I found a 100% genuine women thought on bald men


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as i have what appears to most full head of hair (though im aware of thinning) I had a funny scenario the other day.

I was at work with a new girl, early 20s, not my type but defo a hottie 8-9/10 model type. She was very good looking.

So I was hanging out with her at work a lot and some other workers, one guy into heavy metal had this mad long hair and was talking about it, then said hope he never goes bald and none of his family are. The women then replied about how her bf is so hot and has great hair and she dont know what she do if he ever went bald...AND look like one of all those alien freak bald guys.

So there you have it a non sugar coated realistic female opinion on bald men


And that her own handsome boyfriend..Despite her seeing his as attractive and hot and sexy hair loss will make him become an alien freak.

However, IRL my cousin is bald and always has been and always had gfs and many, BUT he cares, I always had thick hair and better looking but really no interest in dating...so not sure what matters tbh.
With hair i dont care about dating but if i go bald then i get panicy and want to bang hotties the irony lol


Established Member
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it really depends on the girl ...
ive heard a LOT of girls, some of them are really hot saying that bald guys (at least some) are very hot and attractive and sexy ...

besides - take a loot at jason statham's GF...


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yeh some women will but again like said in other thread depends who is bald

vin deisel

etc they look good so its cool but even look at jonny depp in fear and loathing he goes from hollywood heartthrob to an average nobody imo.....all due to hair


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What an irony! I had a head full of hair 6 months ago and I had a conversation with my co-worker female, who is about 40 yo. She said there was a time in her life when one bald man tried to date her and she refused it because that man was bald. She thought baldness comes from unhealthy life style. Actually there is only one guy in our job who is bald and he smokes. She thought that baldness comes from unhealthy lifestyle. That kills.

I kinda understand her because her father and her husband have full heads. And I make assumption that girls who have bald relatives understand baldness pretty well, even maybe have sympathy towards them (if they have great relationship with bald relatives). Only these girls who have not bald relatives (or have poor relationships with them) could call them alien.

Nothing new: people fear unknown things.


My Regimen
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...with my co-worker female, who is about 40 yo.... She thought baldness comes from unhealthy life style.

Way to be knowledgeable about the facts of life at 40!


Established Member
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it really depends on the girl ...
ive heard a LOT of girls, some of them are really hot saying that bald guys (at least some) are very hot and attractive and sexy ...

besides - take a loot at jason statham's GF...
no offense but are you that ignorant? everywhere i see this vin diesel, jason stathman bs. he looks fking badass and is rich as hell, being bald is the last problem on his list.


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Each time there's a discussion about whether women find bald men hot I get this picture in my mind.


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Another stupid story, definitely not helping. Why would anybody here post such things? There are so many guys here complaining, again and again. What I'm trying to say it's why do some of you care so much about others opinion? First of all, it's all about you, and how you feel. I feel bad because I'm losing it, that's the most important opinion for me. I don't care what a random girl thinks about it, some others may think otherwise. I simply care about my opinion. If a 10/10 girl loved bald guys... would that have made you stopped the treatments? Don't tell me the answer.
I hope some day we will be cured, but until that day, just live the life, it's not the end. If there's a girl who wants you as who you are, bald, or full head, OK. If not... life goes on... there are many other things to do.


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why does every hair loss post relate to women though lol as if women dictate our existence and hair loss only matters in terms od our dating potential.

I just dont enjoy sex nor dating so why would i even care about my hair? Its funny but i do and to women..I want to be attractive even though i dont want sex, and dont want mocked by other males.

BUT reality is hair makes no difference to my life as if the only thing hair concerns is dating then I dont date with hair anyway haha....but could say it effects jobs as i dont wanna go out so harder to get jobs, BUt when i was cute with full head hair i still didnt wanna work haha...

Hair loss makes no diffeence in reality but it still sucks.

Im sure if i lived on a desert island and was only human id still be pi55sed off with my hair loss haha


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Get a proper job... and stop the "haha" thing. Who would care about your hair loss, if you were a top network engineer, system engineer, software engineer/software developer? A very smart guy? Does a employer really care about your hair, or he cares about your brain, and your value. Well, here's the answer: the top two network engineers in the company where I'm working, are bald, like NW6 or 5 at least. Both under 35-40. Both lost their hair in their 20's. So, guess what? Nobody cares, they both have families, children...

What about you?


Senior Member
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Once it comes time to settle they won't be nagging about a balding head, when there's bills to pay and kids to feed the bald guy will have to do if they can't find better but forget about the dating scene, you won't be part of it.


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Get a proper job... and stop the "haha" thing. Who would care about your hair loss, if you were a top network engineer, system engineer, software engineer/software developer? A very smart guy? Does a employer really care about your hair, or he cares about your brain, and your value. Well, here's the answer: the top two network engineers in the company where I'm working, are bald, like NW6 or 5 at least. Both under 35-40. Both lost their hair in their 20's. So, guess what? Nobody cares, they both have families, children...

What about you?

well though i have a degree i cant get a good job and you are correct for skilled job then they dont care..But im ending up working in non skilled jobs and in cafes, restaurants, shops, hotels, etc..Its an image industry and many young people so its different.

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Once it comes time to settle they won't be nagging about a balding head, when there's bills to pay and kids to feed the bald guy will have to do if they can't find better but forget about the dating scene, you won't be part of it.

Again you are relating everything back to women, so you are saying a handsome man with hair need not worry about a career cause he can get laid easily whereas an ugly balding man should focus on career?

Its funny though as with no need for sex nor wanting children and enjoying my own company where does that leave me? As im not settling as i have nothing to settle for?


My Regimen
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I don't fully understand the anger towards posters who reference good looking bald guys like Statham and Vin Diesel as motivational tools. It's like men think they were perfect 10's and then their balding head turned them into Igors. The science of beauty and attractiveness is principally about symmetry. Imagine a line down the center of your face. The more one side looks like the other, the more attractive you are probably perceived. If you don't have it, then you haven't had it from Day 1, and no amount of hair is going to turn you into Leonardo DiCaprio. Conversely, if you do have it, it doesn't matter what hairstyle you're rocking, people are going to naturally gravitate towards you. Obviously there are other smaller factors that come into play, like height, weight, smell, and personality, but in general looks boils down to facial symmetry and what kind of hand you were dealt.

And if you're wondering, yeah, I'm an ugly, asymmetrical SOB, but I don't feel the need to scour the internet and **** on every attempt at a positive post I see.


New Member
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It all depends

It totally depends on how you look with a shaven/bald head. I had friends go bald at 20 and they have done great with women since then. It also depends on the girls tastes. But if you are a successful, confident guy, some women will still fall for you (add a bit of $$$ and really no problem). I personally have a thin face and a crew cut doesn't suit me whatsoever :(


Senior Member
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well though i have a degree i cant get a good job and you are correct for skilled job then they dont care..But im ending up working in non skilled jobs and in cafes, restaurants, shops, hotels, etc..Its an image industry and many young people so its different.

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Again you are relating everything back to women, so you are saying a handsome man with hair need not worry about a career cause he can get laid easily whereas an ugly balding man should focus on career?

Its funny though as with no need for sex nor wanting children and enjoying my own company where does that leave me? As im not settling as i have nothing to settle for?

If you want to date many women as a bald guy it will be a struggle but if you want to have a family it's easier to find someone.


Established Member
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why does every hair loss post relate to women though lol as if women dictate our existence and hair loss only matters in terms od our dating potential.

I just dont enjoy sex nor dating so why would i even care about my hair? Its funny but i do and to women..I want to be attractive even though i dont want sex, and dont want mocked by other males.

BUT reality is hair makes no difference to my life as if the only thing hair concerns is dating then I dont date with hair anyway haha....but could say it effects jobs as i dont wanna go out so harder to get jobs, BUt when i was cute with full head hair i still didnt wanna work haha...

Hair loss makes no diffeence in reality but it still sucks.

Im sure if i lived on a desert island and was only human id still be pi55sed off with my hair loss haha
if you dont care like you say, why are you even on this website?... such bs


New Member
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She is right..

as i have what appears to most full head of hair (though im aware of thinning) I had a funny scenario the other day.

I was at work with a new girl, early 20s, not my type but defo a hottie 8-9/10 model type. She was very good looking.

So I was hanging out with her at work a lot and some other workers, one guy into heavy metal had this mad long hair and was talking about it, then said hope he never goes bald and none of his family are. The women then replied about how her bf is so hot and has great hair and she dont know what she do if he ever went bald...AND look like one of all those alien freak bald guys.

So there you have it a non sugar coated realistic female opinion on bald men


And that her own handsome boyfriend..Despite her seeing his as attractive and hot and sexy hair loss will make him become an alien freak.

However, IRL my cousin is bald and always has been and always had gfs and many, BUT he cares, I always had thick hair and better looking but really no interest in dating...so not sure what matters tbh.
With hair i dont care about dating but if i go bald then i get panicy and want to bang hotties the irony lol
I think 95 % of women find bald guys ugly. Sorry to break it up to you but its the truth. Have you ever seen celebrities like Megan Fox bald? Just google it. She looks horrible. Imagine a cat or a bear without fur. Its horrible indeed. Thank God there is cure for baldness, I bought myself a hairsystem and im not bald anymore. Yes its expensive but when you lose hair at 19 like I did, its worth it to invest..



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if you dont care like you say, why are you even on this website?... such bs

as i said before i like my image, i play guitar, i wear cool clothes, i try to at cool, hair loss doesnt suit this personality i have...I like to be attractive even though i dont care much for sex...its not weird is it

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I don't fully understand the anger towards posters who reference good looking bald guys like Statham and Vin Diesel as motivational tools. It's like men think they were perfect 10's and then their balding head turned them into Igors. The science of beauty and attractiveness is principally about symmetry. Imagine a line down the center of your face. The more one side looks like the other, the more attractive you are probably perceived. If you don't have it, then you haven't had it from Day 1, and no amount of hair is going to turn you into Leonardo DiCaprio. Conversely, if you do have it, it doesn't matter what hairstyle you're rocking, people are going to naturally gravitate towards you. Obviously there are other smaller factors that come into play, like height, weight, smell, and personality, but in general looks boils down to facial symmetry and what kind of hand you were dealt.

And if you're wondering, yeah, I'm an ugly, asymmetrical SOB, but I don't feel the need to scour the internet and **** on every attempt at a positive post I see.

BS!!! this pic proves it! Only way to look good somewhat bald is to be a vin disel, willis, muscle guy type
