i dont know what this means


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Im 23 and i started lossing my hair around a year ago. Its only on my right temple, its not that bad yet. When it first started, my whole scalp was hurting bad. I started taking finpecia for about 4 months and i still had pains on my scalp and i had the sides too. My sexual desires went down a whole lot. Well, i was running out so the last couple of weeks, i was cutting them up so i can make them last. I switched over to the 5mg fincar and the first 2 days i had minor sides and then nothing. My sexual drive went back to normal and and i have no more pains on my scalp. So my question is does one of these 2 types of meds that ive taken sound fake to you? Im just surprised i dont have any sides now that im taking 1.25mg which is higher than the old one i was taking which was 1mg. But now my scalp doesnt hurt anymore. im just confused


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It quite possibly means that your body finally got used to the change in hormones in your body and it's starting to work. The fact that the itch went away makes me think that you're responding to it.

Here's what you do. Take some pictured now of your crown and hairline so you have a baseline to refer to. Take pictures 2 months from now, and then again 4 months and 6 months from now. If you've maintained, then it's working. If you've regrown, then it's working.


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Rawtashk said:
It quite possibly means that your body finally got used to the change in hormones in your body and it's starting to work. The fact that the itch went away makes me think that you're responding to it.

Here's what you do. Take some pictured now of your crown and hairline so you have a baseline to refer to. Take pictures 2 months from now, and then again 4 months and 6 months from now. If you've maintained, then it's working. If you've regrown, then it's working.

Oh thanks, but do you think itll be a good idea to take the full 5mg pill for a couple of days to try to get some sides from it to know its legit? I just dont wanna wast a couple of months taking something that could be fake when I could be taking the real stuff.