How I regrew my hairline with finasteride and minoxidil (pictures)


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It all started about 4 years ago , when I was 20. I noticed my corners and temples were getting thinner and my hair were getting harder to style. My dad being a NW4A, I immediately suspected it was male pattern baldness.

This is how my hairline looked back then :

I waited a couple of months and then decided to order finasteride online, or proscar, if you will. While waiting on the medication to arrive, I did my research. I researched everything available - hair systems, transplants, rogaine, finasteride, saw palmetto, nizoral, everyhing.

I decided that starting a regimen with only finasteride seemed logical, to see if finasteride alone could help me. After about 1 year on finasteride without seeing nor improvement nor more hairloss, I came to the conclusion that it had halted my hairloss but not regrew any hair. So I jumped on 5 percent Rogaine! It took about
4-5 months before small black hairs were popping up all along my old hairline. I kept on going and as time passed they became terminal, which is where I am right now.

The hair i regrew with rogaine is slightly thinner, barely noticeable but still, a tiny bit thinner. It looks completely normal though, since they're at the hairline. I've been maintaing this hair for 3 years now, 4 if you count the year with only finasteride. This is how it looks :


I love my hair and getting it back was amazing. It was like becoming your own self again, you know? My only concern right now is my "forelock", that has becoming a little thinner during these 4 years, even if it's been really slow. This is what I mean:

However, I've been saving up for a transplant for 2 years now, and I¨m hoping I can maintain a decent amount of hair for at least 5 more years with my regimen if I just keep it steady.

I am extremely aware of the fact that, in the future, it will be necessary for me to have a transplant, and I am not going to settle for anything but the best doctor. So saving up is of importance.

What do you guys think about my plan and my thoughts? Questions? Go ahead!


Established Member
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You want a transplant? Are you serious?

Your results have been fantastic and you hairline looks like a NW1 with no recession. Well done, but you no way need a transplant.


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Fantastic results! Can I offer some advice? Don't slack off. Persistence with these treatments is the key to success. Many people don't realize how good they have it until they start slacking with treatments.

Keep poppin' that finasteride and applying that minoxidil, and congrats again! :punk:


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I appreciate your response guys!

dimitar_berbagod - I know my hair is great right now, but I can assure you that the day when the meds start losing their effectiveness it will all go downhill fast. And the meds will lose their effectiveness sooner or later, thats just a fact.

JWM - Thanks! Yea I totally feel your advice, persistance is key. It's easy as f-ck to start taking your hair for granted when meds are working, especially when my hair looks identical to when I was like 15. Crazy huh

irishpride86 - I use liquid rogaine, the 5 percent one. I apply it to
my hairline 1 or 2 times per day. It depends on what hours I have to go work and so on! Even though I've noticed that 1 application per day is enough I still try to to it twice, just in case.


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Winter said:
I appreciate your response guys!

dimitar_berbagod - I know my hair is great right now, but I can assure you that the day when the meds start losing their effectiveness it will all go downhill fast. And the meds will lose their effectiveness sooner or later, thats just a fact.

JWM - Thanks! Yea I totally feel your advice, persistance is key. It's easy as f-ck to start taking your hair for granted when meds are working, especially when my hair looks identical to when I was like 15. Crazy huh

irishpride86 - I use liquid rogaine, the 5 percent one. I apply it to
my hairline 1 or 2 times per day. It depends on what hours I have to go work and so on! Even though I've noticed that 1 application per day is enough I still try to to it twice, just in case.

Your regimen is not going to lose any effectiveness for a loooooong time


Senior Member
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It's definitely both the finasteride and the minoxidil helping you. I remember seeing you around before but congrats on the success.


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TheGrayMan2001- Yea its for sure the combination of finasteride and minoxidil that's helping me!, I just hope it will continue to work for a couple of years : )


Established Member
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The meds aren't one day going to become ineffective.

That's nonsensical.

If they're effective at halting progression on day 1, they'll be just as effective on day 1000.


Senior Member
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True, but also kind of not.

The meds will still be as effective, yet your hair will sooner or later (most likely) still fall out. Those of us with DHT sensitive follicles have the curse. The DHT will ravage the follicles. Even having 25% of the "normal" amount of DHT still means that our follicles are being damaged. The finasteride will slow down this process...but sooner or later the DHT will win. finasteride just puts it off for quite a while.


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Rawtashk - yea exactly, and that's why I think it's pretty smart to start saving up for a future transplant early on, even tho a transplant might not happen in 10 years or so. Im kind of expecting my hair to start going in 4-5 years from now, but who knows? it might fall of in 1 and it might fall of in 10, but I'll try to be prepared for it!


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I should add that the finasteride Im using has been ordered from like 5 different online shops during these years, I do not have a prescription. So you guys that are worrying about not getting the real deal online, I'd say most of the time you do. At least I have, obviously.


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Uhm I think they come in a blue box, but I might've been wrong. But as I wrote before, I havent been using the same brand during my regimen, since I moved to the US from Europe after a while. I'll pay more attention to what color the box has next time I buy it.

I always throw away the box and remove the stickers on the bottles so that they're completely white. I do this because its more secret that way

But yes, its liquid 5 percent and it might say extra strentgh on the box, i dunno!


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Does it look like this one?
I did a little bit of research, and I think that the Rogaine in liquid form is Extra Strength and the foam is normal strength.
Thank you !

I started this week with Finasteride (1mg every other day) and Minoxidil (1mg at night, although is kinda difficult to know if you are actually applying 1mg with the foam). My hair looks somewhat like yours before you started the treatment, I'm expecting a lot from these drugs. Hopefully I can get results as you.