How Does My Donor Area Look (estimation?) + Future Hair Transplant And Age


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Hi everybody,

I've been reading in-depth for a while now since my first post.
Ofcourse I have seen propecia, minoxidil and alternative treatments. I had severe anxiety caused by some medical issues and caused hypochondria. I at least think, this could have had a influence on a faster progression (1 year of extreme anxiety) of my genetic hair loss pattern which I of course already have.

Anyway, due to my medical history, prostate cancer from my grandfathers side (we look identical, so I do not rule it out), and finally been feeling better with less anxiety I would not like to go on propecia, despite the good things I have also read about this. But since it must be a long-term solution towards hair loss but also towards the medication propecia I will not take it. There will be some people who will not understand, but i'll take my chances.

Now I of course want to take action towards my hair loss. I am going to start with minoxidil 5% when my chronic hives will dissapear, which I think are caused by stress as well. Anyway, I want to start shampoo with ketoconazole as well. I hope this will buy me some time even though it will not stop MBP .

Anyhow, since I am not willing to take propecia due to what I said before, I would like to try a hair transplant when this is wise ( I am willing to wait a couple of years till I reach nordwood 5, and if I look to my grandfather who was identical to me I will reach a point somewhere between 5-6) and If I have my fathers genetics it will stop somewhere right now, but small chance that will really happen.

I know this is not the right time to do my hair transplant and will wait more till when I am 28-30 years old. I will also understand you cannot fill up everything but my dream is to go towards perhaps Norwood 2, which would be really optimistic so I would say Norwood 3? Actually I want to keep a bit of my temples, since I had this since a year of 16-18. Now, I am asking the people with the knowledge on the forum:

- How does my donor hair area look like? It looks a lot better than the rest of my hair.
- Is it realistic to say I would be a good potential hair transplant client?
- Would this probably, as an estimation be possible during 28-30 years?

In the attached photo's are taking from my donor area in bright light and one sh*t with less light.


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Your donor hair looks fine, if you were on finasteride a hair transplant would be a good option. It is a mistake to allow yourself to go NW5 and then do something about the loss. Each hair you lose now is $3 or $4 down the drain that you will have to pay for later with donor hair, if you have it.