I have been dumped.

too bald too furious

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Well guys..misery has stuck me...my girl dumped me yesterday. Its all becoz of my hair loss. Last week I went with her in a party...where she was talking to some of her friends..and one of her friend asked her who was her boy friend as she had not seen me. My girl said..its the guy with the leather jacket...then that b**ch(her friend) said to her laughingly...who..the one who is going bald. I heard it somehow. I felt a great pain in my heart that time. :(
I know she would had not felt nice too that time...n perhaps after this incident she got more concerned about my hair loss. Yesterday she gave me the news...n returned my photo she always used to keep in her bag...in which i had a full head of hair.
I am feeling so low now. Why did this happen to me...the misery of my hair loss continues. :cry:


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nexus81 said:
Well guys..misery has stuck me...my girl dumped me yesterday. Its all becoz of my hair loss. Last week I went with her in a party...where she was talking to some of her friends..and one of her friend asked her who was her boy friend as she had not seen me. My girl said..its the guy with the leather jacket...then that b**ch(her friend) said to her laughingly...who..the one who is going bald. I heard it somehow. I felt a great pain in my heart that time. :(
I know she would had not felt nice too that time...n perhaps after this incident she got more concerned about my hair loss. Yesterday she gave me the news...n returned my photo she always used to keep in her bag...in which i had a full head of hair.
I am feeling so low now. Why did this happen to me...the misery of my hair loss continues. :cry:

f*** her, she should have stood up for you and she didn't. :evil:


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Sorry to hear it Nexus.

I'm not going to run through any well worn cliches with you. I'm sure you've heard them all.

Well maybe just one.

The best way to get over a breakup is to go out and find a new girl.

Seriously, screw that b**ch. If she leaves you over hair loss you know she was never any good in the first place.


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Dude f* that biyatch. If all it takes is hair for her to leave you, then she isnt worth having. Be like this, you know what boo i still f* you. Hope you feel better bro, and all girls arent like her stupid a$$.


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It's not always the thing you want to hear, but these guys are right. F*** her. If she dumped your because you were losing your hair she was the wrong chick from the very start.

The Gardener

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I'm sorry, Nexus. That's terrible. I hope you are doing allright tonight.

Breakups are a good time to take a time out, and look internally at yourself, where you are, and where you want to go. Think about it. You have one major change to deal with on your hands, so, are there any other changes that you have wanted to make in your life? Any New Years Resolutions that you wanted to make but didn't stick to? Take an inventory, reassess, and get a strong vision in your head of where you want to go... and this vision should be something you would want to do whether or not you are with someone. I mean, at a deep level, what would you like to do to improve yourself?

Make a list of your goals, and your direction, and write it down on paper. There is something powerful about buying a journal, and on page one writing down how shitty you feel now, and where you would want to be in an ideal world. Then, make the changes, and go for it! Have you wanted to take up a new hobby? travel somewhere new? Hit up the gym again? try for a new job? Whatever it is, write it down.

Then the very next day, commit yourself to bringing your goals into reality. Wake up an hour earlier. Go to the gym. Change that hairstyle. Change EVERYTHING! Breakups are a great opportunity and source of inspiration to remind you to be the person that you REALLY want to be. They say that living well is the best revenge after a breakup... so just go about your business, your pursuit of your TRUE ambitions, and soon enough she will catch wind of it and realize that she really fucked up. And, hopefully when she does, and tries to restart contact with you, you will already have a few other admirers who are attracted by your new energy or admirers that you will encounter along the way of your new path. Either way, your ex will HATE it!!

Remember: Living well is the best revenge.


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it is better to love and lost then never to have loved at all. i got no one except a bald head, serioulsy though get some propecia or if you don't want to f*** with your hormones go to www. minoxidil.com and check out some spironolactone


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yeah........I feel for you man. The man thing, like Gardener said, is to focus on your life and forget that b**ch. As you know she is not worth it! I was dating a girl for 4.5 years from the time I was 18 until I was 23. It was not because of hairloss and neither was YOUR breakup. It is easy to blame it on something like hairloss. Anyways when my girl left me I was really hurt, but I focused on college and obtained my masters degree in environmental chemistry. The b**ch who broke up with me got pregnant, dropped out of school and is now fucked for the rest of her life. I focused on school and will soon get a great job and make some serious money. The point is man is to focus on your life and IMPROVE it in every way and move on! Forget that c***!

The shedder

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If she really did break up with you because of your hairloss, would you want to be with a girl who appreciates your external features rather than you as a person?


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She probably met somebody better looking with more hair. Its happened to me, it sucks but honeslty if I had met somebody better looking than them I would have dumped them as well. None of the girls that broke up with me was very special.

Try to find someone that you have a great time with and really click with and you can really have fun with in bed. They wont be so inclined to leave you for going bald as this last girl. Leave the superficial girls to the perfect looking guys who treat them like sh*t and cheat on them.


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b****s come, and b****s go.....and so is life. while i don't think a women would leave someone she's been dating for a long time over JUST hairloss, it probably factored in to her choice to leave.


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Thinning said:
Leave the superficial girls to the perfect looking guys who treat them like sh*t and cheat on them.

i will never understand why hot chicks love guys that treat them like sh*t. girls love jerks !


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A similar thing happened to me in high school,

The girl of my dreams dumped me for a richer guy, and then 5 months later he got her pregnant and split.

I thought it was great at the time, but now I feel bad for her, but she should have stayed with me instead of being COLD BLOODED!!


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Great advice Gard, that will def solve the issue of the breakup a lot quicker than trying to get back at the shallow girl.


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Girls like jerks!
This is a correct assumption. That's why when you go out and are around girls you gotta act like you don't give a sh*t. Be an a**h**............for some reason girls like that. The expression "nice guys finish last" hits it right on the head. Girls like a challenge.................you have to be an a**h** to get the ***.