I Am 23, Losing My Hair Please Diagnostic


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Hello all.

I am losing my hair, they are thickening, loosing like 50 a day, they are loosing their color.
The horrible thing is that i can count them and they are spaced when i get close to the mirror.

People are often looking at the top left of my head.

Please, should i worry or begin finasteride?

Pics: https://imgur.com/a/tlIxO

Other pics one month ago in september if needed https://imgur.com/a/23iz5



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Commence Finasteride si tu veux, mais clairement c'est pas dramatique, t'as rien perdu ...

Nothing to worry ... you can try finasteride but still not sure you're receding.


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On average you lose 100 hairs a day. I doubt you're balding, just maturing like you'd expect at 23


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But I can see spaces between each hair, that is the thing that effrays me.

Your hair will naturally thin with age, thats unavoidable. Its likely those spaces have always been there though - no one has a solid hairline with no gaps. Like a lot of us once that 'oh sh*t I'm balding' moment hit us, you scrutinise your hairline to point of fabricating what isn't there.

Take another set of pictures like those ones in 12 months and that will tell you all you need to know. Take it easy dude


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Hair looks great to me . A lot better than mine and some forumers argue that I'm not balding . I am btw


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Your hair will naturally thin with age, thats unavoidable. Its likely those spaces have always been there though - no one has a solid hairline with no gaps. Like a lot of us once that 'oh sh*t I'm balding' moment hit us, you scrutinise your hairline to point of fabricating what isn't there.

Take another set of pictures like those ones in 12 months and that will tell you all you need to know. Take it easy dude
Thanks for the answer !! +

g.i joey

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definitely experiencing some thinning up front... are you willing to give finasteride a try?


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Can someone give me a projection of how i'm going to bald and if i'll be able to keep a decent hairline until having 30 years old?


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Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine how fast you'll go bald... It might take 5, 10 years or maybe even last til you die. It is random for everyone. You've got great hair, starting Big Three could make you keep your hair for a lot longer than 30. If you are worried about your hair, I recommend Minoxidil and Nizoral but keep in mind these treatments have to be used for a lifetime (or as long as you want to keep the gains).

I personally think that Finasteride should be considered before anything else, because it is significantly more important than Minoxidil in my opinion.

You can read more about treatments at the Men's solution section on this Website. Best of luck bro :)


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Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine how fast you'll go bald... It might take 5, 10 years or maybe even last til you die. It is random for everyone. You've got great hair, starting Big Three could make you keep your hair for a lot longer than 30. If you are worried about your hair, I recommend Minoxidil and Nizoral but keep in mind these treatments have to be used for a lifetime (or as long as you want to keep the gains).

I personally think that Finasteride should be considered before anything else, because it is significantly more important than Minoxidil in my opinion.

You can read more about treatments at the Men's solution section on this Website. Best of luck bro :)
Thanks for your answer !
What is Big three? Fina will only stop the loss no? I am loosing 20 hair/day


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Thanks for your answer !
What is Big three? Fina will only stop the loss no? I am loosing 20 hair/day

Lol man 20 hairs/day is nothing. I am only 18 and I used to lose maybe 100/day before I started using Minoxidil, now I only lose about the same amount as you :) It is normal to lose up to about 50 hairs in my opinion.

Big Three = Minoxidl, Finasteride & Nizoral Shampoo (Contains the active ingredient called Ketoconazole 1% or 2%). Minoxidil, when using properly is supposed to grow out thicker strands/new hair. Finasteride should stop the hair loss although it is also possible for it to regrow new hairs. Ketoconozale isn't as strong as finasteride and minoxidil, but works very good aswell. It reduces itching and can also thicken your hair if I have understood it correctly.It is called the big three due to its effectivity when combined together.

You can read about many success stories regarding this Regime at the ''Success Stories'' section :)
But you also have to understand that there are sides with all these treatments. Some aren't as dangerous as others. I do not believe that neither minoxidil or Keto has any negative side effects, but that might be biased due to the fact that I haven't experienced any. Finasteride has side effects for some, while it doesn't for others. I think studies show that about 5% experience sides, which can disappear when discontinuing Finasteride.


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Lol man 20 hairs/day is nothing. I am only 18 and I used to lose maybe 100/day before I started using Minoxidil, now I only lose about the same amount as you :) It is normal to lose up to about 50 hairs in my opinion.

Big Three = Minoxidl, Finasteride & Nizoral Shampoo (Contains the active ingredient called Ketoconazole 1% or 2%). Minoxidil, when using properly is supposed to grow out thicker strands/new hair. Finasteride should stop the hair loss although it is also possible for it to regrow new hairs. Ketoconozale isn't as strong as finasteride and minoxidil, but works very good aswell. It reduces itching and can also thicken your hair if I have understood it correctly.It is called the big three due to its effectivity when combined together.

You can read about many success stories regarding this Regime at the ''Success Stories'' section :)
But you also have to understand that there are sides with all these treatments. Some aren't as dangerous as others. I do not believe that neither minoxidil or Keto has any negative side effects, but that might be biased due to the fact that I haven't experienced any. Finasteride has side effects for some, while it doesn't for others. I think studies show that about 5% experience sides, which can disappear when discontinuing Finasteride.
Thanks for the answer !

Should i beggin right now ? Or can i wait ?
So i can't know in which area i'll bald, can't find projection?


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Thanks for the answer !

Should i beggin right now ? Or can i wait ?
So i can't know in which area i'll bald, can't find projection?

That's correct no one can tell when/how fast you'll bald. You may stay as you are now for years or continue to recede. I stayed norwood 2 to 2.5 for a long time. It does look like you've got signs of hair miniaturization, so do your research on the big three and decide for yourself if you want take precautions or just observe if it gets worse.


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Thanks for the answer !

Should i beggin right now ? Or can i wait ?
So i can't know in which area i'll bald, can't find projection?

If I were you I'd carefully read about the treatments. Is your hair really that important to you? If it is, I'd start. But understand that this is a lifelong commitment and understand the possible side effects that can come with it and how to deal with them.

If there are good dermatologists in France, I'd def. recommend for you to go visit one. (Assuming you live there).


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But I can see spaces between each hair, that is the thing that effrays me.
Hey bro! That exactly is my problem too... Hair density looks like sh*t from up close. If i stand directly under light my scalp is visible through my hair like roadways, highways.


You are not alone bro.... This spacing between hairs thing, scares the sh*t out of me..