"How horrible would it be if this superior man has male pattern baldness?"


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Lloyd Braun said:
seb said:
Of course I'm a feminist, in the same way I'm sure most people here are. No doubt you feel differently. I believe women and men are equal in the same way I believe black people and white people are equal. That's all the word "feminist" means.

Men and women are not equal in the same way that white and black people (or people of any other races) are said to be equal. There are differences between men and women that are biological. Each sex, in general, has its strengths and weaknesses. Men typically assume certain roles in a family while women are better suited for others. That doesn't mean its wrong for women to have careers or for men to stay at home and raise the kids it is just an acknowledgment that there is nothing wrong with traditional family life. This is a key area where I think feminists go wrong.[/quote:2mej5yb3]

No, there's not anything wrong with it if that's how people choose to live*, and being a feminist doesn't mean you believe that the only way is a non-traditional way. All that being a feminist means is that you believe men and women are equal. Everything else doesn't come under the feminist banner. So when you say that "feminists" won't acknowledge that there's nothing wrong with a traditional family life, that's not true at all. There may be feminists who have that opinion, but that doesn't make it a "feminist" belief.

Whether men and women appearing to be different is the result of innate differences instead of socialisation is a whole other debate. Nature vs nurture. And it's pretty settled that both make a difference.

(* When you say "traditional family life", I'm assuming you don't mean anything creepy or weird)


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uncomfortable man said:
It's your tone. It's your confrontational and condescending attitude in almost all your posts so far. People are wondering why you are here... did you just have a sudden curious urge to see what life is like for bald/balding men? Were you so bored that you decided to check in the HairLossTalk.com to see what all the "loosers" are up to? As a woman you have an opportunity to contribute your opinion on the topic of baldness... do you find it disgusting? Do you like it? Are you indifferent? But you don't even do that... you are just out to prove people wrong. Many guys already feel like women are judging them enough without having you invading their space and insulting them. It puts us on the defensive which is why I'm not surprised by your hate mail. I'm not opposed to different opinions but you need to work on toning down your smart-*** delivery.

Oh, please, I've had one insane person send me messages and now suddenly everyone hates me. This isn't a men only website. I'm not invading anyone's space. You've already asked me why I'm here in another thread, and I told you that I have hair loss. Why the f*** else would I be here? I'm not here to give you all a woman's opinion on male pattern baldness. What the f*** would anyone even care what I think about it? I'm one person, I don't represent all women.

If I'm confrontational, it's because deranged comments like seb's go on unnoticed as if they're normal (and they're not!) and someone has to say something.


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Correct me if I am wrong,but this is the impact section isn't it?...Hence I am putting my feelings across as too how male pattern baldness has "impacted" upon my life.Surely I am intitled too have a moan...You should know all about that being a woman.


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Im angry,hateful,delusional,insane,and now deranged.Outstanding,thanks for that,I will add them too the list of all the other things i have been called in my life. :bravo:

uncomfortable man

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twenty.five said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":3mnu6vi9]It's your tone. It's your confrontational and condescending attitude in almost all your posts so far. People are wondering why you are here... did you just have a sudden curious urge to see what life is like for bald/balding men? Were you so bored that you decided to check in the HairLossTalk.com to see what all the "loosers" are up to? As a woman you have an opportunity to contribute your opinion on the topic of baldness... do you find it disgusting? Do you like it? Are you indifferent? But you don't even do that... you are just out to prove people wrong. Many guys already feel like women are judging them enough without having you invading their space and insulting them. It puts us on the defensive which is why I'm not surprised by your hate mail. I'm not opposed to different opinions but you need to work on toning down your smart-*** delivery.

Oh, please, I've had one insane person send me messages and now suddenly everyone hates me. This isn't a men only website. I'm not invading anyone's space. You've already asked me why I'm here in another thread, and I told you that I have hair loss. Why the f*ck else would I be here? I'm not here to give you all a woman's opinion on male pattern baldness. What the f*ck would anyone even care what I think about it? I'm one person, I don't represent all women.

If I'm confrontational, it's because deranged comments like seb's go on unnoticed as if they're normal (and they're not!) and someone has to say something.[/quote:3mnu6vi9]
If it seems like everyone hates you, it would have more to do with your attitude than being a woman. And I remember asking the question but I don't remember you ever saying you had hair loss. Pardon me if you did. Regardless, you are still in the men's section. Like I first told you, HairLossTalk.com has a section for women and I wouldn't even care if you posted here if it weren't for your attitude. We have another regular member here (brain fart on the name, sorry) who undergone a sex change surgery to become a woman. But she used to be a man with an nw5 horseshoe so although now a woman, we (I) respect her as an honorary bald man. Look, I'm known for having a bad attitude as well but at least I vent it in the right place.


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twenty.five said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":1k9rselx]It's your tone. It's your confrontational and condescending attitude in almost all your posts so far. People are wondering why you are here... did you just have a sudden curious urge to see what life is like for bald/balding men? Were you so bored that you decided to check in the HairLossTalk.com to see what all the "loosers" are up to? As a woman you have an opportunity to contribute your opinion on the topic of baldness... do you find it disgusting? Do you like it? Are you indifferent? But you don't even do that... you are just out to prove people wrong. Many guys already feel like women are judging them enough without having you invading their space and insulting them. It puts us on the defensive which is why I'm not surprised by your hate mail. I'm not opposed to different opinions but you need to work on toning down your smart-*** delivery.

Oh, please, I've had one insane person send me messages and now suddenly everyone hates me. This isn't a men only website. I'm not invading anyone's space. You've already asked me why I'm here in another thread, and I told you that I have hair loss. Why the f*ck else would I be here? I'm not here to give you all a woman's opinion on male pattern baldness. What the f*ck would anyone even care what I think about it? I'm one person, I don't represent all women.

If I'm confrontational, it's because deranged comments like seb's go on unnoticed as if they're normal (and they're not!) and someone has to say something.[/quote:1k9rselx]

"Living with Men's Hair Loss" move to the board dedicated to female hairloss.


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Wow, that threat took a quick twist :/

anyways, hes an Hollywood star.. what do you expect? :dunno: he is right, if he losses his hair he surely will lose his career as mr captain America, at least he is being honest about it unlike most stars.


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Ori83 said:
Wow, that threat took a quick twist :/

anyways, hes an Hollywood star.. what do you expect? :dunno: he is right, if he losses his hair he surely will lose his career as mr captain America, at least he is being honest about it unlike most stars.

I doubt it, sure it might affect his career a bit but he's an established actor who's done some decent work. Also I'm pretty sure he wore a piece for the captain America movie because it looks way to thick to be his own hair and even if not and he loses more, he'll wear a wig. They won't hire someone else when the films have been so successful.


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twenty.five said:
Meanwhile, all of you would be happy to date some bald chick (or acne or any other shortcoming) because you're sooo superior to women and not shallow at all, like they are. Puh-lease, we're all equally shallow, you just want it to work this way: you get to be picky and get 10/10 women while ignoring the 2/10 women that you should be paired with, whereas women should just take anyone, even your bald, sexist self.

Wowza, you sure do hate women!

That's how rapists and serial killers think.

Well, maybe the evolutionary purpose of hair loss is to humble men. I probably would have declined a girl with acne before, but now I "know how it feels", I'm much more likely to give her a chance.