How easy was it to get a prescription {for Proscar}?


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I'd like to hear some of the members' experiences here in getting a prescription for either propecia or proscar. Was it easy, hard? Did it have to take some convincing. How long would the prescriptions usually last?

I read on that they discourage purchasing Proscar because while its based on the same substance "finasteride" as Propecia, they are not the same thing and proscar should thus not be used for hair loss. I think this is just a line of BS they are feeding us because Proepcia is more expensive and churns out more of a profit. But as far as I can see, its just a 1mg version of Proscar, so you're ending up paying more for less. I don't begrudge a company for wanting to profit, but I don't appreciate this lying to my face for it, especially when i'm just trying to get the facts here.

In addition, I also read that there might be "dangers" in cutting Proscar into 1.25 mg, where the extra .25 mg may have some negative results. Is this Merck talking again with dollar sign figures spinning around in their eyes?

It's these factors though that make me afraid that a dermatologist is going to spout the party line and give me a Rx for Propecia only. But paying 50 dollars a month is obscene, especially since I have a low income {I'm still using 28.8 dialup speed!!!).

So I need to find a dermatologist that's going to shoot straight with me. That's why I'd like to hear your experiences, and compare them to the responses I might get when I visit the doctor. Where would I most likely be able to get a Proscar prescription? Are some types of doctors/etc better than others?

Thanks for any responses!


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I just went to my local Doctor.. he sent me in for blood tests which were all in the clear, went back and he gave me the prescription.

Proscar is given to people as 5mg, so its doubtful that suddenly 1.25mg is giong to be all full of dangers. So yes, just stay firm, ask for a prescription of proscar.. and point out its the same stuff as propecia if they don't know already.


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Thanks for the response Rage. I don't have a family doctor, so I may have to just sift through the list of dermatologists my insurance covers and cross my fingers hoping whoever I go to will be a competent one.