Hi, Im New To The Threads. (seeking General Information)


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I am a norwood type 2

I am looking for any medication or serum pill or anything, with the least side effects
I don't want to take rogaine because of the 5 percent chance of danger

can you recommend anything the bets thing you got in mind even If its a shampoo. looking for expert answers

non surgery and with the least least side effects, thank you!

p.s anything that could grow new hair would be amazing!!!!!!!!!


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shampoos or anything with the least side effects that work the most


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any shampoo or anything that works the best with no side effects even if its not 100 percent working


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there must be something with a acerage success rate even if its not that good
a high percentage rate among the not so good products


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there must be something with a acerage success rate even if its not that good
a high percentage rate among the not so good products


male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that can only be treated effectively with drugs. You're in the denial stage which many of us went through. Accept that you have a condition that can only be treated with medication or embrace your genetic fate