How Likely Do You Guys Think It Is That I Will Continue Balding From Where I Am Now?


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Currently I would say I am a Norwood 3 ( according to the definition there.

My Dad's hair looks exactly the same as mine does and he's 55, my Uncle (Mum's side) is the same. Sadly they are the only 2 male family members I know, but my Mum said she couldn't think of any bald relatives she knew. I "examined" (plucked out a few and looked at them under a bright light) some hairs from my scalp, I seem to have a certain amount of miniaturisation of hairs all around my hairline, including at the back (so I assume this is normal as if I'm not mistaken you don't really lose hair from the back). The "tuft" or "outcrop" ) idk what it's called, the bit that sticks out in between receding temples) is a lot of miniaturised hair as well.

I'm 18 atm, I think I have always had quite a high and distinct hairline (distinct as in temples further back). I don't plan on taking finasteride, I'm just wondering what you guys think will happen with my hair. Obviously I don't expect psychic predictions or anything, just what you guys think. I would post pictures but tbh the pictures for Norwood 3 (NOT vertex) in that Reddit thread are pretty much what I have and better than anything I can take myself with my crap phone camera and wonky mirror.