How many people here used the Laser Comb with no results?


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I was just wondering how many people here used the Laser Comb and saw no results? and how long were you using it for?


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And your point stax, is? I dunno, but if the thing didn't work for you, why do you need to keep bringing up negative comments about it? I know that you stated in another post here that you're not trying to do that but EEESH!


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Greg 1 you are one weird individual. Im just trying to see how many people HERE didn't get results from it but the truth is a LOT of people on here either haven't used it for more than 3-4 month's or they haven't used it at all and i dont blame them. But i've done enough researching on other boards to know the answer and it has already been discussed on tons of LC posts.


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The lasercomb is like any other product for hairloss, inconsistent..

Some will see great results, some moderate, some none.

But it has the science and clinical data behind it so i would say the chances are it will work.


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What science does it have to Block/ ihhibit DHT the main cause of hairloss? What science does it have to regrow hair like Minoxidil? Please show me.


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What do you think i am - A librarian?

Go look for it, its out there...Think hairsite has it and it has been posted on this site


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Sorry dont buy it. If it did produce these results it would be FDA approved by now since they submitted their claims a while ago and there is no vivo scientific evidence and proof it does what they claim it does by stimulating adenosine. Also circulation improvment doesn't help with male pattern baldness and no DHT issues were discussed because it has no impact on DHT. That was a really poor journal. Why dont you just by Viviscal? According to their studies and journal's you wont lose anymore hair after 6 month's of use.


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I have used the Lasercomb for almost 3 years. I used it 2-3 times a week for the 1st 2 years and didn't see much improvement. It did make my hair appear thicker for the 24 hours after using it, but overall I was disappointed. I was still losing hair at the pace I had before.

About a year ago, I began the Big 3. I have continued to supplement the Lasercomb once a week (just figuring it is good for the scalp), and I'm still losing the battle. I'm hopeful I'll see a nice turn-around after the 1-year point, but it's tough.

Overall, I'd say the Lasercomb is exactly what it's approved for by the FDA in this country (USA)... it makes hair appear thicker, but from my experience, it does not help hair loss.


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Dont give up dude. It could take a full year to see results from Propecia. I agreee that the laser comb is pretty useless when it comes to male pattern baldness. WHat is your regimen exactly and what strength minoxidil and brand of finasteride are you taking? Is it brand name propecia?


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stax said:
Dont give up dude. It could take a full year to see results from Propecia. I agreee that the laser comb is pretty useless when it comes to male pattern baldness. WHat is your regimen exactly and what strength minoxidil and brand of finasteride are you taking? Is it brand name propecia?

I'm using 5% Rogaine, and 1 mg of Propecia (yes, brand name). The standard 2 times a day for minoxidil, and 1 pill of the finasteride. I'm using nizoral 1% 2 times a week. I used nizoral 2 % for a few months, but it was waaay too strong for my hair.

My real problem area is the hairline. It's really taken a hit over the last few months. The crown is holding pretty strong, and my hair still looks pretty thick. The only place you can really see the thinning is from the hairline and about an inch back.


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Well hopefully it was just a shed and you'll regrow thicker hair there. Mabye you should try a stronger minoxidil stregth like 15% like i use. Im not sure but it could produce better results. Here's my current regimen below and how long i've been on each item. I figure this is the safest and most effective regimen i can try after doing a whole bunch of research.

Propecia 1mg daily - (1week)
Xandrox 15 - (5 weeks)
Xandrox 5 - (5 weeks)
Proxiphen (2 days)
Dr.Lee's Regrowth shampoo (2% ketoconazole, 3% salicylic acid) on M,W,F,
-(5 weeks)
Nano Shampoo and conditioner on T,Th,S - (2 days)
Hairmax laser Comb on M,W,F, (almost 5 months) -thinking about dropping it due to lack of results and if i get my refund back i'll be happy.

Prior to this i was using 5% minoxidil for a little more than 3 months with great results and little brown hairs popping up where there use to be colourless peach fuzz on my hairline. After making the switch to Xandrox 15 i noticed even better results and the hairs were getting more dark and thick and growing in more. I was also on 5% spironolactone for 5 weeks but i just dropped it because the proxiphen cream has spironolactone in it already. I just started using the minoxidil over the whole top of my scalp about 2 weeks ago to get more thickness and help prevent any loss. So my goal is to regrow those little hair on the hairline to terminal hairs again but i know it will probabbly take a year or more since i've been slowly receeding for about 4 years. If you have any questions about the products im using just ask.


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Stax, I understand your frustration with hairloss products that don't seem to be working for you, but I don't understand how you are ruling out the effectiveness of the LC with such conviction. You are seeing results with something, but yet you seem so confident that the LC is not doing anything. I know you are on minoxidil, but how do you know the LC is not contributing to your overall small colored hair optimism? It's smart to use a multiple angle approach, but at the same time it is also difficult to determine which component(s) of your regimen is actually contributing to the maintenance/regrowth. Are you waiting for a little sign to grow on your head that says "Laser Comb was here"? (Sorry if I seem a little weary of your LC criticism, but I just dropped $650 on one four days ago).


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Hairport i dont uunderstand what you are saying. Mabye you didn't hear me when i said that i've been using minoxidil only on my frontal hairline with good results and i used ONLY the laser comb on the rest of my scalp with NO improvement and thickening. If the laser comb contributed to my frontal growth then it would have surely thickened up and improved the rest if my hair on the top of my scalp. Im sorry you just purchased one and that im being negaive but i KNOW what im talking about. I hope it works for you and good luck.


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On this site we get plenty of folks who are negative about particular products. But people need to understand that we all respond differently to treatments. I appreciate your feedback on the LC, but you need to give the whole bashing a rest. Return your comb and find another weapon to add to your regimen.


Jay Tee

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I underwent laser treatment for about a year and 4 months. Not with the laser comb, but I paid about $4000 to a company who had the harmonix laser machine in their office. You sit under this salon-type hood for either 15 or 30 minutes (depending on which machine, some have more lasers) and you start out doing this 3 times a week. Then as time goes on, your visits become less frequent. When I hit the 6 month mark, I bitched to the company that not only had I not regrown any hair, but I had lost even more. So the people told me to just keep using the machine 3 times a week until the 1 year anniversary came. I did, and still nothing happened, so they had me continue for a few extra months. Still no progress. In hindsight, I'm pretty sure that I lost hair because I took the company's advise and stopped taking Propecia (big mistake on my part). The only good thing that came out of this experience was that the company applied the full $4000 towards a hair transplant from the doctor of my choice. I could be wrong, but isn't the treatment that I underwent basically the same thing as the laser comb without the at-home convenience?

The Gardener

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Stax has a right to bash Lasercomb if he feels it has done him no good.

There are tons of posts here with titles such as 'minoxidil has ruined my hairline' or 'Finasteride has been a waste' or 'What good is spironolactone'.

You can debate him on his methods and facts, but I don't think it is correct to attempt to suppress him. Accept his right to make a negative claim if he does so with real world experience. You can debate his results and opinions within his thread, as the debate is what keeps this forum fresh and forever keeps us aiming towards the truth, but do not ever tell someone with real world personal experience on a hairloss treatment that he should refrain from posting his opinion.

The same goes for all other treatments. I'm a strong believer in Minoxidil, but if someone makes a posting saying that minoxidil has done him nothing, and titles the posting 'who here has no results from minoxidil' I would never tell him he should not post his opinion. I might argue with certain points within the string if I am so inclined, but telling someone to refrain from posting a negative personal experience is not a good thing.

Red Rose

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How do you guys define results?

I have been on finasteride 1.25, minoxidil, CPs, Revivogen and Nizoral for 8 months.

I am seeing results - in otherwords I am maintaining.

I think we should move the goal posts from regrowth to maintenance when we talk about results.

I wouldn't expect miracles from the lasercomb.


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The Gardener said:
Stax has a right to bash Lasercomb if he feels it has done him no good.


Ummm, sure he has a right but to post about it over and over in different threads? Come on man, I dont disagree that he has a right to his own opinion, but its better to be constructive then just to dwell on the negative.



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Well when you shell out $650 U.S. of your hard earned money for something that has done you no good than you want to post about it to let other people know and mabye stop them from wasting their money possibly. As far as the LC goes i've been done talking about it for a while but people keep responding to the threads so i keep replying back. Im gonna speak the truth on this man and i will pull no punches. DONT use this product as a stand alone product if you've got male pattern baldness because you will be making a big mistake. Better to be safe than sorry and jump on the BIG 3 first.