How can i know for sure that my hairloss is male patern bald


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hi, the question is, what exams i need to do to know for sure that i have male patern baldness? maybe my hair loss is caused by otherthing, and i am intoxicating my body with medicines that i dont need and maybe it is doing bad for hair. if i dont have male patern baldness i dont need finasteride! and maybe finasteride is killing my hair! any one?


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Go to a doctor and find out.

I imagine that if you're losing hair, you have male pattern baldness. It's a tough pill to swallow but it's best to accept it and go from there.

Losing noticeable hair for other reasons is rare and usually due to alopecia areata (a patchy hairloss due to an immune system disorder), chemotherapy (enough said), or other disorders such as anorexia. It isn't due to nutrition, lack of sleep, or any of a plethora of other hopefuls at which we might grasp.