how does everyone here get dates?



Begin from the bottom and work yourself up to the top ;)
Step by step.. U need to get warm before going for the best chicas man!!
When you get more self confidence, then you can kick´in some nice sharm!!


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Give this some thought - ever seen girls in their late teens/early 20s side by side with their mothers? It is like a cold bucket of water being poured over you. If you are looking long-term with a female, this should give you a pause - especially for those of you on this forum who apparently care about your own looks so much. Be very careful - if looking for long term relationship especially, always think, how will this person look 15-20 years from now? If you are so concerned about your appearance now, you probably want to maintain that appearance as long as you can and you would want to be with a compatible person far down the road, not just right now.


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I hate to keep this irrelevant thread going - and it really is irrelevant to male pattern baldness.

Why do you worry about your virginity - you are a man, no one can determine for sure. I am telling you, your life is not going to change in any way if you go out of your way to achieve this goal of yours.

And what is wrong with living like a saint? Many of these people (who really live pure lives) show that they have an existence higher than that of the other animals that exist on earth. Whereas most humans, cannot control their primitive, hormone-induced animal urges, and are no different from the other kinds of animals around them. I, for example, practice what I preach here, and not because I have no choice. I have had many chances over the years, but refuse to frivolously give in to my animal side. Life is not about for-the-moment pleasure, but rather achieving your long-term goals, if you have any.


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fiddle_com said:
I'm 26 and i'm still virgin. That bother's me a lot. I dont like to be a saint.

Are you picky or something? By 26 I would imagine most people had an "oppurtunity" at this point even if your shy, ugly, or just plain weird, If you are too picky, who cares what she looks like, just wear a condom and get it over with.


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Are you picky or something? By 26 I would imagine most people had an "oppurtunity" at this point even if your shy, ugly, or just plain weird, If you are too picky, who cares what she looks like, just wear a condom and get it over with.

thats pretty much saying just go out and get a hooker,which im sure that is something he doesnt want to do


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iamnaked said:
There's nothing wrong with Palmela Handerson.

You're right and this is the sexless option that proves all too valuable for me. With my joint pain, I need a hands-free option now .......


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me too, 25 and virgin, but i m a pickup artist, i m religious.

anyway, ur right, guys dont like nice guys, the spacepants CNF is good, but i can never use it myself.

one question, what do you guys mean by purchasing woman? do you guys mean prostitution ? :freaked2:


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emery said:
me too, 25 and virgin, but i m a pickup artist, i m religious.

anyway, ur right, guys dont like nice guys, the spacepants CNF is good, but i can never use it myself.

one question, what do you guys mean by purchasing woman? do you guys mean prostitution ? :freaked2:

Yes, well I was referring to the dates you purchase in the supermarket. I do my shopping every Saturday evening. Anyway dating, esp. old fashioned i.e. man pays, is essentially money for sex, so I consider it a form of prostitution.


Goingat20 said:
I meet heeps of women at clubs. I get there numbers and date them after that, or just hook up with them, depending on what kind of chick they are.
Currently seeing 3 girls, met them all at clubs!

Do you dance in clubs or you just go to order a drink and approach the girl directly?

Here, clubs are not so good to get women, because girls feel like they are goddeses and reject 99% of men in clubs. It's easier to go out with your dog to the park and start talking wiht a lady there. than going to one of those fak eclubs, where you have 400 males to compete with, for just a few girls.


Fight4Hairs said:
My best tips: Find a girl you likeat a bar, club or something, not the most beautifull chick in the room but in the middle class.. Just ask her if she wanna kiss.. JUST ASK!!
If she do, then she like you right away.. And probably 10 other girls in the room like you to...If she say no, there is a big change she wanna talk to you after you turn u back again! She will think, this man got balls!!

I done it many times and it works wonders!!!

You must be kidding.

If someone does that, he will only get rejected.

Plus, th eother girls will see how ridicolous you will looked trying to approach that girl. And if you try to approach the other girls, they will of course reject you before you say "hi"

Girls go to clubs to reject 99% of men. Clubs are fake and pathetic.

And I bet not many guy like the idea of being rejected 60 times, before getting a girl.


Aplunk1 said:
I usually meet women through my friends. I mostly only hit on women who flirt with my initially... Like, if one of the girls says "He's hot," or whatever, then I'll go in for the kill.

I don't come off as desperate. I actually come off as a pretty reserved guy sometimes... When I'm drinking, that's another story.

In any case, the best types of women to meet and find are not located in your local bars and clubs.

They are the women you see at the library, at church, in school. These are the women who are beautiful on the inside and outside. They are the underrated women of the century.

If you want to go out and find women, don't do it at clubs or bars.

Find something you genuinely enjoy. I enjoy working out.

One of the best feelings in the world:

After a nice, long workout, when you're feeling great about yourself physically and mentally, is to ask a girl out... Women at the gym really take care of their bodies... a great turn-on if you ask me.

It's about how you WORK with people...

No matter what happens, make sure that you're having a good time trying to meet women.

Don't be discouraged if you get rejected... This is the nature of the game, my friend.

I am glad, I have to admit you are correct on this one. :)

And, I like Gym girls too. Fitness girls. :p


BTW, there is a place that sucks to try to get girls, I don't know if you have the same problem, but in University or in any Study class you take, all the girls have boyfriends. That sucks.

I think it's impossible to get a girl there. Well, I guess there are other places.

This may sound lame, but has anyone ever meet a girl on internet?

I have never ever meet on the net. And I still believe all the profiles of those sites are fake, and that its a MYTH knowing a decent girl on the net.


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My advice is get to the gym and stay there for a year. Forget about looking for women... They'll be looking for you when you're finished...