How long will a shed generally last?


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Just wondering if any of you had what seemed like a never-ending shed... I think I've been shedding for a good 2-3 months now, and it just won't let up. I thought it was over a couple times, turns out I was just too quick to think so, cuz it came back full force a day or two later. The latest development is that I'm losing what appear to be fully healthy hairs mostly, with some even getting healthier towards the bulb end. I rarely see a hair that looks weaker towards the bulb.

So yea, just wondering how long I might expect to have to ride this one out, if not forever. Anyway, thanks again for any responses.


Man if all your hairs look healthy then embrace this shed and don´t worry about time. What you could do is the reverse thing - look at your head and imagine how long it will take for ALL the hairs to fall out and be replaced with new strong hair.


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Mate was just going to ask the same question - I have been shedding for two months straight and was wondering how long this can go on for!


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Well, I hope it ends soon, because if it doesn't I don't think I'll ever see the fruits of it. I'll never see any more regrowth at this rate!


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So when you say you are shedding what does this mean? A hair between your fingers every time you run your hand through your hair? 30 in the shower? 10 on the pillow?


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I'm talking 30-50 when I massage my scalp over the sink in the morning. Another 2 or 3 every time I run my hand through my hair in the shower. Putting my hair between my fingers and pulling up ever so lightly (can't even feel it) brings out 2 or 3 hairs every time. Combing my hair, a good 10-20 fall out. It's just never-ending fallout, it's insanity.


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Ok. that's a bit more than me.

How long have you been on finasteride? how would you rate your current situation (above/below/at baseline?)

I know what you're saying about sometimes you think that the shed has stopped and then it starts up again the next morning. Depressing isn't it but I guess it's much better to be shedding instead of nothing happening at all!
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Its weird cause I have a newbie status but am trying to give advice to a senior poster. I however dont post much, and have been lurking around this site for ages. I think since 2000, so I may know a little something.

I have had sheds that last weeks to months. When I get this sheds I noticed my scalp to be sensitive, itchier, oilier, and maybe just irritated. Do you experience that? By pulling tugging your hair, aggraves the scalp, and breaks hair. Try to stop doing it for a while and see if it gets better.

During such sheds, I focus on keeping scalp cleanest and healthy, meaning washing more frequently and thoroughly. I use Nizoral and Tgel. The shed cycle does get shorter. Keep up with your treatments, but maybe use a little less minoxidil on those inflammed parts. (BUT DO NOT STOP)

I hope it helps.


templerecession, do you find that your hair grows back thicker after a shed
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I am not hunded percent certain if the hair grows back is thicker, but over the past three years the only part that anyone might notice to be thinning is my left temple. So I suppose the hair growing back is at least growing back with the same thickness or perhaps thicker.


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thank you for your input templerecession, I wouldn't say it's weird for you to be giving advice to a senior poster! :) I don't use minoxidil, so it's not that, but lately I've noticed that my itchiness or irritation (however mild they may be) have pretty much abated, and it seems that in the last few days I HAVE been losing a little less hair than usual. Just gave myself the world's most incredible scalp massage, and only lost 20 or so hairs in the process, and now my head feels incredible :D Maybe this new development is the fact that I've stopped using Nizoral recently, as I ran out... For a while I was so fed up with my flaky head that I used it every day for about a month to see if that would help, cuz nothing else was working. The ironic thing is that since I ran out, the flaking has stopped... figure that out.

PartTimeNinja, I'd say that my situation is quite a bit above baseline, I'm happier with the quality of my hair these days than i have been in a long time, and I'm very very certain my temples are coming back, since the widows peak looks way less pronounced, and there's all kindsa tiny gray hairs coming in where my temples just had peach fuzz. Things are looking BETTER I'd say, but still not where I want them to be. I'm 6 months + 1 week in.

Take care guys thanks for the responses.
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I also have tried it... definitely hair shed. It irritates the scalp. Rotate it with something else.

See once your have less flaky scalp, the hair shed lessens. Do whatever that stops the flaking, oilyness and irritation to the scalp and you should see less hair fall.

Why dont you use minoxidil? It works, but in your case you seem to have a sensitive scalp so perhaps thats why your avoiding it.


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When you had the Nizoral shed, did the hair come back? It wasn't a permanent loss, right?


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No, I don't use minoxidil cuz I already have pretty wicked hair. You can't tell i'm thinning at all, only I can notice that. It still looks pretty good even wet, but noticably thinner than back and sides, which is why I'm on Propecia. I tried to get on it early, and save what I had and regrow some of what I lost. I'm still young, too early to be using minoxidil. I don't think I EVER wanna use minoxidil.

Edit: And by wicked I mean comparatively better than alotta people who are using treatments right now.