how many times can a minoxidil shed happen?


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ive been on minoxidil for 6 months now and had a shed when i started lasting a good 2 months or so. for the past 3 weeks ive been shedding again and they are full hairs with the bulb at the bottom.

i switched to a 15% solution maybe 2 months ago but havent used any minoxidil in a week to see if that makes a difference.

any thoughts? yes im using a 5AR inhibitor


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Use normal 5% (Rogaine or Kirkland) and keep your hair short.

My (possibly contentious) theory is that minoxidil shedding is a load of bollocks, basically caused by poor application or shitty products and you can avoid it by making sure you're getting the real deal applied consistently.

Also when you say you're shedding, does your hair actually look visibly worse or are you just unnecessarily stressing out over hairs falling from your head (which is totally normal)? As my sig says, take photos and compare the visual change in your hair. Visual hair fall is zero use as an indication of progress.


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ive been keeping it long lately. ive still got pretty good coverage so i can do that but if it gets a little messed up my scalp shows through.

it hasnt really gotten visibly worse but i went from barely losing any hair and even then they were small weak ones to full length thick hairs.