How Long will Topical Spironolactone S5 Cream Last?


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I was wondering about this product how long i can keep it without using it. How long is the expiration date for this product? I saw i can buy a pack for 4-5 months use. Could i buy for 8-10 months instead?


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Tore the label off my last (recently ordered) tub and can't remember the exact expiration date, but have a feeling it was sometime in 2014.

How much of your noggin are you planning on smearing the S5 over? I apply it on just the front few inches (twice a day) and so one pot lasts three to months. Stuff actually works great.


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If you are not already using a topical, I say there is no reason you shouldn't use it. I have an itch where I am thinning, and whenever I apply the spironolactone, it vanishes, an indicator it works. It will delay hair loss definitely


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Im also curious to see how effective it is but its been around for many years. Of course each person is diff and many pple seem to compare it to finasteride .. this creates questions. finasteride tackles dht internally as a whole and spironolactone only blocks the receptors (in the areas u apply it) but has less (if any) sides compared to finasteride.


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I participate in several bodybuilding forums and lots of steroid users use it and it stops hairloss. It does work.

i am using it once a night with minoxidil twice a day


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How long have u been using it and where (hairline/ crown) ?


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on top of my whole head ( diffuser) i have been on it for 2 months i think or close to. I have a shaved head now so i can apply it properly, it reduced my itch and its working, will be able to tell how much more it works in 6 months,


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I think it does work, it's been round long enough.

There have been long time users of it on this forum, The Gardener was one, and he didn't use any other DHT inhibitors if my memory is correct....problem with it is a lot of people try it for a few months, arent sure whats happening, and quit using it, though in my eyes if your hair loss gets no worse, you're winning, Sheen stylee. these products take time to do their jobs.


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Its really not that fun of a thing to apply especially since they say twice a day. I am lucky if I can manage once and I only use it where there is no hair and at the hair line. I have a lot of hair still so I would spend like 30 minutes using it and look like I took a shower with my hair being greasy and smelly.
Maybe if it was once a week it would be a lot easier to manage but I guess its a better alternative then propecia which is why so many guys want S5 to work me included


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im using once a night along with minoxidil twice a day, What else can i add to my stack
Topical flutamide. Topical flutamide has been shown to be absorbed systemically (a few percentage points), so it is penetrating through the skin layers, therefore should work. However, you will likely have to make it yourself.And then there is the RU xxxxx (forgot the number).


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i m 17.5 male ...plz someone answer my ques in detail?..i m suffering from male pattern baldness ( male pattern baldness)?I hv consulted a dr. He recommended me 2 tables that is adgain and another one is pheloxy-hc he also suggested me to apply minoxidil daily 2 times nd he gave me ketoconazole shampoo too to apply on scalp 2 times a week ...i just wanna ask is ketaconazole nd nizoral same ???? As i hv seen one site that says big 3 includes minoxidil propecia and nizoral...i wanna take nizoral but dr. Has recommended me nizoral and ketoconazole same??? Nd plz also tell me is s5 cream good as i dont wanna take propecia coz of sides