How long can you Keep Results from Minoxidil?


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kento said:
Mate i was on finasteride 2 months, got the testicular pain after my second week. I've read that some people got sides at the begin but they go away. Well the testicular pain didn't go :( but i got the side with the penis stuff. I'm maybe 3 weeks i'm off the finasteride and no more pain, seems that i'm getting back to normal.

you could try dutas every other day, se if that works without sides.
Dutas stays longer in the body so u dont realy need to take 1 each day.


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Jojje said:
kento said:
Mate i was on finasteride 2 months, got the testicular pain after my second week. I've read that some people got sides at the begin but they go away. Well the testicular pain didn't go :( but i got the side with the penis stuff. I'm maybe 3 weeks i'm off the finasteride and no more pain, seems that i'm getting back to normal.

you could try dutas every other day, se if that works without sides.
Dutas stays longer in the body so u dont realy need to take 1 each day.

Something tell me that i'm not for oral antiandrogen, i was on finasteride 0.25 every day and after my second week. I doubt that dutasteride will not give me sides because it's more powerful than finasteride. Got 25 years and don't want to ruin my sexual life maybe after i get older will give a try to these drugs. But by now i will go with hardcore topical regime, yes taking one pill is the easiest and most effective but it's not for me :(


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kento said:
Jojje said:
kento said:
Mate i was on finasteride 2 months, got the testicular pain after my second week. I've read that some people got sides at the begin but they go away. Well the testicular pain didn't go :( but i got the side with the penis stuff. I'm maybe 3 weeks i'm off the finasteride and no more pain, seems that i'm getting back to normal.

you could try dutas every other day, se if that works without sides.
Dutas stays longer in the body so u dont realy need to take 1 each day.

Something tell me that i'm not for oral antiandrogen, i was on finasteride 0.25 every day and after my second week. I doubt that dutasteride will not give me sides because it's more powerful than finasteride. Got 25 years and don't want to ruin my sexual life maybe after i get older will give a try to these drugs. But by now i will go with hardcore topical regime, yes taking one pill is the easiest and most effective but it's not for me :(

well you never know, dutas works a bit difrent then finasteride, but blocks bouth DHT types. Could work for u without sides. But yes the chanse is that it doesnt because of the finasteride sides. But it doesnt hurt that much to give it a try..


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I would rather see a Doctor and take some blood test. see what levels of estro and testo you have on and off finasterid.

training could help with your sides, zinc to. much depends on what kind of sides you have. 0.25mg finasteride is a really small dose so you should check if it just imaginary sides if it effects your libido.

starting dutasteride if you cant handle a superlow dose of finasteride seems just dumb, since it is probably the change in estrogen levels that gives you sides.


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Jojje like i know there was FDA warning about Dus, will stay away from that maybe i will back to finasteride twice per week 0.50 dose with proper doctor control. Soon plan to add eucapli and ru to my treatment like dht blocker, hope they will keep my hair until something better comes on the market.


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kento said:
Jojje like i know there was FDA warning about Dus, will stay away from that maybe i will back to finasteride twice per week 0.50 dose with proper doctor control. Soon plan to add eucapli and ru to my treatment like dht blocker, hope they will keep my hair until something better comes on the market.

I dont know about any warnings, but i know tey didnt finish the testing because of the costs.
But al in al its youre choice.


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Wasn't this a thread about Mino and not finasteride and it's side effects? They are two separate things. And separate sides. And separate effects. Not to stop the current discussion just saying; maybe start a separate thread... may confuse some people, who may think Mino will give you "numb" penis :) (which I guess I've heard it can be a rare side with Mino; but... eh ) anyways... =)


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Cassin said:
regarding what? Continuous usage or after stopping it?

Continuous usage, nobody knows.

After stopping it 6 months to a year.

Half true. Good responders get more regrowth and maybe peak further down. But it is known that minoxidil does NOT slow down the balding process like propecia does. It regrows a certain amount of hair, which varies from person, and reaches that number in a certain amount of time. While this number is being reached, follicles continue to be damaged, but that is not noticeable yet because they are being stimulated. Once you reach the peak, and stay on minoxidil, your hair counts will drop just as fast as the placebo group in the propecia trials. Minoxidil will not slow that down. And if you get off minoxidil, you lose the regrowth hair too and end up where you would be had you never been on it.

For those of you who are graphically inclined:

Let Y = number of hairs on your head per square inch.
Let X = months on the drug.
K = some max value that depends on genetics, time and dose. K goes back to zero when you get off.
m = the rate someone is balding, which is genetic
n2 = initial regrowth of propecia, and leaves when you get off
n = the effectiveness of propecia

Let's look at the graph to see how minoxidil works:

For non-male pattern baldness men not on minoxidil, Y = 700.
For non-male pattern baldness men who take minoxidil, Y = 700 + K
For male pattern baldness men who are not on minoxidil, Y = 700 -mX
For male pattern baldness men who are on minoxidil, Y = 700 -mX + K

For male pattern baldness men who are on propecia and minoxidil, & = 700 + (n-m)X + K +n2

NOTE: m is not really a constant, and depends on age, genetics, and how much more hair you currently have than your genes say you should have. When you get off propecia, you lose your recent gains and maintainance within a year. You lose minoxidil gains within a few weeks to a month.

Before anyone accuses me of anything, ask Bryan about this. He posted graphs that back up this simplification, and I'm sure he can read algebra.


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If any one wants to attack this, they should do so by looking at the sample size and time duration of the minoxidil studies that showed that men on minoxidil peaked and then continued to lose hair as fast as the placebo group, and then rejoined the placebo group shortly after getting off minoxidil. I think the studies were over a year long, and had at least 20 men.


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CCS said:
I think the studies were over a year long, and had at least 20 men.

Vera Price's study from 1999 (the one where she first coined the term "offset of growth") lasted for 96 weeks while the patients were on treatment with topical minoxidil, plus an additional 24 weeks after they discontinued treatment.


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Ya ! Good question I heard about 1 year...but what about propecia?
And another question?Is there any chance to not lose your hair after you'll stop taking this any more?