How old are you?


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FullHeadOf Hair, I did a similar poll like this not too long ago. Problem is, I'm not able to find it at the moment but will post the link when I find it. The part I do find interesting is your question about age. I'm 41 and have never felt better in my life:)

Full Head of Hair

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Yeah, I didn't want to make any repeat polls, but oh well. I just think its interesting to find out generally how well everybody is doing with their treatments and if age has a great effect. Also, how soon people started treating their hair loss after they realized what was going on.


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You know what, your poll has a different slant than the one that did. I asked how old folks were when they started noticing that they were losing their hair. You, however, are interested at what age folks started being proactive about it:) I'm watching this one:)

I wish that I had been more proactive when I first noticed that I was losing my hair. Oh well, you live, you learn:)


im 19 nearly 20. Started lasercomb about 6weeks ago and had some progress. Just a slight regression at the sides of my hairline but im trying to control it as much as possible. Also using rev shampoo tricomin conditioner and spray.
As for people getting depressed about this. I do agree with stax reply to that other guy that was posting about how much he hates his parents for male pattern baldness. If that’s all that you’ve got wrong with yourself then you better start getting back into the real world. ITS ONLY HAIR! I mean I’ve had friends and relatives die of various diseases and they would of given anything to live the rest of their lives bald than die, especially if your young. Most guys look alrite with shaved heads anyway, and a lot of women like guys with shaved heads anyway. Also the technology which is on the horizon will eliminate this problem within the next 10 years or so anyway.
When you grow up and look back on how you let hairloss eat up your life, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Good luck!


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s1m0n said:
im 19 nearly 20. Started lasercomb about 6weeks ago and had some progress. Just a slight regression at the sides of my hairline but im trying to control it as much as possible. Also using rev shampoo tricomin conditioner and spray.
As for people getting depressed about this. I do agree with stax reply to that other guy that was posting about how much he hates his parents for male pattern baldness. If that’s all that you’ve got wrong with yourself then you better start getting back into the real world. ITS ONLY HAIR! I mean I’ve had friends and relatives die of various diseases and they would of given anything to live the rest of their lives bald than die, especially if your young. Most guys look alrite with shaved heads anyway, and a lot of women like guys with shaved heads anyway. Also the technology which is on the horizon will eliminate this problem within the next 10 years or so anyway.
When you grow up and look back on how you let hairloss eat up your life, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
Good luck!

true, true.


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im 19... started on propecia and minodixooidl (lol i dunno how to spell it) just a few days ago - one of the smartest decisions ive ever made to ACTUALLY GET ROUND TO HELPING MYSELF instead of drowning in my own sorrow

hairs been going wrong since early teens but i didnt really get round to noticing it till i was 15. It sucks that ive spent my entire teens in intense depression. But you know what? ive had enough complaining - time to fight back

Full Head of Hair

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Good attitude. :D


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26 yrs old, started thinning ~23, started treatment a little over 4 months ago

not me!

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everysixseconds said:
stax said:
everysixseconds, your not going to have kids becuase your afraid your going to pass male pattern baldness down to them? Dude get off these forums NOW and see a fuken Psychiatrist ASAP!!!

You hate your parents because they had you and you inherited male pattern baldness from them? Would you rather not have been born? Is it their fault you fuken dumbass idiot. You are one weak individual and reading your post just got me really pissed off. Your lucky they had you and gave you life. You make me sick. Some parent hate and abuse their children and sexually abuse their children and you sitting here saying you hate your parents becuase of you've got male pattern baldness?

Get on Propecia, minoxidil, nizoral, and shut up and dont post your stupid ignorant comments on here. We dont need to hear about that stupid immature sh*t here. You should be ashamed of your self man.

Besides the point there will be a cure or some permanent treatment out in 10 years MAX so dont worry about your kids inheriring male pattern baldness from you. You probabbly wont even have kids yet when something does come out.

But seriously kid you need to see a psychiatrist becuase you've got issues.Your lucky your healthy and weren't born with a disease or something. Your lucky you've got a roof over your head and your not starving like those poor kids in Samalia so dont ever say you hate your parents for something stupid like inheriting male pattern baldness from them. You think they chose for you to have male pattern baldness?

Someone should kick this idiot off this forum. He's a disgrace. You should be helping out your parents in their old age like they took care of you when you were a baby. Not saying you hate them.

There always has to be some wierdo floatin around on these forums :wink:


sorry, but i find that quite amusing! sorry, i know,i shouldnt laugh. ok. be serious.


well, you see i hate them (well my dad mostly - not my mum) not just for male pattern baldness and acne, but the picture is a lot bigger than that. trust me, if you were in my shoes you wouldnt exactly be the happiest child (with male pattern baldness!) in the world either.
i hate my dad cos he always puts me down, and he's a very strict guy (used to hit me when i was a kid fr the slightest wrong) and he swears at me and jumps on every opportunity to make me feel more shitty - generally we have a very crap relationship - it saddens him when he sees me - i can see it in his eyes. and plus they both blame ME for causing my own hairloss by sayin i used to apply gels and wax on my hair when the told me not too (they're very old school man). THEY BLAME ME FOR THE sh*t THEY PUTTING ME THROUGH. THEY SAY CAUSE MY OWN ACNE BY DRINKING COKE AND EATING BURGERS!! LOL! i do not. im generally a very healthy person if you take away the acne and male pattern baldness. if only they admitted it was their genes that are the cause of my problems, and understood that all the dimensions in which this affects me (relationships etc.). i dont want them to apologetic. just understand. my dad is so arrogant, he wont even entertain the idea thatit was his genes.

for the past 8 years since i was 11, right, ive had fuckin god-awful acne which really drove my confidence to the ground, now male pattern baldness is just takin it to sub-ground levels. and they offer me no support, they are so out of touch.

and hey, yes i am lucky i wasnt born in ethiopia with nothing to eat but grass. but its all f*****g relative at the end of the day. at least in ethiopia id have the will to survive, whereas here sometimes, a couple of years ago, i was contemplating suicide. what the f***!

yes, i do have serious psychological issues. and maybe i do have an immature views. but im fuckin 18. its my right.

anyway, its a new day tomorrow. be happy. im truly sorry if my post caused any offence. but its the truth.


You whiny little girl. If I was your dad I'd probably smack you around a bit too, just for good measure. You say its your "right" to have immature views at 18? Pfft. Grow up, boy.

Oh, by the way and back to topic, I'm 26. Started thinning at 17 (though I never cried about it like this little girl does). Was a NW4+ by 25. Thanks to the regimen I started at 25 and a recent hair transplant my hairline is back to a NW1-ish and my crown is thickening back up nicely. STICK WITH YOUR REGIMEN, GUYS - THE sh*t WORKS!


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26 yrs old, started diffuse thinning in just a couple of months but is going really fast. 1 year ago, I had thick hair and a perfectly normal hairline.


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28- Started treatment at age of 22 with minoxidil 2%.

Started propecia at 24
Started Nizoral at 26.

very good. I would be bald if it wasn't these treatments

Propecia 1 day
Nizoral 3times week
minoxidil 5% 1 a day [in front baseline and not to much]

Side efects: girls still think i'm atractive- other- zero


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I'm 23. Started treatment when I was 22.

It sucks heaps to lose hair. I look at people who are fat and think, you can lose that weight easy to make yourself look better. But stoping hairloss or growing it back or even surgery is so hard and may not even work. At least you know if you don't eat you will stop being fat. Now thats a fact.

I have only just started minoxidil within the last month or so. Haven't noticed any increase in shedding at all. I think my hair loss is very unique, I do not have a receding head line, I have got very thin hair at the front and very very thin hair on my sides. My sides are the worst. Not much hair on my sides at all. Very strange. I can still pull off having hair, but when I wake up in the morning it looks terrible, and when I went home with some chick the other night first thing I did when I got up was go the bathroom and try and fix my hair. Was not successful and no matter how hard I tried to push my hair down to cover my bald patches it just didn't stick. So rushed back into the room and made up an excuse that I had to leave and got the hell outta there.

I now take so much notice of other guys hair. Never gave it a second thought when I wasn't losing my hair. I know sunbed all the time because I know one day I'll have to shave it and I'm not looking forward to that day. I know I will not look good with a shaved head.

Thats enought of my bitching for one night, later all.


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^ souds like we r living parallel lives especially with the girl thats exactly the kind of thing id do


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Hey guys, it's been a while. Anyway, I'm soon to be 27, and I've been treating my hairloss for about three years. I don't post here much these days because I think I'm doing all right with my regimen. My hair looks pretty good in my opinion. Let's hope it stays that way, huh?


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social_drinker said:
You whiny little girl. If I was your dad I'd probably smack you around a bit too, just for good measure. You say its your "right" to have immature views at 18? Pfft. Grow up, boy.

And if I was your kid, I'd do my best to make your life a living hell. Smacking your kid around does absolutely nothing. People like you deserve to kids like him. The smart dad would try and fix the problem; not like in your case where you're too stupid to figure it out.


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beating your kids is not nice
kids remember :cry:

im gonna love my kids....


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Full Head of Hair said:
I was just curious how old most of us are. I also want to know how old you were when you started treating your hairloss.

I'm 23, and I went on treatments about 1 month ago :)

I'm 33. I started my treatments within the last 2 years. I'm a Norwood 1.5 to 2. I started my 'very slow' thinning about 10 to 12 years ago.
