How many people here are Norwood 1.5 and barely receding?


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and are on finasteride?
and do you think its a wise decision to get on now?


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Jm0311 said:
and are on finasteride?
and do you think its a wise decision to get on now?

Wow man... You ask so many questions. Like you're tryin to break the Guiness book of world records, haha.

Anyhow, I'm like a 1.5. My hair loss isn't aggressive. It is of my opinion that if one's hairloss isnt aggressive and is only on the temple areas, then it's not so wise to jump suddenly on finasteride. Better to try topicals and see how far one gets with that. And if all else fails, then jump on finasteride. And I mean, it's not like you cant buy the time since again -- your hair loss isn't aggressive.


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i'm a nw1.5..... but I had to get on finasteride b/c the thinning in the front was really getting out of control.

If I had thicker hair with a stronger hairline but maintained a nw1.5, then I probably wouldn't have started using finasteride.... and that's what I would advice for other ppl too b/c in all likelihood, you could just have a mature hairline.


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unless of course you dont want a mature hairline then finasteride might help keep all your hair.


Jm0311 said:
and are on finasteride?
and do you think its a wise decision to get on now?

If you are losing hair then you should get on treatments as early as possible.


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i was a 1.5 about a year ago.. and didnt know about finasteride... i would have gont on it at the sign of any hairloss when i was 18 if i had known about finasterid.. but i only knew about rogain..


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RadioRaheem said:
Jm0311 said:
and are on finasteride?
and do you think its a wise decision to get on now?

Wow man... You ask so many questions. Like you're tryin to break the Guiness book of world records, haha.

Anyhow, I'm like a 1.5. My hair loss isn't aggressive. It is of my opinion that if one's hairloss isnt aggressive and is only on the temple areas, then it's not so wise to jump suddenly on finasteride. Better to try topicals and see how far one gets with that. And if all else fails, then jump on finasteride. And I mean, it's not like you cant buy the time since again -- your hair loss isn't aggressive.

Wrong. Propecia works by PREVENTING hair loss, once the hair is gone it is much less likely propecia can allow re-growth.


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juststarting said:
Wrong. Propecia works by PREVENTING hair loss, once the hair is gone it is much less likely propecia can allow re-growth.

Dude, you are reading far too much into what I said, or misunderstanding what I had stated. never did I say that Propecia doesn't prevent hair loss. I was only suggesting that if one's hair loss isn't that aggressive, that individual may want to try a topical regimen first. If that person is able to maintain and maybe regrow hair as well, then thats good. And if not (meaning this person continues to lose hair), then to jump on finasteride.


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hopefully I can shed some light.

when I was 26, I began to see my hairline and temples recede (I'm 32 now.)

I jumped on Propecia right away, and took 2 prescriptions at 3 months each.

The recession never progressed, so I just stopped taking the medication because it was so expensive, I wasn't losing any hair, and I wanted to have a baby so I had to get off of it. Take no chances with something like that. The drug companies will tell you whatever they want in order for you to buy their product.

Now, 6 years later, my hair has remained the same- and, I haven't taken any propecia in over 5 years.

I had a very low hairline in highschool, so I lost about 1/2" off my hairline and temples. And it has never worsened. I don't have a thin hairline and my temples are not receded any more than they already have.

In my position, I'm not even a 1.5

BUT- my point is--

when you guys hit your late 20-s early 30s, it's going to be normal to lose a bit around your hairline and temples- 80% of guys without male pattern baldness (or so it seems) go through this. It can happen at any point, though.

The thing to remember is that male pattern baldness has absolutely NO typical pattern- it can hit at any age and hit in any way- it's totally unpredictable.

And, a little hairloss doesn NOT mean you're gonna go bald

I know guys in their late-40s early 50s who have had small bald spots for over 10 years and it never got worse- it's barely noticeable.

And, in my case, I began to recede slightly in my mid/late 20s and it just stopped overnight. No one on the planet will say I'm losing any hair, well, because I'm not.

But, but like the rest of you chaps, I had a scare and went on the medication.

That was stupid, because I really don't see that stuff working for the long run. You can delay it, but so what- you're still gonna go bald if you're gonna go bald, so why bother.

My point is-

if you guys notice slight thinning or recession, forget about it-- it doesn't mean you're going bald necessarily. Doesn't matter if your Dad was bald or your 14th distant cousin's brtoher's son was bald, it's just random.

Wait it out and don't go on medication until you're positive you're suffering from male pattern baldness.

Because if you go on it ahead of time, you're in for a wallet-drainign experience and not to mention, your health will be at serious risk- maybe not right now, but no one knows what's gonna happen to propecia users in 15 or 20 years from now.

Don't risk your life over it. You live one time only.

Oh, and by the way- you know how you guys spend so much time looking at everyone else's hairline???

Trust me on this- that's just a phase, and will pass- believe me- when you hit my age, the last thing you will ever care about is some other guy's hairline and it's the last thing you'll pay attention to.


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The fact of the matter is that propecia will keep our hair for those of us who are, in fact, losing it. You ask why delay the inevitable? Because most of us are in our ealy 20's and would like to at least look youthful until we hit our late 30's. Plus, there is better treatment options that will come out in the near future. If we can hold on to our hair for another 5-10 more years we have succeded.

Please stop scaremongering over finasteride. There have been people that have taken this drug at much higher doses for almost 15 years with no problems.


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good point. if the meds will keep hair for years to come then go for it.

but when we're talking about having kids, then serious thought needs to be put into it, that's all. get off it, have the baby, then go back on once conceived. easy enough.

my point though is that I see some photos here that show minor hairloss-- very similar to what I experienced- it doesn't mean male pattern baldness. as we grow older, our hairlines are gonna weaken.

don't alarm yourselves too soon, because I'm an example of freaking out when nothing was really happening.

Now, that's not to say I won't thin out in my 40s, but knock on wood!!!


Jm0311 said:
you cant have kids on finasteride?

I like how you ask a lot of questions. I'm not being sarcastic when I say that you should win an award for most questions asked on J/p
