How to gain weight without GYM?


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Anyone tried those mass gaining beverages and had success with it?

Help i am oly 50KG at age 24

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Protein shakes work best if you drink them immediately after your workout, and eat a full meal within two hours afterwards. They give your body the proteins needed to build new muscle tissue. On their own they will probably not do much.

Why don't you join a gym? I used to be skinny like you (55kg). You don't need to put in massive hours in a gym with complicated workout programs. Just 3-4 hours a week will do a lot for you. Skinny guys like us will never be huge of course, but we do have the advantage of having naturally low body fat.


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you cant get big from just drinking shakes you need to workout. If you just drink them and dont work out you r body wont use it and it will either turn into fat or you will crap it out.


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Dont be a wimp, go to the gym and workout. Eat lots of protein 150g/day, keep the sugars and fat down ( no soda or fast food ). In a couple years you may look as good as I do ( 6'1", 185, 32 inch waist ) and perhaps bench max 315lbs like I do also.

not me!

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Thinning said:
Dont be a wimp, go to the gym and workout. Eat lots of protein 150g/day, keep the sugars and fat down ( no soda or fast food ). In a couple years you may look as good as I do ( 6'1", 185, 32 inch waist ) and perhaps bench max 315lbs like I do also.

Haha. Ego much?

Anyway, when I was at my biggest I was 185. That may be slim and trim for someone 6'1" but I am 5'7". I was also putting up 315 (bar with 6 plates) 5 reps.

I don't think I want to be that big again, though. I'm down to 168. I may bulk back up to around 190 this winter to slim down to 175 or so for next summer. At 168, though, I must say that its' just about perfect for someone my height.


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Yea look into what social_drinker is talking about. Bulking and cutting. You put on a lot of weight while lifting then trim it down. Has worked great for me in the past.

not me!

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Yeah, it works but you HAVE to be disciplined. There is no "oh I dont feel like it today" crap. It takes a load of dedication.


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i want to have a good body, but not like all muscled up, just like a regular, nice chest and arms, and some abs even though not 6 pax, how much do i need to workout ? i weigh 140lbs age 18

not me!

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Wezz said:
i want to have a good body, but not like all muscled up, just like a regular, nice chest and arms, and some abs even though not 6 pax, how much do i need to workout ? i weigh 140lbs age 18

I hear this all the time. Get in the gym and move some weight around. Just like the above poster said (I forgot who) go to and check out some of the routines they have. You are definitely not going to suddenly become "muscled up" without knowing so have no fear :lol: Just listen to your body. You will know what works for you and what doesnt within a couple of weeks of hitting the gym with GOOD NUTRITION, GOOD TECHNIQUE, and DISCIPLINE. Without those three, you're wasting your time.

Brandon Mthson

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I'd say workout and kick ***! I'm 25 and have worked out on and off for the past 9 years. I always feel ENORMOUSLY better in the periods when I'm working out hard.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was really into the zen of weight-lifting ever since he was young, and he talks about the sense of discipline he gained from it, and the results he's had in other areas of his life from that discipline.

His advice on weight-lifting, put into one sentence, would probably be that you're doing an experiment on yourself, continually seeing what works best for the muscle group you're working at the moment. Through my nine years I've continued to learn (even now), and I've been able to make my work out ever more effective.

Get simple weights for home use if you don't want to go to the gym. Or at the least do push ups at home and lift chairs and things ;) I've done all three at different times. Work out as hard as you can, but be careful not to injure yourself, and workout again as soon as you're no longer sore at all. Trust your body.

</end good-natured speech> :D

Brandon Mthson

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But to answer your question of gaining weight without working out, I do think increased protein intake could have an effect. In general, it definitely seems like guys who eat a lot of red meat have heavier builds than most vegetarians.

Work-out nutritionists say consuming protein every 2 hours or so keeps your body in an anabolic state in which it builds more muscle. If you're not overly physically active, in order to do this you may need to reduce your meal size considerably. I think that could be a good thing: eating less is associated with longer lives in lab mice (though that's referring to total calorie intake).