How much minoxidil should i use?


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Hello dear comrades in arms against thinner hair!

I´m 24 and new to this forum. I really checked a lot of threats, but don´t find a real answer to my question:
i use rogaine 5% primarily to stop my temples from loosing more hair, but i use it also on the rest of my never know :)
So i often get the impression that the suggested dosage isnt enough for my scalp. So can I use more Rogaine or is it really dangerous for my health etc... as the manual tells?

BTW: I´m loosing hair since I was 15, but I still have most of it left except for my growing temples. I used minoxidil 2% for the period of 1 and a half year without any real result,now i´m trying rogaine 5% for 6 months.

My English seems a bit rusted...apologies from Austria


Depends. If you just want to fill out the temples then .5ml is enough for both temples.

For temples I would use 5% minoxidil and put on .5 ml.


New Member
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thanx for your answer...

so it´s allright if I use more than the amount of 1 ml when treating the rest of my hair?

I mean get the impression from the rogaine-instruction that using too much of it is affecting negatively on the hair growth or is the just speaking of the side effects?

so does it matter if i use more if i think that my scalp isnt getting enough minoxidil from the 1ml dosage?


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The manufacturers would recommend using only 1ml so that, insurance wise, they're covered if somebody uses a large amount of minoxidil and then develops side effects as a result.

If you need to use more than 1ml per application to get sufficient minoxidil on your scalp then that's what you should do.