How do YOU apply the foam?


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How does everyone here apply the foam? Do you squirt a big blob onto your fingers first and slap it on? Do you squirt little dots and work it into several areas? Do you put the nozzle right onto your scalp and squirt?

What has worked for you?


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I generally have been applying the roam right onto the scalp, once to my crown, and once to each temple. This is to prevent it from melting in my hands. I read somewhere that your supposed to run ice cold water on your fingers before applying the foam to prevent it from melting/evaporating but I find this method works better for me.


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I put it in the cap first and use my finger tips to get it into my scalp.


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I put a tad on my fingers and rub in innnnnnnnnn for
at least 30-40 seconds.(no useing a cap}
I just see foam,NO melting in the 1 1/2 years I have been using it....
I think it will melt if you leave it on your fingers for Mins....
Just put it on you hand and run it in.....................
I buy mine on ebay at $60 for 6 bottles with shipping,,,,a great deal I would think.....JT


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i just squirt it on my head in a jaunty yet restrained manner.