How do you know what type of hairloss it is?



Hey all!

I have to say that this site blew me away! the support that all the people in here show the visitors is just amazing.

I have a stupid question - how do you know when it´s normal hair loss vs permanent hair loss?

I read one post about the bulbs - do they tell you anything? can you look at a hair and say - bulb looks good, will grow a new hair there. I think I stumbled upon someone writing a post where a thick hair lost is a hair that will grow back.

Is there a rule?

The second Question is - how long does it take before finasteride kicks in and have you ever had a poll of side effects in the forum?



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you'll know it's permanent hairloss when you see changes in your hairline or your crown.

i lose crazy hair every day, like handfuls, and i have been this way since my early-mid teens.

i still have all my hair.

and propecia is helping that.