How Long Before finasteride Slowed Your Shedding?


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It was hard for me to find an answer to this for some reason. I guess maybe I'm confused as to weather "results" mean stop the shedding that male pattern baldness causes or seeing actual regrowth. Basically I got on finasteride to hopefully stop my thinning, and stop the crazy numbers of hairs that I shed, I don't realistically expect to see regrowth. But, I'm wondering at what point can I expect that finasteride will slow my shedding?

Maybe there could be a poll, when did finasteride stop/slow YOUR male pattern baldness shedding??


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It never slowed my shedding, I always go through periodic sheds. To be honest i have more months where I shed compared to those I don't. The only reason I don't stress to much about it is that my hair is better now at 22 than when I first started at 19 years old.


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Really? Ive been shedding like crazy though. Been the same since before I stared finasteride though. But my hands are covered, I mean covereddd after shampoo, easily a couple hundred. Plus loads throughout the day too. I don't feel it's normal, and was hoping finasteride would slow it down at some point and show some proof that it's working


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I know the feeling, when I brush my hair in the sink during bad months I can easily count 200+ hairs. Even me who has had somewhat success with treaments can't help but think at times they are doing nothing. But the evidence is in results and if in 2 years time your hair is no worse than when you started treatments then you can call it a success. It's different from person to person but try to stick it out.

Goodluck mate!


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Really? Ive been shedding like crazy though. Been the same since before I stared finasteride though. But my hands are covered, I mean covereddd after shampoo, easily a couple hundred. Plus loads throughout the day too. I don't feel it's normal, and was hoping finasteride would slow it down at some point and show some proof that it's working
I got used to it after a while, when I realized that my hair had thickened up even though the shedding never slowed down. Would prefer a slowdown of the shedding nevertheless.


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Ther's no rules for this and you shouldn't set your expectations by other peoples experiences. Everyone has sheds at different times.
For example I had a big shed when I first started taking finasteride but by about month 6 I had great results with even a bit of noticeable regrowth. I then had an even bigger shed that seemed to go on for ages around month 10. The important thing is that sheds are a normal part of the treatment and often your hair will grow back even thicker after a shed.