horomone levels and treatments


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I have a question about having your horomones tested. My endo in the fall tested only my testosterone, which was in the low end of normal. Then I read that you have to test them all and see them in relation to each other.

My derm said horomones fluctuate so much, that you could test normal, but not really be normal. That's reassuring :( And I hear all the time that women test normal, but still lose their hair in an apparantly horomone related pattern.

I'm seeing an endo in August (assuming there's any hair left to save by then) and want to know what I should insist on. My derm said he could do a scalp biopsy for me if I want.

I'm not sure that any of these will tell me anything that I don't already know through instinct. I know this forum says that women's hairloss is often treatable. But frankly, all I see posted here and on other forums are women saying that nothing is working! Doesn't seem very hopeful to me.

Rogaine only works *somewhat* for 19% of women who use it. Those stats stink! And I have to use it for a whole year to even find out? I guess I'm just bummed out on how hopeless this all seems.


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Also, I used Rogaine for a short while. During this time my seb derm was acting up. The Rogaine made the seb derm worse, so I stopped it.
Make sure your scalp is fairly healthy if you should decide on the Rogaine.


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Go to the home page of this site and download the guide to women's hair loss. It'll walk you through all the tests you need to ask your endo to run. Research, research, research! Don't waste your valuable endo appointment without bringing in all your questions. Have you talked to your gyno about your situation as well? Mine helped tremendously.

Best of luck


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I will take all my questions.. and a list of tests I'd like done (and probably a BIG attitude and chip on my shoulder as well) when I see the endo.

I can't help but run through all the possible causes in my mind as I learn new things and study them out and nothing ever pans out in my mind. I keep thinking I must have some sort of horomone imbalance because I have some other symptoms too like NO libido for the past year and so on. But, then I wonder..... if my horomones are so messed up, messed up enough to cause something as drastic as hairloss to this extent.... wouldn't you think I'd be like many of the other women with androgen problems who can't conceive? Because I am VERY fertile an have no problems with that at all. So how messed up can my levels be?

I drive myself crazy trying to figure this all out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dear Sad,

I went to the endo today. Apparently, "regular" endos don't deal with the female hormones. Only the adrenal, thyroid, and the rest. So, we did some blood work, DHEA-s, thyroid and a few more I don't remember.
I was too bummed out.
She couldn't help me with the libido, or any peri- or menopausal problems. She said, female hormone issues are the province of the gyn, or the reproductive endocrinologist, a specialist's specialist.
She thinks I may have an overactive adrenal??? But she said I may have more than one issue to deal with, the hair loss and the sex drive may not be related, but she agreed they could be. My head was spinning and I felt like crying...or screaming. :freaked: :cry:

It will take two weeks for results. She'll read the results and give me her recommendation. Possibley, a scrip for steroids (ugh) or spironolactone. FYI, she said she has had luck with female patients taking it for hair loss.Guess I got something for my $$$. At least, she didin't go guessing. She also she wasn't trained for female hormone issues.

My gyn didn't even ask for the correct DHEA test. :roll: She suggested I see, at the least, another gyn, and she recommended a few who are women, and suggested I ask if they speciifically deal with low progesterone issues (which I think is my issue).
On the other hand, my derm agreed to give me a scrip for Prometrium, natural progesterone.
So, now that I've had time to chill out and reflect on the afternoon, it could have been much worse. After all, I came home and had a very supportive talk with my spouse!!! It really helped. We are both hoping the Prometrium works. Then, if it doesn't I have blood test results and a new gyn to investigate. I had hoped to hear what I wanted...oh, well.

Obviously, you may not have a female hormone imbalance. And you could have a very successful visit. I sure hope so. I just wanted you to know, your endo may not deal with ALL the hormones. I don't want to get all geeked that this is it and then be bummed. I really, really hope you have a lot better luck than I did.

I saw on another post that you have 6 kids. WOW!!!!! How do you do it. You gotta love kids! :)

Well, take care and keep your fingers crossed. I know things will eventually work out for both of us.
BTW, I just saw a segment on the local 6 o'clock news, how there are many more females with low libidos Of course, they really had no answers, but they acknowledge it's a growing problem. If P.C. news programs do stories, it must be an epidemic. :lol:


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Sad Mom.....you are probably sooo fertile to the point where you think baby and boom...your prego....wish me luck...I'm trying next month....maybe the last pregnancy contributed to your hormone change. You said you are in your mid thirties right??? It is documented that periods and hormones tend to change in your thirties...I just wish I had the literature to back this up. But it sortof makes sense.....I don't know about you....but my periods have changed from when I was a teenager.....and they say the last 20 years of menustration....women will experience a change in their hormones....either causing our flows to increase/decrease.....lengthening the days of menstuation (god help me if this happens) or sometimes decreasing....I know you said somewhere that


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I can find you some documentation. There's a book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balance Your Hormones and Your Life from Thirty to Fifty
by John R. Lee, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... ce&s=books,

It's about $11.00 and postage. I got his book related to menopause and I just wish I knew about him earlier. Really helped me undrstand my body better. Parts tended to be a bit technocal, but most made sense. :)


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Sorry you didn't feel more hopeful after seeing the Dr. I worry about an outcome like that too. I know that a reproductive endo is more in line with taking on female horomones, but the few I called said they only deal with women trying to conceive.... so..... I may end up having to call my midwife too.

I manage to have a few good days. Where I tell myself I just have to function and let this thing go. And then, always, the depression creeps back in. I'm going camping with my kids tomorrow, and feeling this creep back in now isn't going to help me get ready! I just hate looking at the top of my head and see it get visibly thinner and thinner..

28 days until I see the endo, and I don't know what to expect. Although I think it's a bit confusing that endos wouldn't deal with female horomones, as male and female horomones are all part of the endocrine system and the feedback loop between adrenals, thyroid, etc..... how can you leave those out?


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dear sad,

beats me...I thought hormones were ALL related. She said she only deals with "garden variety" hormones, like female hormones were another speciality altogether. Maybe your endo will be better than mine...I hope so. As far repro. endos. go, I also thought they would be more into infertility! I think the best bet is a woman gyn in her late forties, who is into slightly alternative health. Maybe we could take an ad out in a medical journal? :laugh: :laugh:
Doctors don't have many answers, so they pass the buck. Like my gyn doing the wrong DHEA test. And when I mentioned low libido, he does glosses right over it. He's history.
Maybe I'll end up with a new gyn, this time a woman. One knowledgeable on hair loss, libido and menopausal issues in general. Oh, yeah, and also natural hormone therapy!! Am I asking for too much? :roll:
I feel lots better today, after the adrenaline rush and its aftermath. You should have seen my blood pressure reading when I was at the endo's office!!

Maybe oral/topical spironolactone will be an option... :roll:
And I'm on day two of progesterone. I have hope, thanks to my derm. Although, she only agreed to it after I brought it up. Whatever happens, have your research together. Even good doctors need friendly nudging! :)

Something positive has to happen.

Have a good camping trip. Try and relax while your gone, make this a vacation from your hair, if you can.

Talk to you soon. :)


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vacation from hair

I would probably be more comfortable about taking a vacation from my hair, except that friends are coming along. The only thing worse than myself and my family seeing my hair, are friends. And, without a blow dryer, and LOTS of mousse and hairspray.... I'm afraid to see how it will look. Oh well........ I'll try and just float through it.


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Re: vacation from hair

SadMom said:
I would probably be more comfortable about taking a vacation from my hair, except that friends are coming along. The only thing worse than myself and my family seeing my hair, are friends. And, without a blow dryer, and LOTS of mousse and hairspray.... I'm afraid to see how it will look. Oh well........ I'll try and just float through it.

I feel sorry for you, I really do. I am a 23/m, but I do have a question since you're speaking of hormone tests..
What tests are available to test hormone levels? Just a testosterone test? I'm doing this test to both eliminate any hormone problems, and get a baseline reading . This way, if I jump on propecia, i can compare the results.