How Many Times A Month Should I Use 1mm Dermaroller?


My Regimen
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I just ordered my dermaroller,and after reading multiple articles I realized that I wont follow those steps,and the best thing I could do is to ask someone who had success with it here.I have 1mm dermaroller and I was wondering how many times in a month should i use dermaroller,do I need to need to roll it just up and down and should i use minoxidil that same day or after 24 hours?And should i expect shed or not?


My Regimen
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Some say once a week, others every day ... few pretend the best is once every 2 weeks ... you choose :p
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My Regimen
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Opinions seem to vary, but I would say give it a try, test your pain tolerance and see how rapidly your scalp recovers. At 1mm,there should be barely any surface bleeding even if you push quite hard. As mentioned on many threads, stamping is better than rolling due to the needles directly entering the skin surface, as opposed to coming in on a slight angle with a roller. I have been doing 1mm every few days with no issues, but recently questioned whether this depth is enough..