how to apply spironolactone?


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juz received the dr.lee 2% spironolactone last week and start applying it once a day, usually i take night shower.

1) Is it ok to apply spironolactone while the hairs are wet ?

2) How do I measure 1ml of spironolactone in those bottles ? o_O

finally, i got to say the smell of spironolactone is kinda unpleasant but wasnt as bad as people described in this forum! I apply minoxidil 30 mins after spironolactone and the smell are at acceptable. Specially when you think the trade off is getting ur hair back, it is definitly worthwhile.

The smell remind me of some dishes of chinese mushroom...


Senior Member
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It is ok to apply the spironolactone when the hair is damp, but not soping wet.

Impossible to measure 1ml, but that dabber bottle is awesome for applications.


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The 2% stinks worse than the 5% when combined with minoxidil. i noticed it the most when i exercised


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Does anyone take the dabber part off and just use a dropper? My hair on top is still pretty thick and it is hard to get it in there.