HM Summary?


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So, sorry I am not a technical person and don't understand all the reports/data...

But essentailly, HM is dead now, right? Can someone give me a brief summary as to the most recent reports/status.

This would probably be good for newbies such as myself.

Essentially I tried many different topicals and propecia and suffered major side affects and decided my hair lost (pun intended) when it came down to a choice between hair and sex drive etc.

So I'm screwed and my only hope is for HM the way it was described a year ago by that scientist dude that 'promised' I could just one day wake up and look in the mirror and say to myself "Hey, looks like I am thinning a bit today...time to go get another burst of HM." Where I head down to my local HM clinic where they have my 'follicles' on file and they just inject me with some stuff and a quick in/out procedure. A couple months later my hair is thick and beautiful. When I start thinning more due to my fricking stupid ancestors genes, I just rinse/repeat the procedure.

So that was all bullshit right...i/we got duped, right?

I just want to know if Im going to be depressed for the next 5 or 20 years.

Any help/update on HM would be great thanks...even if it is BAD news.

And yes i did read some of these posts but I can't tell if not much has happened and no one really talks about it any more and you all know the in/outs or if there really is mixed thoughts about it.


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No, HM is not dead, it will take longer for it to come to market. The 2008 release date was only a possibility they said depending on regulation. Phase II ends in 2009 leaving for Phase III in mid or late '09 or '10. I don't know how long Phase III will go, it depends how long it will take then sending results to the British version of the FDA. Yes, it sucks it's taking long, but we should be grateful they're working on it.

Intercytex chose to find a partner to continue Phase III, they feel a partnership would be financially wise to do as they have money devoted to other projects. They have said in some report that they were expecting to do this.

It makes business sense to do a venture with a company that specializes in aesthetics. This way, when they are finally done, that company could offer it as one of their services. They had done a deal with Bosley to negotiate distribution rights back in 2004, they could team up with Bosley for Phase III and Bosley could offer it in their chains around the world. Of course, I've heard the horror stories of that company. But, I will give them a chance.

Just because some people didn't hear what they wanted to hear in the recent release doesn't make it a failure. Look at the news from a business perspective. Would you want to give away the secrets to your product or service to the public so some other competitor could copy it and do it 10 times better? A company can't give away too much of an upcoming product or service. They don't have to tell you everything.

Plus, Follica should be starting sometime this year. Most of the items used for their procedure and dermbrasion are already FDA approved. They won't have to go through hoops.

We should be thankful companies in this century are working on this.


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Awesome thanks for the reply.

You have helped lift my depression a bit.

Seriously thanks for the summary...there is a ton of information to go through and a lot of it is technical so, again thanks for that.

It's good to hear HM isn't dead...and yes I was reading another post about Follica...but the article was dates May there any update on these guys as to success/failure of latest testing?


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Anytime Nostromos, the hair loss boards (I'm talking about most forums) seems to have a lot of cynical posts about HM sometimes because it's not going according to their plan. Believe me, I've seen it.

One of the main heads of Intercytex said there was a possibility of a 2008 release depending on regulation from medical authorities back in March 2007. The MHRA ruled it as a drug (which doesn't make sense since you're using your own cells) and so it has to go through all three phases.

I think some people were expecting trial patients to be having Elvis-style hair in the trials and when it wasn't mentioned, people got bitter because they didn't get what they wanted. The pictures that might have been Phase I were shown and people were unimpressed. This is a science that takes time to develop. The fact that's it's new hair growing on a thinning scalp is a good thing. Heck, my hairline is still intact, just a lot of vellus hairs. If it can revive these hairs, :punk:

From what I've read in the Phase II trials, there was more hair in patients that had their scalp stimulated before injections.

The results were written in a way that showed progress.

Remember from my post that if you had a product or service, you wouldn't want to reveal too much of it because competitors might find out and make theirs better than yours.

I think with Phase III, they would have it in places like Bosley or whatever company or business they choose to give the procedure to. With the last part of Phase II, they're trying to see which technique can bring the most hair to a patient.

IMO, I would keep up with updates about Intercytex or Follica, but I won't hold my life for this to come out or with Follica. I want to find work so that way I can afford it when it comes out.

Like I said again, we should be thankful they're working on this.


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I learned from one of those articles, trials for Histogen start in late 2008.


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dudemon said:
I think they said they would have a product on the market in 2015. But, we all know how that goes. "it's just 5 years away" :mrgreen:

Which is why I'm not holding my breath for it... :dunno:


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The MHRA ruled it as a drug (which doesn't make sense since you're using your own cells) and so it has to go through all three phases.

You mean to tell me those bastards are responsible for the long delay? Or is it probably beneficial to go through the trials anyway to further the research? I hope Inter. doesn't go with Bosley, the hair transplant facilities have too much authorative power as they are, I can see them fighting FM to their dying breathe to protect their cash cow systems.

I think if more people weren't as apathetic and non-involved in voicing their need for FM it might move faster, if millions of people were more active and put pressure on the markets maybe things would go faster.


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Good points made there re75. I think they want to go to Phase III and finish so they could hand their results to the FDA and also get it approved in the US. It does make sense if you want to distribute it in other countries besides Britain or Europe.

There would be other companies who might want to use this procedure.

A lot of people on hair loss boards think it's failed. I don't think it did, like I mentioned in my past posts some (or most) were expecting trial patients to have Elvis hair from the trials. Remember, this is in some ways a new science and it takes time to develop. Would a company honestly reveal their secrets so soon to the public so their competitors could copy it and make it better? See it from their standpoint.

So people got a hissy fit and bitched how it's never going to come in a century and is meant only for our children. Too much emotional irrational thinking there (Another reason I don't post on the boards because of that because NO ONE will listen except for those who want to have a rational conversation) and not seeing it from a business perspective. I can understand why, HM was mentioned back in the 90's but only for lip service. In the 21st century, companies are working on it with trials.

I personally thought it was stupid to label TRC as a drug, I mean you're using your own cells for crying out loud! :thumbdown2:

But for now for all those waiting for HM, I would advise getting good work and saving up for it.