How do you meet girls???


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Hm, I really cannot agree with that.
When I want a girl I look for one (make some of my friends set me up) and I get one. You have to be active, go out with your friends and their (girl) friends, be cool, flirt with them, and that’s it. If you don't look for a girl, you probably won't find one.
But yeah, don’t try hard. If they see that you are desperate you are out of the picture. Just be full of confidence (but don’t be cocky) cause girls like that.
So go ahead and make some friends and then you'll get chicks easily :lol:


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If there's one person you have to tell the truth to in the end, it's yourself, guys.

The reality is that the ONLY way to improve your situation with women is to get out there and interact with MORE women. Of every kind imaginable. Friends, lovers, acquaintances, you name it.

QUANTITY is the name of the game.

MORE women means MORE opportunities. It's a simple numbers game

If you meet 2 women and strike out with 1, that's 50%. If you meet 10 women and strike out with 5, that's still 50%, but you bet your @ss you don't care as much when you've got the other 5 saying "Yes, please." Your RATIO of failures is the same, but you've just multiplied your successes by FIVE



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Diddy said:
yeah your in a tough situation, every quality girl i've ever met was through a friend of a friend. Just a bunch of us hanging out, and then chat it up, and bingo.
Club girls are good for sex, but 85% are some dumb *** hoes. My buddies always take girls home with us, to drink and sh*t after the club, and some of these girls are so stupid its hilarious.

that brings back's funny because it's true


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ALL GOOD ADVICE, KEEP IT COMING (except you, Haifreak. Send some of those girls my way, freegin bastard!=)

I agree, even though I hate the fact that the more interested you are, the less chics dig you. What the hell is going on there?!? Like those shows, Joe Millionare or The Bachelor, all the girls want the guy NOT because they really want them, but because other girls want them!! It has me thinking that nobody can ever really be in love and show the other that, because once they display those emotions and that affection, the other will go "oh, you want me? BYE BYE!!"

So I guess my main problem is that the only friends I have are, and I hate to say it, NERDS. I mean, I'm not that different, though I have been with over 15 girls, and my friends not even a handfull. That's just one "clue", if I may say so. Plus I at least go out and drink every now and then. Then there's my best friend, who came here from Michigan- known him since childhood. He has a record, and is a manager at a strip club cuz it's the only job he can get.=) He's offering me hoes left and right, but I don't want to even touch that. Never know where they've been!!

2 opposite sides of the spectrum.

HOW DO I MEET COOL "FRIENDS" THEN?? I think that's the question. I like the advice of going out with girls that I'm not necessarily attracted to, to meet others. I'll give it a shot, and stay away from the internet for now. Don't know how long I can hold out though.=)



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I feel dating girls at work is a bad idea. If something goes sour sh*t can be spread very quickly about one another. Before you know it you'll wish you never met her. I've seen it happen a few times at work.

Grocery stores are a great place to meet girls. Tons of women there are successful, young good looking ect. ect.... most aren't just looking for a young dumbass. It's easy to strike up convos. Just talk about christmas, which foods you like to make for dinner. Talk about whats on sale or something u saw that amazed u.

I'm not saying this works for me :p but it works for a lot of people.


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My "Deborah" and I broke up in May. So, Stone Cold is back on the market!

I have a friend who went to Bangkok. The reason there are more girls than guys at clubs is that most of the girls are "working"..looking to find a guy to take them back to the States!

I agree with elguapo that College chicks are tempting, but they tend just to be a big tease. Plus, they hang out in big packs and its hard to get ones attention. Plus, lots of times you'll get "c***-blocked" by their friends if they dont like you talking to their friend. Thats the most anoying of all. One time, I was really chatting up a cheerleader for a local collge who really was into me....but her freinds kept pulling her away here and there. ARGGHH!

It hard enough with out having to deal with that! But, if you go for the 25-28 range, you usually dont encounter that.


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Just my take on Internet dating:

I was surprised to find out that some girls I know have been meeting people on the Net! I am talking about very attractive girls, like 25 to 26 years old, no kids, in good shape with careers.

While I am a bit old school and would tend to think you will most likely meet some "house frau" online, there are really nice girls who go online. I guess some of them are tired getting badgered by drunk guys at bars and clubs. (I share some responsibility here... :oops: ) But, its def becomming more of a social norm.

And thats the bottom line.....


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People still watch wrestling?? Ok yeah when you arent looking or trying is when you will find one. When you meet a girl dont start thinking about how you can make her your girlfriend just act naturally and treat her like a friend...


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I just wanted to share with you this
story. I was at the grocery store doing my food
shopping. Well, as I'm going down the frozen food
section I notice this totally hot girl about mid
to late 20's looking at frozen dinners. I walked
up to her like I was just shopping and notice
she's looking at frozen meals, the type you throw
in the microwave. So I ask her if that was for her
dog and she didn't even look up at me and said it
was for her boyfriend for when she goes away this
weekend. So I told her that if I was her boyfriend
and she left that crap for me that she'd come back
to find all her stuff on the front porch with the
door locks changed. So she finally looks up with
this look of disbelieve as if to say "oh no you
just didn't" So I just laugh at her and ask her if
she knows how to cook. She says a little but not
really and I tell her that's to bad because the
way to a guys heart is through his stomach. She's
laughs again and tells me she can make spaghetti.
Then I tell her any moron can boil water and throw
in some noodles and laugh at her again. The whole
time she had this look as if she's never been
talked to like this, along with a big smile. So I
TOLD her to give me her email address and I'll
send her some recipes so that her poor boyfriend
doesn't starve to death. She laughs and says that
he's on his way out anyway and gives me her email
and phone number (which I didn't tell her to give
me) and says that she'd like some good recipes
anyway. So I wait 5 days and send her an email and
tell her if she screws up my mother's recipe that
I'll have to kick her ***. She write back within
the hour and asked if I wanted to meet her for a
drink. I said that I couldn't today but maybe next
week I'd be available. Immediately she writes back
and says that she broke up with her boyfriend and
wanted to get to know me. So I write back the next
day and say "good for him, maybe now he'll get a
decent meal" That went over perfect because she
wrote me back and asked me again to met for
drinks, I replied that since she's not playing
hard to get that I will and tell her I'll only met
her for drinks if she buys. She says she'll meet
me the next day at 7:00 at the local bar. I
arrived at around 7:15 and walk right up to the
bar, I saw her in the corner but didn't make eye
contact. So I order a beer and then I hear her
over my shoulder "I'll get that beer for him" The
rest is history!



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wils, that is a good story. Think I'll frame that one. Right about now I'm thinking you look like that guy Jason Statham (Transporter), struttin your stuff in the market. Good for you, you're a credit to our race! But do you act like that all the time, and does it work for you, or were you just acting, trying something different?

That's maybe what I should do. Thing is, 1) I'm not like that naturally- I'm the "nice guy", which only the rare nice girl ever goes for, and 2) I'm not looking for a girl that is into guys with "attitude".

What pisses me off, though, is that my xgirlfriend, whom I swear triggered my male pattern baldness by breaking up with me while studying abroad (boohoo, I know), went from a nice girl, WAY into me, to being sort of a diva, into the GQ type. I don't know, everything seems upside down. Losing hair just makes it worse!! =)

I think since I am not really ready to date anyway, I am going to act like that for a while, as a "game", if nothing else. I gotta see if this works.

Thanks. Gluck.


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Best way to meet girls in Dallas Tx...........

Max out your credit cards with trendy clothes.
Spend tons of cash every month on tanning salons (Even though the sun shines here from May to September with not a cloud in the sky.
Over extend yourself with the biggest SUV you can't afford.
Get an apartment you can't afford.
Do not have a thought in your head.
Treat a women with no respect.
Get a tribel tattoo.
Only go for girls with boob jobs (there is enough implants here to displace an entire ocean were they all to go in at once).
Cheat on her as soon as possible so she loves you more.
Go into a room and turn off the lights and look for the glow.(teeth whitening is very popular here with chics)
Be a drunk.
Put on a wedding ring.

I hate Dallas girls, so trendy it's disgusting. Best girls I have ever met here, have moved here recently and haven't been infected with the local attitude.


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Cassin said:
Best way to meet girls in Dallas Tx...........

Max out your credit cards with trendy clothes.
Spend tons of cash every month on tanning salons (Even though the sun shines here from May to September with not a cloud in the sky.
Over extend yourself with the biggest SUV you can't afford.
Get an apartment you can't afford.
Do not have a thought in your head.
Treat a women with no respect.
Get a tribel tattoo.
Only go for girls with boob jobs (there is enough implants here to displace an entire ocean were they all to go in at once).
Cheat on her as soon as possible so she loves you more.
Go into a room and turn off the lights and look for the glow.(teeth whitening is very popular here with chics)
Be a drunk.
Put on a wedding ring.

I hate Dallas girls, so trendy it's disgusting. Best girls I have ever met here, have moved here recently and haven't been infected with the local attitude.

Texas sounds very exotic to me :crazy:


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Thats where Bush comes from, what the f00k do you expect? :p


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I disagree with people saying that meeting someone on the internet is for "desperate people" or "fat hogs" or psychos.

Then internet is actually very efficient. I met my current gf on We emailed first, then instant messaged, then we talked on the phone. I knew exactly what she looked like and what she was interested in before we ever met.

To me, meeting a girl like that is much easier than "macking" on girls in random locations. Of course, I'm 31 so I'm a little old for the club scene. Sure, there are desperate people on the net, but there are hot psycho girls in the supermarket too!

At least on the net, you know you are talking to someone thats interested from the get-go in starting something up and you can screen quite a bit before you actually commit to meet them.

I think there is even a site strictly for super-hot model types called fitness date or something. NO fatties allowed if you are that shallow :)


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Stinger122 said:
Thats where Bush comes from, what the f00k do you expect? :p

I'd expect it to be a place where cowboys can freely participate to "rodeos" (with whoever they want) :lol: .

Now back to the topic:

I'd go with asking your friend's friend's if they know some single girl, other than that you can meet girls anywhere really. Attend partys at school/work stuff like that, other than that I'm afraid I can't help much.


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VoRteX said:
I disagree with people saying that meeting someone on the internet is for "desperate people" or "fat hogs" or psychos.

Then internet is actually very efficient. I met my current gf on We emailed first, then instant messaged, then we talked on the phone. I knew exactly what she looked like and what she was interested in before we ever met.

To me, meeting a girl like that is much easier than "macking" on girls in random locations. Of course, I'm 31 so I'm a little old for the club scene. Sure, there are desperate people on the net, but there are hot psycho girls in the supermarket too!

At least on the net, you know you are talking to someone thats interested from the get-go in starting something up and you can screen quite a bit before you actually commit to meet them.

I think there is even a site strictly for super-hot model types called fitness date or something. NO fatties allowed if you are that shallow :)

I know what u r saying. However there is still a stereotype that only losers do that. Well, after all first people that were looking for someone on the Internet were losers indeed :) That has changed a lot however, stereotype is still there and I still feel awkward doing it. Even thought there are some really cute girls out there.


Experienced Member
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Best way to meet girls in Dallas Tx...........

Max out your credit cards with trendy clothes.
Spend tons of cash every month on tanning salons (Even though the sun shines here from May to September with not a cloud in the sky.
Over extend yourself with the biggest SUV you can't afford.
Get an apartment you can't afford.
Do not have a thought in your head.
Treat a women with no respect.
Get a tribel tattoo.
Only go for girls with boob jobs (there is enough implants here to displace an entire ocean were they all to go in at once).
Cheat on her as soon as possible so she loves you more.
Go into a room and turn off the lights and look for the glow.(teeth whitening is very popular here with chics)

LMFAO, it's not just Dallas's most of the Western, tribal tattoo, lmao..., be a jerk, lol, you forgot the stupid $100 haircut, copying the latest pop/movie/sports star. lol :roll:


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Lizzad said:
Best way to meet girls in Dallas Tx...........

Max out your credit cards with trendy clothes.
Spend tons of cash every month on tanning salons (Even though the sun shines here from May to September with not a cloud in the sky.
Over extend yourself with the biggest SUV you can't afford.
Get an apartment you can't afford.
Do not have a thought in your head.
Treat a women with no respect.
Get a tribel tattoo.
Only go for girls with boob jobs (there is enough implants here to displace an entire ocean were they all to go in at once).
Cheat on her as soon as possible so she loves you more.
Go into a room and turn off the lights and look for the glow.(teeth whitening is very popular here with chics)

LMFAO, it's not just Dallas's most of the Western, tribal tattoo, lmao..., be a jerk, lol, you forgot the stupid $100 haircut, copying the latest pop/movie/sports star. lol :roll:

So that means I have to be "IN" at the moment since I have Van Diesel's hairstyle. :peace:

There is even more to it (incredible, isn't it?):

What about those 100$ shirts that look unironed and very ... :lily: ?
What about those with unironed shirts carefully styling their hair with gel into seemingly asymetrical spikes?
What if on top on top of that they start wearing see-through sunglasses indoors (leaving you wonder if they ever take them off)?


"Maybe balding is a blessing, if seen under that light" - al_pacino

:2gunsfiring_v1: :firing: :snipersmilie: :lily: