How Exactly Do You Shave Your Own Growing Hair Underneath The System?


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What seems right now the last and impossible obstacle to being able to do it all my own, is the shaving or buzzing the existing miniaturizing hair beneath the hair system which grows slowly. How exactly area you able to do it in a perfect horseshoe pattern where the hairpiece would exactly fit? 2 mirrors? Muscle memory? I'm sure there are many special tips to do it more efficiently. Share them! Thanks a lot!


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Doing it the first time is difficult. A tip is to place your template into position, then sprinkle talcum powder on your surrounding hair. Then remove the template and shave off the hair that doesn't have talcum powder on it.

I don't find it too difficult to keep the shaved area shaven (I do it weekly). There is a very obvious demarcation between the area that has been shaven but has grown a week's worth of stubble, and the unshaven bit. You do need 2 mirrors though.


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Not really. I suppose it depends how you travel on your trips, and how long they are. You can probably get away with 14 days between shaves if necessary. Hotels usually have good mirrors. I also take a big hand mirror with me. Webcam and laptop would do the same job in a hi-tech way. It would be a good use for those selfie sticks you see everywhere LOL.


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anybody else shaving on their own? impossible without a template? looks like i can't manage without doing one


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I had a similar thought too Fan, but once you've had the template shape shaved out; with a steady hand and an extra mirror, I really don't think It'd be too difficult.