How can you catch it early? Are these the beginning signs?


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Young Man, If You Could Spare a Minute Please Help
My normal, teenager looking 21 year old Hair
(Looks pretty darn fine here):

Right Hairline (worrying me):

Left Hairline (worrying me):

Hi there. I am a 21 year old young man. I have recently been noticing what I think is a change in my hairline over the past two years or so. My family members say no, and naturally think I am just worrying. I could be. Now please understand even if there happens to be any hairloss occuring for me, I know it would be extremely minor. I am worrying quite a whole lot about something a young person might not normally. But I am just simply wondering, Does anyone see any possible minor signs of the start of hairline recession? I have it in my family, and what to do all that I can EARLY as possible.

Thank you so much in advance.


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You're already a Norwood 2.

Jump on the big 3 if you want to keep it that way.


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Kevin -

Your hair is almost exactly like mine - and yours is starting just like mine did (I have that little "patch" up front too). I played it off as well, and as someone with fine hair, people around me just said "nah, that's how your hair's always been."

Don't believe it. If you want to be sure, you can just make an appointment with a dermatologist and he'll tell you in five minutes.

Nizoral shampoo and finasteride. minoxidil if you want to do a full court press.


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Do what redstar said and start now. Don't blow off the Nizoral shampoo. You certainly need it and I was surprised how much it really helped very quickly.


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My Regimen
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if you had symptoms of cancer your family would probably tell you not to worry either and then you would probably get diagnosed months too late and die where you didn't have to

you have male pattern baldness 100% and receeding for sure


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Sooner you start fighting it, better for you.


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I'm afraid to say, but what we have here is a final survey consensus. Please act accordingly and all my best.


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Yep sorry to say mate, but you've got recession and a overall decrease in the volume of your hair. Get on some treatment ASAP and you will be able to keep it all though!

g.i joey

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above posters are correct, fix yourself in the next year or else say goodbye to your social life bud

just kidding, well kinda. but yeah man your **** has been receding probably before you even cared. give finasteride a TRY and talk to your Doctor about it, it could save u alot of stress and worry.


My Regimen
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Your hairline is exactly what mine looked like at 18.

Now look at my hairline. That's what it looked like by 21. It would be worst now if I didn't jump on a 5AR.

My family said the same things to me: I'm worrying too much; it's probably just a mature hairline; etc.

My dad even said the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life: "Your head changes shape as you get older." WTF?

So, buddy, you are balding. Make no mistake.

Look at relatives. Grandparents. If any of them are bald, that IS what you will look like. Make no mistake. Don't try to explain it away to make yourself feel better. You will only hurt yourself.

Now if I was you (which I was when I was 18) I would get on Avodart. You need to shut down the DHT in your body ASAP. Don't fall for the side effects scare. Don't fall for any "alternative treatments." Avodart. The only alternative is the less potent finasteride. But one or the other is the only legit choice you have if you don't wanna keep balding.

Get a prescription. Don't wait.

I waited and now I look even worse. It crept up on me.