how bad would you say this is? Been On finasteride for 13 months + NIzoral twice a week


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Hey, so I just shaved my head again (had long hair) and I'm obbssesed with my hair again.

I think finasteride has helped make it thicker at the hairline or is just starting to.

What Norwood am I now? I feel like my hairline has been the same for like the past five years but I could be wrong.


am i still thinning on top?

Photo on 2015-05-04 at 10.37 AM #2.jpgPhoto on 2015-05-04 at 10.37 AM #4.jpg


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i shaved it closer and i took another pic. The thing that bothers me is that the hair at the temples is so blond it doesn't match the center where it's darker... -.- Photo on 2015-05-04 at 5.26 PM #2.jpg


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looking good! maybe the blonder ones will eventually grow darker since those were the ones affected by male pattern baldness?! also did you ever experienced a thinning time period? or a period of schedding? best regards


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Hey candlelight, yeh that's what I'm thinking, the blond ones will probably eventually grow darker. And no I never experienced any shedding or any side effects, I still get boners all day long and is been 13 months or so. So yeh no shedding for me, but everyone reacts differently on the drug!


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finasteride obviously keeps your hair in a good shape. Keep it on. Nice to hear you don't have any sides mate.