I dont go to the gym anymore


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hairguync1 said:
my hairloss has destroyed my will to go to the gym. whats the point?

The point is to stay healthy. Hairloss is not harming you directly - but by surrendering to your low self-esteem, you'll wither away both physically and mentally. Indeed, you're suffering defeat at your own hand. If you're OK with that weakness, then shut yourself in your house or apartment and isolate yourself from society. If you're not, then go to the gym and keep living life normally.


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Get back to the gym ffs :roll:

Build a greek god body and forget the hair (Well this is my goal though :D )


why are you not going anymore? are you shy because of your hairloss or what? i'm sure in that gym are alot of bald guys...


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Im sure when your workin out your hair will be one of the last things people will be looking at.. Infact most people will be pushing themselves so hard they won't even see you unless your on the machine they want...


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dude, put on a hat.. get your *** back in the gym.

getting out of shape will make matters worse.


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Get back and exercise, I'm not letting my balding keep me from working out.


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Seriously, the thinning hair is double the reason to hit the gym. Get down there!

Chiseled + Bald = Hot
Flabby + Bald = Not so much


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jakeb said:
Seriously, the thinning hair is double the reason to hit the gym. Get down there!

Chiseled + Bald = Hot
Flabby + Bald = Not so much

Exactly. You have to make the most of what you have. If you're gonna be bald, at least try to be a healthy person. If you're fat/out of shape and bald you will be a hell of a lot more depressed than if you have a great body with a bald head.


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I've been there, but my situation was not been able to attend college, where yours is the gym. There must be at least 5 bald guy working out at any one time in my gym, ffs I'm thinning rapidly and in less than a year I'll be bald as a babys *** (before I finish college) so I am working extra hard to have a great body before I lose it all.

No one you meet out notices or gives a crap about your baldness, its all in your head. Think about this, when you had a full head of hair how often did you stop and think about some bald stranger passing you on the street, bus or at a bar? The answer is never. The only people who'll probably mention it is family or people you havent seen since high school who'll notice the difference in your appearance, the same way you'd notice a buddy from high school who packed on 200lbs since you seen him last.

You've gotta stop this hairloss bullshit getting you down and do something productive with your life.


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Nice words googler.

I shaved my hair today with a #4 comb and i watched even better the thining on my head compared when i woke up with most of my hair.

I also noticed my head looks like it´s oval shapped and thus i´m not going to be able to pull that bald look like Vin Diesel.

But not going to the gym will be like someone has taken something off me...it´s better to be muscley with an oval bald shapped head than a skinny basterd with an oval bald shapped head


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Keeping a hot body is the way to go, for sure.

However, doesn't weight bearing excercise increase testosterone levels, and therefore make hair loss worse? I heard intense aerobic excercise has the opposite effect, so i might try alternating to keep myself fit and muscly... and not too bald :p


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Aerobics is the way to go. Not the overly macho man, muscle bound thing, but the tone, in shape sexy route. I suppose it all depends on your body type, but I hit the track and do a couple miles, stick some ear phones in my ear and run the stress out of me. I only think about my next lap. And when I'm finished, I actually feel great and I never sleep better. Still, it's no cure and after all is said and done, I'm just a depressed, balding man that's in shape. Kind of like buying a sweater becasue you're down (to cheer you up). In the end, you're just a depressed person with a new sweater. Point is, the respite for some eustress will counter the stress for a stretch... that's all.


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GoodGuy said:
why are you not going anymore? are you shy because of your hairloss or what? i'm sure in that gym are alot of bald guys...

Tons. Lots of bandanas, including myself. :)

No one cares.


My Regimen
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One notable pattern I have noticed in people resurrecting these 15 year old threads is seeing how the Blackpill transcends time. What was applicable in 2006 is applicable in 2021 and will be applicable in 2050.

In other words, it's over.


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My Regimen
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One notable pattern I have noticed in people resurrecting these 15 year old threads is seeing how the Blackpill transcends time. What was applicable in 2006 is applicable in 2021 and will be applicable in 2050.

In other words, it's over.
The blackpill existed forever but women were not as free back then. If you were ugly you still had a shot because women didn't have limitless options. They had to go seek men. Now men just fall over eachother for them. You think women will ever settle for a bald man? Short man? Ugly man? No.

I listen to fresh and fit podcast where they ask women stuff like what they look for. The answer is universally the same:

6 figures
6 inches

If you don't have those 3 you are not in the top 5% by default.

About 15% of men are 6ft or taller. I would say about 20% of tall men make 6 figures (tall people make more money), and not sure where 6 is in inches but seems average so I'll ignore it.

But less than 5% of men are getting a majority of women. This isn't even factoring baldness, ugly face, race, overweight.

And the crazy thing is, these women consider themselves the prize. The reality is the guys they all want are rare and are the real prize.

Truth is, there is an abundance of attractive women. And even the unattractive ones are in their predicament because of obesity and if they wanted to could change. If every woman was healthy weight you would have even more hypergamy. Women also have makeup to fix their face.

Men? You get nothing.

Bald? Only prevention that hardly works and risky surgery that won't give full coverage.

Short? Aside from very expensive and painful limb lengthening surgery, you have no options. Not even sure if the surgery will deform you either.

Small dick? Again, extremely dangerous surgery.

Bad face? Surgery.

Race? Nothing you can do.

Low IQ? Nothing you can do.

It's all genetic for men.