How safe is Rogaine? I'm undecided on whether to start.


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I have diffuse thinning, noticeably in the front. While Rogaine isn't advertised for that area (I don't have a vertex problem.), I bought some Rogaine Foam. However, I haven't been able to bring myself to use it more than once. That one time, I experience rapid heartbeat, but I don't know whether it was really the Rogaine or my existing anxiety problem, since I knew of the side effects and my mind might have created them. However, the reported side effects of Rogaine scare me. Has there ever been a study to see what effect it has on the body in the long term? I keep telling myself that at least it's just a topical product. And I'm also concerned about how badly I would shed.

I used Propecia for awhile, then switched to Avodart, back in 2003, I think. I developed painful urinary problems, which subsided when I stopped the Avodart. My hair, which had started to thin a little, seemed to remain stagnant for years after that, although I don't know whether to attribute that to taking Propecia and then Avodart for a year, combined. But between July and October 2007, I started experiencing aggressive thinning in the front, and it has continued. I'm afraid to start Propecia again because of the urinary problems I had last time, even though Avodart might have been more the culprit. I thought about Rogaine, since at least I'd be doing something, but that worries me, too. I'd rather be healthy and have thin hair than the reverse. I only use Nizoral now, since I bought it with the Rogaine, although I can't imagine it would do much on its own despite that one study suggesting it can.

All advice is appreciated.


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if you want your hair bad enough you do not care if it is safe
you just use it


Established Member
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i think most of people dont have any side effects using rogaine. and if they do, probably it isnt serious at all and they go away once you stop rogaine.


Established Member
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only sides i've heard of are increased heart rate and water retention. Water retention usually only happens on rogaine foam..and increased heart rate is very rare. Try it out, and if u get sides, then quit.


I get water retention from liquid minoxidil ,so i dont know what your on about.