How to get exposed forehead look with long hair in central parting, vs the 'straight down' look?


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Alright, so I've just received my second custom hair system, which is approx 10 - 12 inches long as I wear my hair in the long haired 'rock musician' sort of look. It's in a central parting (or more precise, a central break, which I requested for my second custom order). I'm happy with the quality of the system, I really can't complain.

However, one thing I'm trying to figure out, though, is the shape of the way the hair flows at the front. At the moment it is sort of 'v shaped' like in this pic, with quite a lot of hair flowing at the front:


However, I've noticed that some guys who wear their long hair in a central parting manage the have their hair out of the way of their eyes, creating more of an exposed forehead sort of look, even though they still have it in a central parting. It is not a 'v shaped' hairflow, but more rounded. Here are some example photos. How do I get a hair system to have the frontal hairflow shaped more like these? Is it something that needs to be done at the factory in production, or can it be trained and styled this way?



central 2.jpg