once you attempt to terminate the use of it, my advice is to try many existing alternatives before turning to the chemical experimentation (no shortcut is free).

Coming to peace with your situation, and choosinng a set of small, ideally scalable steps towards a particul goal (a possible surgery, a better outlook?) will provide you with a clearer picture of the situation. The truth is, too many women do not consider as important as your wallet, in case you want to evaluate what is worthy of being bothered about.

Wishing you strength!


work? i cant even work anymore. seeing all the tall nw1's with girls all over them.