I give in


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I've lost. I really battled the last 5 years against hairloss I followed this forum for a very long time
and I read all information in the internet I could get from hair transplant to finasteride/dutasteride/rogaine...
I'm so sick of it.
I'm so depressed because my hair is worse than ever before although I'm on the hardest sh!t out there.
I don't have to post a pic because look e.g. at blueshard or anybody else with that kind of balding
we're all looking the same..maybe I'm even worse. I had very brutal sheddings in the last 12 month
300-400 hairs E.D. and yes I kept counting!
It hurts so bad inside that you just could cut yourself with a knife to outbid the inner
pain. Life doesn't stop though. I'm always saying problems simply add.

Well my life has come to an end in a certain way I don't think too much about dating women or
hanging around with friends anymore etc...
I feel far too weak and inferior even to guys which where considered as nerds in school but
today have their full heads of hair.
I fear seeing people from school, friends and relatives. All is going pretty bad right now.
I know how people categorize each other exceptions prove the rule. I know what somebody thinks
who looks into my face because once I was like that. I really fear the gazes and deep inside there's
only hate left, maybe this keeps me alive. Yeah, you think don't mind what others say or think. I would
but I can't live with that feeling always beeing perceptet as ugly, weak and innocuous.

I'm always thinking that's not me anymore thats just a role you have to play now,
categories suck. hair transplant is not an option for me because I should be twice as old
with only half as aggressive hairloss. So I also have bad donor etc...

There's also always tension between me and my family because I have to blame someone
for that. I also blame myself almost every day. It's all genetic I know look at David Schwimmer
his father is a slick 7. He is probably an over thick 0 (so he has to have a gene from the mothers family side). So if you have aggressive hairloss before you turn 25 you absolutely must have a big family hairloss history.
I'm sure I will not pass this gene.

Don't know what to do anymore I'm drifting around nothing.
Sry for the load of crap but I had to say this.



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Your life is not over man. You know there's plenty of women out there that would look past your baldness if you give them a chance. Plus, there will be new technologies available. We already know about follica's and intercytex's work. It probably sucks pretty bad for you right now, but since you have lost its wrong to keep being depressed about it. Go out, get a nice tan, hit the gym and make the bald look work for you.

uncomfortable man

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I'm thinking of making a graphic novel (comic book) or a short animated movie with flash on everything that bald guys go through- medications, shame, society, women, etc. This would be a productive way for me to creatively vent and tell the story that so many of us go through, hopefully raising awareness and understanding for our plight.


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Larry David is already working on it.


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we understand, brother. Stick around the forums for a while. I'm really wishing the best to come your way, man. I've been suffering hairloss for almost 5 years now (started when I was 18), and it's maintaining with the ultra-heavy dutasteride/minoxidil/spironolactone/nizoral regimen. The exercise and diet help, too.

Sorry, this doesn't really help your situation. Just thought I'd chime in and let you know there are others who share your pain.


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Hey Aplunk1,

that means a lot to me. I followed your story as well (since the beginning of last year ?) I've also seen your pics
on hlhelp. I think I have to go back on rogaine which is a big step backward for
me this routine is absolutley killing my life. But the other pain from hairloss is still
much bigger, so I have no chance. Yes we are the same time in the game and I'm as old as you
are. We're young but know much more about hairloss than some 90 years old.
Give in means not to let all the things go it means that I let life go that I have to go back to
rogaine and that I have once again to be for myself.

uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
Larry David is already working on it.
Please, tell me more. Will it be an HBO series, like Curb Your Enthusiasm? Will it be done from a comedic point of view? You peaked my interest!


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No I just meant that he seems to work some reference about baldness into every episode. And he does highlight the negative aspects that people with hair dont care to realise exist.


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so the big three did not work for u??? thats depressing man....I started 10 days ago I hope I get results.


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I have to add rogaine, which always gives at least some stability.
But it will kill your life if you have to use it ED, and the results
will disappear very fast if you miss just a few applications. If you don't
believe me, have a look at it 2 years from now and you know what I mean.
You will also climb up the rogaine ladder 5% then 10%, 15% or whatever.
In other words rogaine will lose its effectiveness in 2-4 years....
I don't want to discourage you but if you have strong balding that's just the way it
is. Don't get me even started on "propecia" or finasteride, if you don't know the diagrams I can't help you.

Good luck anyway


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tonyunhawk said:
I've lost. I really battled the last 5 years against hairloss I followed this forum for a very long time
and I read all information in the internet I could get from hair transplant to finasteride/dutasteride/rogaine...
I'm so sick of it.
I'm so depressed because my hair is worse than ever before although I'm on the hardest sh!t out there.
I don't have to post a pic because look e.g. at blueshard or anybody else with that kind of balding
we're all looking the same..maybe I'm even worse. I had very brutal sheddings in the last 12 month
300-400 hairs E.D. and yes I kept counting!
It hurts so bad inside that you just could cut yourself with a knife to outbid the inner
pain. Life doesn't stop though. I'm always saying problems simply add.

everything you said is how i feel,and i mean everything it was like i was saying those words
i really don't know what to say that will help you has i have given up on life my self and i hate everything and simply hurt all the time,i really wish i could help

Well my life has come to an end in a certain way I don't think too much about dating women or
hanging around with friends anymore etc...
I feel far too weak and inferior even to guys which where considered as nerds in school but
today have their full heads of hair.
I fear seeing people from school, friends and relatives. All is going pretty bad right now.
I know how people categorize each other exceptions prove the rule. I know what somebody thinks
who looks into my face because once I was like that. I really fear the gazes and deep inside there's
only hate left, maybe this keeps me alive. Yeah, you think don't mind what others say or think. I would
but I can't live with that feeling always beeing perceptet as ugly, weak and innocuous.

I'm always thinking that's not me anymore thats just a role you have to play now,
categories suck. hair transplant is not an option for me because I should be twice as old
with only half as aggressive hairloss. So I also have bad donor etc...

There's also always tension between me and my family because I have to blame someone
for that. I also blame myself almost every day. It's all genetic I know look at David Schwimmer
his father is a slick 7. He is probably an over thick 0 (so he has to have a gene from the mothers family side). So if you have aggressive hairloss before you turn 25 you absolutely must have a big family hairloss history.
I'm sure I will not pass this gene.

Don't know what to do anymore I'm drifting around nothing.
Sry for the load of crap but I had to say this.


uncomfortable man

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s.a.f said:
No I just meant that he seems to work some reference about baldness into every episode. And he does highlight the negative aspects that people with hair dont care to realise exist.
Sure, but what I have in mind is different enough from that to still be considered a worthwhile endevour. I guess it would fall into the category of alternative comics, not unlike the work of Crumb in the 70's with the publication American Splendor.