How often can french lace with poly back and sides be removed?


My Regimen
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Just wondering how often you could possibly take the system on and off without messing it up

Milo Bloom

My Regimen
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If you use tape on the poly strips and white glue on the lace front, removal is easy and can be done as often as needed. I usually remove after 3 days max with the same configuration. Leaving a piece on for more than a week is grossly unhygienic IMO.


Experienced Member
My Regimen
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Leaving a piece on for more than a week is grossly unhygienic IMO.

Not always true! You'll find that the average time most hair systems wearers leave their system attached is 1 to 3 weeks. I personally detach and reattach on average of every 2 - 2.5 weeks with an all Swiss lace system and it's always been fine. I reckon I could easily get 3 weeks with no hygiene issues. That said, it does depend on how hot the climate you live in is, how much you sweat, how much physical exercise you do etc. You have to find what works for you. 3 weeks is pushing it, and is probably the absolute maximum time anyone should wear at a time, but 2 weeks seems to work fine for me!