Histogen Update....

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dudemon said:
wannakeepitall said:
kento said:
I guess most of the balding guys will pay 50.000$ to a procedure that finally will solve their problem without any extra action. So if anything can turn NW7 to a NW1 permanently where to transfer the money :)

I'd rather spend that 50,000$ on getting a really nice car. That would bring me more chicks than hair on top of my head :) lol

Your outlook will change 180 degrees when "wannakeepitall" can't, and becomes a NW5/6. At that point, the "hair on top of your head" will become much more important than a crappy $50k car. (BTW, a $50k car will not impress chicks :shakehead: )

A $250k one would, but not a $50k one. :)

Well a head full of hair won't impress chicks either unless you have confidence to back it up. I know many bald guys with a lot of confidence get lots of chicks whereas I also know many guys with full of hair not getting close to any chicks. I still have full head of hair at this point by the way.

Besides, I highly doubt histogen's treatment will be available within the next 5-7 years. Since my childhood every year they say "we'll find cure for baldness in 5 years" and they still say it today lol.
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kento said:
It's not really about the chicks. Seen lot of bald guys with no so big pocket who have super hot chicks.

You are right. I still don't know if this treatment will actually bring those intended results.


Established Member
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wannakeepitall said:
kento said:
It's not really about the chicks. Seen lot of bald guys with no so big pocket who have super hot chicks.

You are right. I still don't know if this treatment will actually bring those intended results.

The good thing about this one is that they start the trials with results on humans, not like Follica and Interclyx. So i guess the only issue by now is how safe it will be, from the testing this one gives better results than the treatments we have now.


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wannakeepitall said:
Besides, I highly doubt histogen's treatment will be available within the next 5-7 years. Since my childhood every year they say "we'll find cure for baldness in 5 years" and they still say it today lol.

People are working with real treaments now, but in the past they'd offer theories.


New Member
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I think this question must be answered.

I'm not sure if there are going to be other questions posted, but while Joe's enthusiasm about the timeline is welcomed, I think there are much bigger questions that Dr. Naughton should address.

By far the biggest question concerning HSC is whether or not the 25% increase due to one injection is compoundable with addition injections. I think and I hope that that is what the Singapore phase I trials are set up to test, though I'm fairly certain Histogen already has a good idea of whether or not the results will be favorable.
If the results are compoundable and each injection can yield an additional 25% increase, then Histogen will effectively have "cured" baldness, while keeping hair transplant surgeons in business.
However, if the results aren't compoundable, and there is a physiological limit to hair increases by HSC, then people with NW4 and up will have to wait some more for their full heads of hair.


Established Member
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Great news, guys!

I would never, ever try a conventional hair transplant, but I would give HM a try.

Let's keep our fingers crossed.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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TBH this seems to be very realistic. The technology obviously works on humans, and histogen has adequate funding. So why cant it be on the market by 2015?

That said, the idea of the need of a hair transplant plus this makes it an expensive.