How can I tell if I should shave my head?


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6 feet, 150 lbs. I look slightly underweight.

I have a slightly receeded hairline, an ever-exposing crown, and diffuse thinning on the top(I can keep it looking decent when not under heavy light). I don't know how well-shaped my head is for shaving. Anyone have advice for determining if I should take the step? I'd appreciate it.

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well my hairline was fairly recedded,no loss at the crown and i shaved my head to a 0.5.
At first i was elated because i had the balls to do it but as the novelty wore off i grew to regret it.
I think it greatly depends on the extent of your hairline recession,im a norwood 2.5 and with longer hair to no1 actually realised.With a shaved head my baldness is totally exposed.
Not trying to put you off it mate,just wish id been slightly less niave!


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There's no way to really tell you just have to go for it. You might want to make plans to get a tan to even out the color as well. Makes things look a lot better.


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Put those same caps that swimmers wear on your head and it might tell ya how well shaving your head will look.


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Isn't there computer software that will let you put different hairstyles on a picture of yourself to see what you would look like? I mean, I know it isn't EXACTLY what you would look like, but it could give somewhat of an indicator.