How bad am I receding? I've only just turned 20 what can I do?


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I've only just turned 20 and my hairline has become really noticable. My hair has always been really thin and even just rubbing my head a bit causes me to shed a lot of hair!

I can't do much with my hair because of the way it is, the only option I really have is to have it short!

Is there anything I can do to stop this?


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Look like a crown balder brah.

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I would definitely get on finasteride


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Take finasteride, definitely going bald. Hairline receded and from your shedding it seems that the worst has yet to come :(

You're only 20, save what you have, at least, that's what I would do if I were in the same situation as you are now.


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Diffusing all over ontop of having a NW2.


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Ther's defiantly some recession at the temples and thinning at the crown. I'm not the best at these Norwood things but I'd say you're at the stage where you should be thinking about doing something about it if you're worried about losing it.


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Looks like balding. See a dermatologist to investigate possible causes of balding and proceed with treatment options from there.


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Do you think I'm that bad? I couldn't notice any crown thinning myself as to me it feels like a constant consistency of hair all over but I'm sure you can notice these things better than me!

Is finasteride the only option for me? How much of a difference do you think this will make?

I've read some of the side effects as a increased risk of cancer etc, are these realistic or just extremely small chances?

I'm based in the UK so not sure how available it is, I have heard of a cheaper alternative that you apparently cut into quarters? Would you recommend I take daily or every other?

I appreciate all your help! You've got me all worried now though!! I haven't got the best shaped head to be bald


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I think you are balding. You should look into treatment options. You can start with minoxidil and consult a dermatologist and see if he prescribes finasteride. If you start your treatment early, there is a good chance that you will keep what you have for a long time and possibly regrow some hair that you last.


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Do you think I'm that bad? I couldn't notice any crown thinning myself as to me it feels like a constant consistency of hair all over but I'm sure you can notice these things better than me!

Is finasteride the only option for me? How much of a difference do you think this will make?

Hey man, finasteride i believe is unfortunately your only hope. I felt bad for you man, your only 20. That sucks to have to deal with that. Im freaking out at 34 and im a norwood 1 maybe 1.5. Hair loss sucks!! Its just devastating to your self esteem and self worth. Id say get brand Propecia 1mg and cut into .25 take for a couple weeks or a month if your cool start taking a half .5 if its working stay there. If your side effect free and your hair isnt improving move to 1mg. I wouldn't get a 5mg generic finasteride or even brand proscar because you might need less than a mg daily.I Learned this the hard way

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Also you still have a decent amount of hair, its thin and fine, but thats what Propecia works Best for. Your Temples are gone you wont get that back. But you can really thicken up that mid scalp and crown. I would stay away from rogaine. I think with your hair type(fine) rogaine might do more harm than good. Fine hair is fragile and needs to be treated gently and with care. With that said after 6 months of finasteride if you feel its not enough maybe look into adding rogaine, your hair should be stronger and heavier from the Propecia. Good luck youngster! -Anthony


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Do you think I'm that bad? I couldn't notice any crown thinning myself as to me it feels like a constant consistency of hair all over but I'm sure you can notice these things better than me!

Is finasteride the only option for me? How much of a difference do you think this will make?

I've read some of the side effects as a increased risk of cancer etc, are these realistic or just extremely small chances?

I'm based in the UK so not sure how available it is, I have heard of a cheaper alternative that you apparently cut into quarters? Would you recommend I take daily or every other?

I appreciate all your help! You've got me all worried now though!! I haven't got the best shaped head to be bald

Listen, most people here are genuine and will give you their honest opinion if you ask them for it and sometimes that isn't what you want to hear. However these are just opinions, don't take everything people say here as the gospel truth. Deep down you should know yourself if you're thinning or receding. Failing that you could get a professional opinion from a derm to be 100% sure.

finasteride isn't the only option ther's a hair transplant but obviously that's expensive. Basically finasteride is the only approved and proven treatment available for hair loss. How much of a difference it makes varies from person to person but it's known to be very effective with the vast majority of men on finasteride at least keeping the hair they have and some even getting a bit of regrowth. However its main function is maintenance and you would have a better chance of regrowth if you also added Min.
Its prescription only so you'll have to speak to your doctor. However there are also some pharmacies in the UK who can prescribe it (and give you any advice you need) too if you're not comfortable talking with your doctor or your doctor won't prescribe it. Look up the Boots Hair Retention Programme.
As for the sides, I'm not going to go into all of them now I'll just tell you what I tell everyone - read the actual studies and educate yourself on the facts. What I will say is that people who do get sides are in the minority.
Hope this helps.


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You're balding. Your options are the big 3, hair transplant down the road, or rock the larry david/danny devito.


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You have some temporal recession and diffuse thinning, especially around back. I second everyone else, jump on the big three


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Do you think I'm that bad? I couldn't notice any crown thinning myself as to me it feels like a constant consistency of hair all over but I'm sure you can notice these things better than me!

Is finasteride the only option for me? How much of a difference do you think this will make?

I've read some of the side effects as a increased risk of cancer etc, are these realistic or just extremely small chances?

I'm based in the UK so not sure how available it is, I have heard of a cheaper alternative that you apparently cut into quarters? Would you recommend I take daily or every other?

I appreciate all your help! You've got me all worried now though!! I haven't got the best shaped head to be bald

You're not that bad yet. You'll probably regain lost density on finasteride, you won't need a hair transplant or anything like that assuming you're in the majority of good responders. You are young though, so it may be a sign of aggressive male pattern baldness genes. Hopefully you'll have a full head of hair again without surgery, it's a very realistic prospect for you.


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I honestly dont think youre that bad. I dont notice any crown loss, I think you just have naturally thin hairs, not thinning hair.
You have the start of temple recession but again how can we be sure unless we saw pics of you 5 years ago. When I was 20 I was around the same as you but my hair is so curly and wavy it covered my temples. Youll eventually start losing it for sure but who knows when.
Id start with the easy stuff first like minoxidil foam and maybe nizoral before jumping right into finasteride.