helpme2's story - (Hi - New here, need advice and direction)


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i've never used dr lee's because I'm the type of person who shows people my grafts right after surgery, but dr lee has a quick drying minoxidil that supposedly (double check this with people who used it) dries in minutes so that women you socialize can touch your hair in minutes. Regular minoxdil will be oily for up to 2 hours, but is no worse than having gel in your hair. Apply gel 20 minutes after the minoxidil, and women will see the gel, think it is normal, and not touch your hair!


Well CCS,

he advises not to swim for 1.5 hours after applying his Xandrox minoxidil which is the product I believe you are referring to. it dries almost immediately as you said and you have to wait like 4 hours to swim after using regular minoxidil I think.

But another benefit of his minoxidil product is that it contains azelaic acid which can inhibit 98% of DHT.

From his site:

"The product is known as Xandrox and is formulated both with and without retinoic acid to allow for daytime and nighttime use. Minoxidil is dissolved into the solution at the highest possible concentration at 5% to maximize its stimulus to hair growth. Azelaic acid, also at a 5% concentration, will inhibit virtually all (>98%) the 5-alpha reductase in the areas of the scalp to which it is applied, preventing any local formation of DHT. "

I never hear you mention this(minoxidil with azelaic acid added) in your suggestions but i think it would be a valuable product for people who can afford it. I will probably be starting on it soon. It also eliminates the need for spironolactone basically.


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Here is my update.

Went to the Docs office, spoke with him (a lot of questions) He was also on propecia too. Basically everything he told me, I either read hear on the boards or somewhere else. I got the Propecia the same day as soon as the appointment was over. Came home and took one. Tomorrow I will take another and so on.....

I am just really happy to finally be on a path to either hair keeping, or hair regrowth. I will definitely take more pics monthly, to see what’s going on.

I will also be posting how I feel etc...You guys have been so helpful; I hope someday I can pass on my knowledge and experience just as you guys did for me.

So…Im just going to take the propecia pill once a day, and shower normally. That’s going to be my daily task for the next 90days.

... :thumbs_up:


helpme2 said:
Here is my update.

Went to the Docs office, spoke with him (a lot of questions) He was also on propecia too. Basically everything he told me, I either read hear on the boards or somewhere else. I got the Propecia the same day as soon as the appointment was over. Came home and took one. Tomorrow I will take another and so on.....

I am just really happy to finally be on a path to either hair keeping, or hair regrowth. I will definitely take more pics monthly, to see what’s going on.

I will also be posting how I feel etc...You guys have been so helpful; I hope someday I can pass on my knowledge and experience just as you guys did for me.

So…Im just going to take the propecia pill once a day, and shower normally. That’s going to be my daily task for the next 90days.

... :thumbs_up:

Good luck. Showering daily and shampooing daily is good for overall scalp health.


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Took the pill twice now...I think I am feeling a side effect, errectile disfunction...I usually wake up with a "erection" like most guys, but today i didnt. And yesterday I couldnt really get or hold an errection. Also I feel kinda tired and off balance today..

Do you guys think my body is just adjusting to the drugs? Or should I take it down to .5mg instead of 1mg?



I am no expert to this, but: These erection problems in many cases go away after some time even when you continue with 1mg a day. I personally have the same problem, though I am not sure whether it is not just in my head. I started taking finasteride about three weeks ago and I will decide in 2 months whether i reduce the dosage of finasteride to 0.5mg or not. In the end you will have to decide, everyone is different when it comes to finasteride and side effects.


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Don´t be so sure that this a Propecia side effect. you could just be tired and not have an erection. give it time!! 2 days is NOTHING for a hair loss treatment or its side effects. wait a month at least and then see what´s happening. good luck!


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helpm2, please keep reporting your comments about how you feel on the finasteride and if you are getting any sides...i ordered mine today


I am almost 4 weeks on finasteride and don´t have any sides apart from some wrinkles and dark circles under my eyes. Though my hair loss has gotten much worse, probably has nothing do with finasteride.


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Update: 1 week 4 days.

Upon first taking the pill, i had a head ache, feeling bad all over, and a day after errection problems. But after two days of taking it, I felt normal except for the errection problem.

I would ejaculate (sp?) normal but it just wouldnt be erect as it was before (pre-propecia).

I still have errection problems, and I am wondering if i should lower my intake to .5mg instead of 1mg. But I am waiting till the one month mark to make that move.

Does anyone know if the errection porblems go away? Or will I have them till I stop taking the pills? Also If I take the pill for over 1 year, and stop (or seriously cut back i.e. 1 every 3 days), can I get a errection like normal (how I use to, pre-propecia)? Can this stuff cause permanent errection problems?

Im not gona have sex for a long time (till I get married or something :shock: , dont laugh lol), but I just wana be able to see my errection if i a)lower the dosage or b) stop using it.

thank you once more!



you shouldn´t worry about your erections too much, particularly since you aren´t planning to have sex within the next time. Erection problems go away for many people even when they continue taking finasteride and when stop taking it they definetly disappear. If you worry so much you might take some L-Arginine which said to counter sexual sides.

Good Luck and stick with finasteride!


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09/16/2006 update

So far the sides are still there, doesnt really bother me too much (Errection).

Also I am considering using minoxydil with my propecia pills. Just wondering where would be the best place to buy it on the Web? Walgreens etc..?

I heard some people using it once a day (at night), I dont wana have something in my hair all day....

What else should I use, I am getting pretty desprate...My hair seems to be growing back slower...(maybe its me...)...Do you think I should wait to use the minoxidil (after 2-3 mo?)



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Sept 20, 2006

Started Rogaine Foam....

Very easy to apply, just put it in your hand and rubit in your scalp (goes on super fast)...

I buzzed my hair to get the best application of the foam.

I will also be using it once a day (at night).


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Update 08/5/07 - sorry for the late update..

The hair growth journey is not going so well...
In the past month or two, I have had major major shedding in the hair line and about 1inch behind the hiar line also..
I stopped using rogaine, it was getting tiresome, I am still on propecia...

you can see my scalp greatly now...

I am considering getting a hair transplant, i have been researching some doctors in my area, Jeffrey S. Epstein, MD, FACS, in FL...

Of course I plan on wiating at least a yr with propecia..

I had some quick questions about hair transplant...

People speak of grafts...How much hairs are in a graft?

Whats considered a normal graft count, and then a high graft count? Can 3000 grafts cover your whole scalp or half of it etc..?

Typical costs from Dr. Epstein? Do these hair transplants (average graft Trans), cost 10K?

In the end, I was considering just shaving my head completely bald, not hair at all...then getting laser surgery to completey remove my hair from my head...That way I would have no hair to deal with at all...

Im 22...Its really hard, dont even have a girl friend yet...Somedays this thing is so depressing it makes me really sad...

Thanks for listening...I just wish it was easier.. :*(


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do you take finasteride or you are only using minoxidil?


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RaginDemon said:

do you take finasteride or you are only using minoxidil?

Im on finasteride now, and have been on it for almost a year..I did minoxidil (rogaine) for about 1-2months, getting to tired and missed some days, so I just dropped it...


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Don't get to down there is hope

Yo dude, my hair at 21 was in the same state as yours from as far as I can see. Upload some pics. I just stuck to my regime day after day and things improved. You just gotta stick with it. Nizoral, Propecia, and Foam. :freaked2:


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You gotta stay on the minoxidil or you won't get ANY gains... A lot of people believe that gains can be made from finasteride (Propecia), but I've been told from various doctors that it is only useful to prevent further loss. Minoxidil is the only widely used product that can repair and enlarge hair follicles.

It took me 4 - 5 months before I could even notice small hairs. So I'd say at least stick to it for a year (if you can afford it of course) before considering some of the really expensive options.


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helpme2 said:
RaginDemon said:

do you take finasteride or you are only using minoxidil?

Im on finasteride now, and have been on it for almost a year..I did minoxidil (rogaine) for about 1-2months, getting to tired and missed some days, so I just dropped it...

u should stick with it.