How did you know?


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Hi guys.

My two questions are very basic but important ones.

First question:

How did you guys know it was the right time to get a hair transplant?

Obviously, hairloss was enough of an issue to get a hair transplant, so the question here is what made you take the plunge? To make it easier, I've set up the following options, of course feel free to add to them and include your thoughts with the answer.

1. I couldn't hide hairloss anymore by hairstyles, treatments, concealers...etc. It was only getting worse and I needed an improvement, even a small one for a change. I've always had the money though.

2. I could finally afford it without being in too much debt.

3. I realized hairloss was destroying my quality of life, and I had to do this, and took any means necessary (within law) to obtain money for the op.

4. Other reason.

Second question:

Any regrets?

Given you've had a procedure within the last two years and no complications or such occurred, do you regret not just accepting your hairloss and opting for the hair transplant? Is there something that you realized that might be beneficial knowledge to one who has not undergone the treatment yet?
And of course...are you HAPPY that you had the hair transplant and do you find yourself thinking more or less about your hair now?

Thank you for your replies.


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I can't really express my feelings as to the final result, as I'm only 11 days post op but...

The reason I had the hair transplant was because I was no longer comfortable going out and wondering if my hair looks good. I hated it day to day. For me now things are reversed. I no longer think as time goes on it's going to get worse. Everyday now I think it can only get better even if it's for a few years it's worth it. Hopefully the meds will have slowed it enough to make it last longer than a few years but even if I think it's worth it.

Just the idea of looking forward to tomorrow and not dreading how your hair will look in a year makes me feel great.


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Thanks for your input. I'm sure a lot of people are curious about the decisive factor that made you finally seek and ACT upon the transplant option. I guess another follow up question would be (to the "regret" question): Has the transplant given you more peace of mind?


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1st Question: 1 and 3
I was a nw6 and shaved it, I lived with it for years and it put my life on hold, finally I decided that I had to do something to at least try and change things. I had the money so that was'nt really an issue. But people spend much more on cars which become worthless within a few years. But I would say its important not to jump the gun and have it done too soon, I was 30 yrs old. IMO its a mistake to have it done unless you actually have a moderate degree of hairloss or are completely sure that you've go the loss halted by meds. Even then I would still suggest being very conservative with the hairline.
Guys in their early 20's using up half their donor to get back to nw1 are taking a big risk. People say I want my hair while I'm young but then you have the rest of your life to regret things if your headed for nw7.

2nd Question: I did'nt do the proper research and went to some butchers before having repair work done so yes I regret my original choice of surgeons. Never rush into things as important as this.


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Appreciate your thoughts s.a.f. Would youl like to complete your answer to the 2nd question by saying how you were able to tell that this second surgeon was better than the first prior to surgery?

As for others reading this...I know you probably feel if the incentive/desire is big enough, then obviously there is no point for you to state your reasons for surgery here, but please inform me as I am about to take the plunge myself and need support. Thank you.


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Bash said:
Appreciate your thoughts s.a.f. Would youl like to complete your answer to the 2nd question by saying how you were able to tell that this second surgeon was better than the first prior to surgery?

It was pretty obvious I went to a UK clinic and the salesman promised me they could give me a full head of hair in 2 sessions of just 1500 grafts each.
Not knowing any different I went ahead with it and was left with huge scarring in the donor area and as for the grafts I got about 8 or 900 just enough for a pluggy hairline with terrible density after 2 more goes in the UK (changing to another terrible clinic) with hardly any growth. I found out about Spex, the UK showcase for Dr Feller and he showed me some examples of what a hair transplant is supposed to look like.
Then I joined few forums such as this one and found out I was'nt the only victim of the UK clinics. I saw stories of guys who had gone to the US and Canada for repair work and saw their results in pictures.
I then had a session in New York and the results were 5x more benifitial than what I'd got in the UK.


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Ok. Avoid UK clinics in general and naturally do a lot of research, in particular when it comes to the clinics claims. Noted. I'll make sure if and when I get a consultation that I run the docs assessment through this forum for a reality check.

P.SI live in Sweden (Stockholm) and I hope the standards are higher here.

The questions are still there and I appreciate anybodys input on what started them on their journey, and how satisfactory it was. Thanks.