I feel sub human


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i feel sub human because of my hairloss,the strange thing is every other balding bloke i see i never see them as sub human,in fact i admire them because some don't seem to let it get them down,maybe it is because i don't really care about their hairloss,when i first started losing my hair ,the first thing that bothered me was ,what will people think,that now does not bother me,the only persons opinion that counts is mine and i now have the self esteem of a pet rat,i know the true test of a man is how he deals with things when the chips are down and that is true,but i have been through things most people on here would not recover from nothing to do with hairloss,and i won't mention them because jayman will think i am lying,but i think there is an achilles heel in everyone and this is mine something that beats you and finishes you really.

i drove along the street today and saw a guy who lives around myarea
he is in a wheel chair has nothing going for him,mentally handicapped,bald
but he was smiling and having the time of his life and for a split second i wanted to swap places with him,and i'll tell you why,he looks at the world with joy because he knows no better ,i wish i was like that,and i would like him to have my body,because he would do more with it because my mind is gone,that is why i feel sub human


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antoni - you'll be OK my friend. you just need to readjust your priorties. We'd all love to have full luxurious heads of hair - but in the final analysis there are many more important things in life.

deal w/ your hair the best you can - but get on w/ your life.

pick a goal (non-hair related) and work towards it.

begin w/ getting happy :)


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You can get crippled easily if you pay a bunch of guys to get severely beaten. Or you can jump face down from the balcony, and achieve at the same time the mental impairment, which wasn't that far in the first place

Quick steps to happiness.


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I know you feel your inferior to Jayman, that's almost certain. :lol:


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I could take Jayman any day.