How I Halted My Hair loss Naturally and Regained My Confidence - READ THIS WHOLE POST


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Hi there! I am currently 27 years old and was steadily losing my hair from about age 16 until 25 (nearly 26). For the past two years since I implemented the solution I’m about to share with you, my hair has not receded or thinned any further. I have managed to find a natural nutritional-based solution to COMPLETELY HALT hair loss. A lot of you won't believe what I’m about to tell you, and that’s understandable, but let me assure you that my advice is genuine. This method works. Unfortunately, you will not regrow much hair – at least I haven’t regrown much – but your hair loss will stop dead in its tracks. And if you’re addressing your hair loss issue early enough, then you’ll be able to maintain what you have for the rest of your life. My biggest regret is not discovering this solution sooner. By the time I implemented this solution and gave it a chance, I already had a badly receded hairline, thin crown and diffuse thinning on top. But for anyone reading this who is young and just beginning their hair loss battle, you need to give this solution a chance! I am not trying to promote or sell any products. I will not mention any brand names, chemicals, laser helmets, topical solutions or anything of the sort. I am not trying to make money. I’m only trying to help you.

My hair loss is definitely androgenic alopecia. My father is completely bald and has been since his early 40’s. He has seen the progression of my hair loss and said it’s identical to what he experienced. There’s no doubt in my mind that my hair loss was inherited from my dad’s side of my genetics and is the same cause of hair loss that most (if not all) of you are experiencing.

Real quick, I want to make a comment about this website. Do you see the banner at the top of the home page? What do you see? A bald guy laying down with his woman, while she’s staring off in the distance looking sad and dissatisfied, as if she’s yearning for someone with hair. This picture, along with a lot of other content on this site, are simply there to make you fear your hair loss. This helps convince you to spend your money on various chemicals to combat the problem, but believe me, the root cause of your hair loss is not due to the lack of any chemical in your body. Chemicals may postpone your hair loss, but they will hurt your body in other ways in the interim. The root cause of your hair loss is nutritional! We are consuming something that is not meant to be in our diets, and those of us with the hair loss gene are the ones suffering the consequences!

Also, I do not know the science behind why this solution works. It just does. Trust me and try it.

It All Comes Down to Diet

Are you ready for the big secret to stopping hair loss? Well, believe it or not, it all comes down to what you eat. A friend of mine told me about a lifestyle called “raw vegan†that was supposed to be the absolute healthiest way to eat. Raw vegans only eat raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. These raw foods are said to have living enzymes in them, which are proteins that aid in digestion and other functions of metabolism. Cooked foods are lacking many enzymes because the cooking process destroys them (along with other nutrients) and your body is forced to create its own enzymes for digestion, which requires energy. Therefore, when you eat cooked food you are spending energy to receive energy, which is counter-productive. I don’t know if this is all true or not, but I decided to give raw veganism a shot to improve my general health. Little did I know, it would end up having a positive impact on my hair, among many other things.

After only a few weeks of following the raw vegan lifestyle, I noticed multiple benefits: I had lost some weight and had ab definition for the first time in my life, my energy was through the roof, and most amazingly, my hair felt stronger than ever! It was as if my hair follicles were on steroids. Although I had a badly receded hairline and thin crown, my stronger-feeling hair made it easier to style and “cover up†how badly receded and thinned it was. It gave my confidence a little jolt and made me happier overall. That was my first clue that the raw vegan lifestyle was helping.
Time went on and I continued my raw vegan ways. Sure, I cheated on this lifestyle now and then, like at birthday parties and holidays. If people made me food, whether it was raw or cooked or vegan or non-vegan, I didn’t care. I did not want to disrespect people by declining their generosity. So to be accurate, I ate raw vegan when I was preparing food for myself (or my girlfriend – now fiancé - was preparing it), which was about 99% of the time. But at any special occasions like birthday parties, barbecues, weddings, vacations, etc., I did not hesitate to eat whatever I wanted. Before I knew it, I had been eating primarily raw vegan for a year and my hair loss had not progressed at all in that time. That’s when I realized I was onto something.

Narrowing Down the Culprit

Once I realized that my adoption of a raw vegan diet had halted my hair loss, I began experimenting with my diet by including one new food at time until I found the culprit of hair loss. It took a while, but beyond any doubt, I have narrowed down the perpetrator to white flour. Yes, you heard me right. Flour. Grains that are heavily processed to the point of being a fine powder; so fine, it literally rises into the air like smoke, never to fall back to the ground. That is the reason that you’re going bald, my friend. Flour. So from this point on, your view of flour should be that of the devil reincarnate. Avoid it at all costs!

After eating high raw vegan for over a year, I made white bread a part of my daily diet for one week. In that week, my feeling of strong hair diminished completely. My follicles felt weak again and my hair was difficult to style. That itchy feeling of weak hair on my scalp started eating away at my confidence again. After that week, I removed white bread from my diet again and went back to only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, which provided immediate relief of my weak hair. Within days my hair felt strong again.

So why does white flour affect some of us and not others? I don’t know. My guess is that those of us with the hair loss gene have some sort of sensitivity to white flour, which causes it to increase our DHT production. That’s a wild guess, and probably completely incorrect, but I honestly don’t care. Who knows why flour weakens hair for some people? All that matters is that we know to avoid it.

My Recommendations to Fellow Balding Brothers

So what do I recommend? Well, for the sake of general health, my first recommendation is to go high raw vegan, meaning a high percentage of what you eat is raw fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and completely exclude flour products from your diet. There are plenty of books and websites that explain how to sustain a raw vegan lifestyle. For example, here’s what I ate today:

Breakfast: Smoothie (3 bananas, 1 pt. blueberries, ice, water) and a bowl of grapes
Lunch: Pineapple slices, dried figs and a couple bananas
Dinner: A large salad (2 hearts of romaine, 1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 celery stalk, 1 orange bell pepper) with a lot of home-made vegan creamy garlic dressing (blend 1 cup cashews, a little water, juice of 1 lemon, 2 garlic cloves and 2 green onions)
Dessert: fresh dates

If you absolutely cannot bear the thought of giving up meat, dairy, etc., then my next recommendation is to just cut out all bread and flour products. This means no bread for sandwiches, subs, hoagies, burgers, brats and hotdogs; no flour tortillas; no croutons in your salads; no breaded meat (fried chicken or fish, for example); no crackers, cakes, pastries, and so on. It’s quite shocking how many “foods†out there contain flour. That’s why raw veganism is so great. The fruits and veggies are PACKED with vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy, and your narrow list of options will automatically exclude all flour from your diet.

Once you go raw vegan or eliminate flour, you hair loss will stop. I then recommend you buy a natural hair brush and start brushing your head regularly. Notice I said “head†and not “hair†for the brushing. The goal is to brush your scalp to stimulate blood flow. I recommend daily brushing of at least 100 strokes, but more is fine. After you brush your head, your scalp should feel a little numb and tingle a little. This is blood stimulating your hair follicles. It can stimulate new growth of dormant hairs that aren’t completely dead yet. You can also do scalp massage and a variety of other techniques to stimulate this blood flow. Do some research of various techniques online.

One More Thing…

I want to explain where I’m at now with my hair loss. After I had halted my hair loss with the raw vegan diet, I had a conversation with my fiancé about my hair. I told her how although my hair had stopped thinning, I felt like a lot of damage had been done through the years (especially to my hairline), and I was thinking of shaving it down to the skin like my old man. It was early summer this past year, I believe late May or early June, so I decided to try a buzz cut for the summer and took it down to an eighth of an inch with a hair buzzer I bought from Walgreens. Long story short, I think I’ve found my new permanent hairstyle. My fiancé loves my buzzed head. She said I’m “incredibly sexy†with a buzz cut. All my friends say the look fits me well too. And even some women at work have been giving me looks. I guess the point I’m trying to make here is that if your hair loss is badly progressed, the best thing you can do for yourself is buzz your head because it gives uniformity to your hair. Rather than looking like a young man trying to desperately hold on to what’s left of your hair, you’ll instead look like a proud and confident man who is not affected by his hair loss. I also recommend growing some facial hair if you can, and adopting a good workout routine that incorporates weight lifting as well as cardiovascular exercise (circuit training is a quick way to tackle both of these). Buy form-fitting clothes that show your physique and walk around proud of your new buzzed head. A lot of ladies these days are attracted to a bald guy with a good physique. Trust me.

I hope this information is helpful. If anyone who reads this gives raw veganism a shot, or even just eliminates flour from their diet, then my mission is accomplished.

I wish you all the best (and a full head of hair).



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You could be on a low cholesterol diet which would lower your testosterone but I don't think that's a good solution.

Quantum Cat

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That is the reason that you’re going bald, my friend. Flour.

stop the presses!!! We've found a cure!!! flush that Propecia! Cancel your hair transplant OP! :woot:

just stop eating bread.!!

Let me guess, the big pharmaceutical corporations don't want us to know this because they can't patent a no-flour diet?

diet has jack sh!t to do with Male Pattern Baldness.


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Here is where this theory falls apart. There are tons of counter examples of men in prison and just in society that eat total garbage yet keep nearly all their hair even to old ages. Some of them do lose a little hair meaning they are sensitive to androgens and they do have the genes. I think however the hair interacts with androgens such as receptors is a key piece in hair loss because its all about how sensitive your hair is to the androgens not whether or not you have them because all men do.

Quantum Cat

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and some superfit athletes are completely bald, while a tramp in the gutter as a full head of hair.

Environment has nothing to do with male pattern baldness. Other types of Alopecia maybe, but not male pattern baldness


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Rather than quoting specific lines, I'll just address everyone individually:


I can understand your concern about the diet being low cholesterol, so I had blood levels taken earlier this year and my LDL and HDL were both surprisingly exactly where they should be. My doctor was impressed to say the least. I will post a scan of the blood test results if you want. The only thing I'm truly concerned about is my B12, so I'll keep an eye on that as time goes by, but it's fine for now.


I agree that plenty of people out there eat a junk diet and don't lose their hair. That's why I believe only certain men (those with the male pattern baldness gene) are prone to losing their hair from eating flour. My whole childhood and teenage years I had very thin hair, and I often wonder if that's a sign of the male pattern baldness gene as well. My male friends that have perfect hairlines and no sign of hair loss all have very thick hair and eat tons of flour, so it's my assumption that they simply do not have the male pattern baldness gene.

Qauntum Cat,

Judging by your sarcasm, I'm guessing you don't appreciate my post. And that's fine. I'm not suggesting the world doesn't need Propecia and other hair loss treatments. Plenty of people out there would much rather take a pill than remove flour from their diet, so drugs certainly have their place. I'm just saying that those of us who would rather not take a drug to keep our hair appear to have an effective natural option. We can even combine the natural option with other hair treatments. For example, my friend who told me about raw veganism in the first place was balding on his crown since his early 20's. He kinda has the "yamaka" thing going on - a pretty noticeable bald spot right on top of his head. Since going raw vegan four years ago, he has not lost any more hair. He now uses some sort of hair make-up on his bald spot. I forget what it's called, but it's a can of fake hair fibers that he pours over his bald spot. The fibers stick to his remaining hair and you can't even tell he has a bald spot. It's pretty amazing, actually. So in this example, my friend used raw veganism to stop his hair loss (instead of a drug) and then covers up the damage done using those fake hair fibers. Best of both worlds! :)

For everyone reading this, I mean no harm to anyone by presenting this information and am not trying to persuade or dissuade usage of products. I hope the forum moderators understand this too. I know I spoke against drug usage in my original post, but that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. It's pretty obvious that some people out there, such as my friend and I, would rather go bald than resort to drugs. We're sort of "hippies" in that way. It's just how we are. For those people like us, I have presented my story here so they can try the nutritional approach if they so choose.

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you have got to be shi$$ing me, more power to you man but if you think you are convincing anyone to get on this stuff, and sap one of the joys on life i.e. enjoying a good meal in addition to the crap male pattern baldness we have to deal with anyway, its a tough sell

to me atleast


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if its the white flour then how com it doesnt affect females. ok so theres almost no DHT or androgen susceptibility, but still why doesnt the white flour affect female hormones and cause problems.

I do agree its bad for us, and i think a good natural diet will benefit us, just not male pattern baldness.


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lol if it's flour then how come flour only starts affecting some people after 40 or 50? If your follicles were allergic to flour, then you would start balding right out of puberty


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Raw Vegan? Couldn't do it.

We developed our canine teeth for a eat meat. You're going against nature and your natural instincts to only eat vegetables.

Just my opinon though.


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My Regimen
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All this talk about vegetables has me jonesing for some steak ..... mmmmm, mmmm, MMMMMMMM!


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Do you have any before and after photos?

Sorry man, I do not have any before or after photos. They wouldn't really help convince you anyway because this diet only seems to stop hair loss - not regrow any hair. So at best, you'd see two identical heads with no idea how much time had passed between photos. Also, I now buzz my head, so my hair was longer before I started the diet and it would be difficult to compare the photos.

My advice to you is to cut out flour (or go raw vegan) for at least 2 - 3 weeks and keep a journal of how your hair feels. If you feel no benefit, then go back to your old ways. No harm done. If you notice your hair feels stronger, then you'll be in a better position to judge how much you really love bread and if it's worth sacrificing your hair to eat it.

you have got to be shi$$ing me, more power to you man but if you think you are convincing anyone to get on this stuff, and sap one of the joys on life i.e. enjoying a good meal in addition to the crap male pattern baldness we have to deal with anyway, its a tough sell

to me atleast

No, I am not shi$$ing you. My story is 100% true for me so why can't it work for you? I'm not trying to sap you of one of the many joys of life. If eating flour products means that much to you, then ignore my advice. And I would not call this a "tough sell" because I'm not trying to sell anything here. This advice I'm offering lends me no benefit.

if its the white flour then how com it doesnt affect females. ok so theres almost no DHT or androgen susceptibility, but still why doesnt the white flour affect female hormones and cause problems.

I do agree its bad for us, and i think a good natural diet will benefit us, just not male pattern baldness.

Hi Anxious1. I have no idea why females aren't affected by this. Like you suggested, maybe it has to do with their limited DHT production. One interesting thing I should mention is from a book I read several years ago called "Anticancer: a New Way of Life" by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. In that book, a study was referenced that found that white flour caused acne. I too have noticed that since cutting out flour from my diet, my acne has reduced significantly. In fact, I recently increased my leafy greens and have not had a single pimple in over 2 months now, which is amazing for me. But anyway, my point is that perhaps females are affected in other negative ways by flour, such as causing acne, and we just don't realize it.

Your last sentence is interesting. If you agree white flour is bad for us, then you obviously know more than the average person about nutrition. Why not try a flourless diet - focusing on fruits and vegetables - for just 2-3 weeks and see how your hair feels? You have nothing to lose besides a little body fat (if you have any excess body fat).

Correction you do , not we !

Right. I do avoid it and you don't. That's why my hairline hasn't receded in the last two years, nor has my crown thinned any further, and I'm not taking any drugs. Again, you're probably fine with using chemicals, and that's your choice. I prefer to avoid drugs. So I'm just sharing a natural solution that has worked for me and my fellow raw vegan friend.

I have to say, I'm pretty surprised at all the skepticism my advice is receiving on here. It's kind of depressing how much ridicule I'm receiving for trying to help others and how much I have to keep defending my story so I don't sound crazy. Many people are reacting as if eliminating flour from their diet is unspeakable or physically impossible. I'm not even sure if eliminating flour is enough, to be honest. Maybe it's the abundance of raw fruits and veggies that has stopped my hair loss. Who knows? I'm just sorry you all sound bothered by my advice. My only intention was to help you.


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I never said there's anything wrong with meat, so not sure why you guys are still on the steak topic. It's flour that you should avoid. So as long as your steak isn't breaded, you're good.


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I tend to avoid a lot of breaded foods just to stay in shape but you have to live it up now and then! My weakness is Asian food.


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Hi Dullahan.

That's a great advice. I believe what we eat can affect the body, too.

While on raw food diet, in my own experience, the most difficult thing is it will easily get hungry and the taste of food.

How do you overcome the feeling of hungry? Or how do you make you feel full?
I feel hungry just a short period of time after eating raw food.

And how to make it more tasty?
Cooked food really more tasty. It makes me want cooked food even after eating lots of raw food.


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I get sick of arguing about diet, but its not diet maybe not even at all. I ate the same way my entire life then as I started getting body hair at say 21 or so that is when a little hair on my head started to miniaturize. My diet never changed then my hair loss started so it must have something that changed just with age which hormones perfectly explain which of course agrees with the current theory of androgens. Most men are sensitive to androgens to some degree and most men at old age with Norwood 0 have no facial hair or body hair. Its all androgens pure and simple which I dont think diet has any real effect on maybe slight fluctuations, but in the long run I androgen levels are more genetic also.