How long to determine whether RU58841 is having any effect at all?


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I've been using RU topically now for roughly 3months and a week, and I'm a bit concerned that I'm simply seeing a repeat of every treatment I've yet tried, radio silence on my scalp for the first few months and then a continuation of nothing after that. I know overall efficacy of any treatment can't realistically be judged until a considerable period of time has passed so I'm not asking about when to judge overall, just when, in general for those that have used it, you should be seeing a sign of something?

At the minute it seems like I may as well just be splashing water on my head for the good its done, my hairloss hasn't halted and I have infact receded just a little bit more in these three months like normal, my hairloss is slow but has been characterised by never stabilising and getting worse bit by bit

I'm also taking oral dutasteride daily and have been for the last four years, with many years on finasteride before then. Minoxidil has been part of my routine since at least 2018, and I'm still using that as well.

So really, I'm just wondering when I could realistically judge that I'm a nonresponder, is it too early now? Should I give it a few more months? Are RU results slower to show than other treatments? I'm not stacked with all the information with this topical and I'm only using it as a latch ditch attempt to fight my hairloss as strongly as possible, and given its expense, I don't want to remain indefinitely on it if I've passed the point of when it should be showing signs of working.

Thanks for any answers


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I've been using RU topically now for roughly 3months and a week, and I'm a bit concerned that I'm simply seeing a repeat of every treatment I've yet tried, radio silence on my scalp for the first few months and then a continuation of nothing after that. I know overall efficacy of any treatment can't realistically be judged until a considerable period of time has passed so I'm not asking about when to judge overall, just when, in general for those that have used it, you should be seeing a sign of something?

At the minute it seems like I may as well just be splashing water on my head for the good its done, my hairloss hasn't halted and I have infact receded just a little bit more in these three months like normal, my hairloss is slow but has been characterised by never stabilising and getting worse bit by bit

I'm also taking oral dutasteride daily and have been for the last four years, with many years on finasteride before then. Minoxidil has been part of my routine since at least 2018, and I'm still using that as well.

So really, I'm just wondering when I could realistically judge that I'm a nonresponder, is it too early now? Should I give it a few more months? Are RU results slower to show than other treatments? I'm not stacked with all the information with this topical and I'm only using it as a latch ditch attempt to fight my hairloss as strongly as possible, and given its expense, I don't want to remain indefinitely on it if I've passed the point of when it should be showing signs of working.

Thanks for any answers
Give oral minoxidil a chance perhaps? Ru worsened my hair and gave me sides, but seems to work for some. But many are shills unfortunately.


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Isn’t RU anti androgen? You would not see regrowth.

Also if you’re maxed out on results from minoxidil that means the bald areas on your head are dead follicles and can’t be revived. I don’t think RU will revive those?