I cried today


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I was sick of having my hair thinning and noticeable. I took the plunge and shaved it all off with a clipper. My crown is completely bald and my back is the only portion with hair. The sides have receded and the hair takes months to grow. I'm so depressed and feel like sh*t. I'm only 22 years old and im already a nw5 - nw6. My hair was the only thing going for me. I'm not good looking, handsome or anything of that matter. A girl has never liked me or ever been attracted to me. I only had one gf and that was back in preschool. I don't like the shaved look either, my head is rather large and it just doesn't look good. My sister and mother ridiculed me about it. I don't know what to do. I have nothing going for me. I'm doing poorly in school, lost my job, no social life. I have no self esteem or confidence and I never go out without wearing a hat. Someone please help me.


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I feel your pain dude! I don´t really know what helps in these kinds of situations, I guess a lot of us on here find ourselves there rather often... You´ll hear the whole "hit the gym" talk, and yeah sure that can be part of it.. For me there´ll never be anything that can compensate for hair. But try to focus on changing inside perhaps... Fill your head, become good at something... Change your focus.. It´s better to be a bald guy who´s got something going on, whether it´s a job or a hobby, or just a killer wit, than being a bald guy who just sits at home and gets fat... Not being hypocritical here, can´t always see this myself. But try to focus on possibilities rather than restrictions :)


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NW6 @ 22 damn that's rough. And I get frustrated with a NW2 receding hairline.

Anyway I know you're not going to want to hear this but your only option is to shave your head (which you already have done) and get ripped. I also hope you're tall. Also finishing school and making a lot of money won't hurt either.

You're going to have to put off getting girls for awhile until you work on your body/career. Either date fat girls or use hookers for now.


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HairLoss916 said:
NW6 @ 22 damn that's rough.

You're going to have to put off getting girls for awhile until you work on your body/career. Either date fat girls or use hookers for now.

:smack: :roll: :doh:


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Hey man,

I am sorry to hear of your situation. I might be going against the grain with this advice but maybe you should try a wig because hair transplants and treatments will never get you back to a decent head of hair as you have aggressive hairloss. If it doesnt suit take it off and hell it might look awesome.

Worth a try, if I was in your situation I would give it a shot. Who gives a sh@t what people think if it makes you happier and it looks better and real.

Goodluck and thankfully there is more to life than hair... even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it.


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damn, I remember shaving mine off, hating it, and looking in the mirror each day trying to see how much it had grown by.

Are you slick or do you have any "fuzz" left? Have you tried concealers like Toppik?


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I've been there, i had nothing with girls untill 25 and lost a huge deal of my hair, was like nw3 at that time... now im sporting the hottest girl in my class, its not about hair, its about will and confidence.
man up, stop crying and feeling sorry for yourself, analyze what makes you unhappy, change what you can change and learn to live with what you cant.


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Get off this board and actually talk to someone about your feelings, not some e-psychologist who's problems are ten times worse.


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Seriously. No one wants to go bald but once it happens there's nothing you can do about it, you're just going to have to move on. Shave/buzz it regularly and don't wear hats and ignore any comments made about it.


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Well at 22 you can't have been balding long. Have you tried rogain and propecia they might just give you a reasonable amount of hair back if your lucky, and then you could use hair concealers to give the gains some volume that would perhaps make your hair look some what acceptabe.

If there not options i would suggest finding something your passionate about and work on it to give you the confidence you need to not be so bummed out by hairloss. If hairloss is effecting your life to the point were you can't do anything without feeling misserable then you can always see a doctor and get theraphy or medication to help deal with situation until you've got your life back together. Im on anti depressants (not for hairloss) and dont feel as bothered about it anymore. Im now enjoying the passions of a career. Something i couldn't do when i was depressed. Maybe you could do something similair to boost your confidence and then there's getting a really good hair peice when you have the money if you still want hair, just a thought.


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HairLoss916 said:
NW6 @ 22 damn that's rough. And I get frustrated with a NW2 receding hairline.

You're going to have to put off getting girls for awhile until you work on your body/career. Either date fat girls or use hookers for now.

You're either an insensitive imbecile or just a troll, but either way If that's the best advice you can give, then please do yourself a favour a g.t.f.o this forum. :smack: :doh:


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Not agreeing with him but it sure gonna get a bit harder.. but hey, nothing like a little challenge to boost your ego when you win as an underdog ;)

work on your body, facial skin and keep a good vibe, and i say this alot : dont aim for the slutty club girls, these b****s only go for looks and money, there are many hot and nice girls to choose from who will go with you regardless of your hair or lack of it.


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It's no shame to cry but it won't help much either.

We all know how you feel and we all know that hair loss sucks but you HAVE to move on with your life.

If it really bothers you, wear a hat when you go outside.

Don't try surgery, it's too risky but do some research on the latest techniques and treatments. Being well informed is always a good thing.

And if you're feeling down or depressed, HairLossTalk.com is always here to help you.


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follicle84 said:
Well at 22 you can't have been balding long. Have you tried rogain and propecia they might just give you a reasonable amount of hair back if your lucky, and then you could use hair concealers to give the gains some volume that would perhaps make your hair look some what acceptabe.

If there not options i would suggest finding something your passionate about and work on it to give you the confidence you need to not be so bummed out by hairloss. [...]

Well said!

uncomfortable man

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I understand..... sometimes all you can do is cry. I wouldn't seek the advice of most of the people on these boards as they have no idea what it is like to be bald.... if in fact YOU are even bald. Pardon my skepticism, but there are plenty of people who come hear saying that they are bald when in reality they only have a receeding hairline. A picture would go a long way to prove your disposition.


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uncomfortable man said:
I understand..... sometimes all you can do is cry. I wouldn't seek the advice of most of the people on these boards as they have no idea what it is like to be bald.... if in fact YOU are even bald. Pardon my skepticism, but there are plenty of people who come hear saying that they are bald when in reality they only have a receeding hairline. A picture would go a long way to prove your disposition.

UCMan, you can't say that. You will now be a target here because you dared make this claim hah.


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Ori83 said:
work on your body, facial skin .

Can I have some advice on looking after facial skin? I currently use an anti-aging serum and retinol on my face; I exfoliate as well. What do you do mate?


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person said:
Can I have some advice on looking after facial skin? I currently use an anti-aging serum and retinol on my face; I exfoliate as well. What do you do mate?

Good basic skin care is much the same for everyone and is quite easy, especially if you're young.

The essentials are generally regarded as:
Don't smoke.
Use sun screen when in the sun.
Avoid most bar soaps.

Beneficial optionals for men:
Use a moisturiser after shaving with a good SPF rating.
Use a skin cleanser / face scrub about once a week (you can use a gentle scrub more regularly, some even daily).

Here are some handy links to mens products which should give you an idea about the kinds of products available:

uncomfortable man

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GeminiX said:
person said:
Can I have some advice on looking after facial skin? I currently use an anti-aging serum and retinol on my face; I exfoliate as well. What do you do mate?

Good basic skin care is much the same for everyone and is quite easy, especially if you're young.

The essentials are generally regarded as:
Don't smoke.
Use sun screen when in the sun.
Avoid most bar soaps.

Beneficial optionals for men:
Use a moisturiser after shaving with a good SPF rating.
Use a skin cleanser / face scrub about once a week (you can use a gentle scrub more regularly, some even daily).

Here are some handy links to mens products which should give you an idea about the kinds of products available:

..... And don't forget the jizz. HAPPY NEW YEAR HairLossTalk.com! HERES TO TWENTY MORE YEARS OF MISSERY!!!!!
:fun: :beer:


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uncomfortable man said:
GeminiX said:
person said:
Can I have some advice on looking after facial skin? I currently use an anti-aging serum and retinol on my face; I exfoliate as well. What do you do mate?

Good basic skin care is much the same for everyone and is quite easy, especially if you're young.

The essentials are generally regarded as:
Don't smoke.
Use sun screen when in the sun.
Avoid most bar soaps.

Beneficial optionals for men:
Use a moisturiser after shaving with a good SPF rating.
Use a skin cleanser / face scrub about once a week (you can use a gentle scrub more regularly, some even daily).

Here are some handy links to mens products which should give you an idea about the kinds of products available:

..... And don't forget the jizz. HAPPY NEW YEAR HairLossTalk.com! HERES TO TWENTY MORE YEARS OF MISSERY!!!!!
:fun: :beer:


Happy new year to you too, you seem to be more positive lately :)