How Long Does it Take to See Results With Propecia


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i should add... haven't noticed any significant periods of shedding, maybe every few months i'll have a day where there's 20 hairs in my hands in the shower, but shedding has definitely gotten to a minimum recently, for example - i just played with my hair for a good ten minutes just looking at it and through it and probably lost one hair in the process...


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Been on for 10 months now with nothing to report except for some days where I don't seem to shed a single hair has deteriorated a bit.

To be fair I haven't been the best patient, I came off for a month and messed around with dosages.


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I am at month 4 1/2 with real Propecia and its definitely working. I am 28 and started as a NW2. No more hair falls out since month 2. I've received two compliments in separate situations from people this week who don't know i'm taking it.. they just said it looks a lot thicker than it did at the front and middle region and its pretty visible to me too. I was also at 0.5mg then 0.75 for about the first month and a half.


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that's great to hear. hopefully things continually get better!

I talked to my older brother today, who's 2 years older... he said his temples have receded a bit as well, but nothing drastic, he can still wear his hair with bangs no problem - this was great for me to hear, since my hairloss is a little behind his and I've already been on propecia for 6 months.

edit: wanted to add to my story above, the small shed/deterioration I experienced was right around the time I added Nizoral to my regimen, so I'm thinking it probably pushed out some dead hairs that were just waiting to go... hopefully they'll come back in a little stronger than before!