help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Please help.......

Hi im 20years old and going bold.funny rhyme.

Im going so bold i cnt beleive it. its across the front,top and also a fryer tuck jobby.

Im seriously in need ofsome help. its effecting me in so many different ways, i.e career, relationship and to an extent my confidence in general.

im stuck on what to do. Looked at all these treatments but none of them seem all that good. i aint the richest of people either. Can somebod please help me?

Many thanx to all serious replys -wish i had hair like this geezer


Established Member
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Thank you for this new research on hairloss. We are saved.


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Fryer tuck jobby - isn't that the precise technical term for total a**h**?


New Member
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As someone previously stated .... you lot aint to helpfull are ya, were all here for the same problem but you lot act like a bunch of faggots.
grow up


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I would be happy to help if:

1. You read at least some of the posts on the BIG 3. Which is every second post on this forum by the way. If you indeed looked at all the treatments then you could at least specify in which you were interested in. If you were looking for one treatment that is cheap and regrows hair... there isn't one.

2. You didn't post this in 3 or 4 different sections of this forum including one that is reserved for new research, studies and discoveries (the post was moved by now). The purpose of that section should be obvious to even 10 year olds. Which makes me doubt that you are old enough to have male pattern baldness.

Until then go and learn some proper forum posting maners.


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Apoc said:
I would be happy to help if:

1. You read at least some of the posts on the BIG 3. Which is every second post on this forum by the way. If you indeed looked at all the treatments then you could at least specify in which you were interested in. If you were looking for one treatment that is cheap and regrows hair... there isn't one.

2. You didn't post this in 3 or 4 different sections of this forum including one that is reserved for new research, studies and discoveries (the post was moved by now). The purpose of that section should be obvious to even 10 year olds. Which makes me doubt that you are old enough to have male pattern baldness.

Until then go and learn some proper forum posting maners.

Agreed the guy has no respect.


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Thats where your wrong. And how can you say i have no respect when after your comments neither do you. I got forum manners, because im signed on to other forums where i get along jus fine, i posted them on several topics due to me wanting an immediate response, which i got in other areas.

Instead of being up yourself why dont you just do what your on here for, Read into things and where applicable give some advice. You obviously cant comply to neither of these so why dont you just shut up!!!!!

Im sick of stuck up people like you thinking there all that with comments like youve made. all i was asking for was advice not abuse. Your a sad person.

Many thanks to all people who made appropriate comments on other sections, to the people who didnt.......................Aint even worth the effort


Established Member
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It was you who abused the forum and it's members by spamming it with topics like: help!!!!!!!!!! omg wtf HAX y0000 my hair is gone WTF can't belive this fecking crap... Is someone hacking mee or what?

If you want help make a post where you use proper title, proper language, you post in the section that is meant for general help (you'd know which ones are for this type of help if you read at least 3 of the posts before you posted) and be polite even if you don't get an answer immediately like your mommy brings you milk&cookies when you want them. And I'll give you another tip, your post will get answered really fast if you will display at least some basic knowledge about male pattern baldness so that a poster won't feel like roadkill typing the same old BIG 3 crap over and over.

I feel sorry that you're losing your hair and if you learn a bit of manners that you don't need for those gaming sites (I suspect they are the only ones that tolerate your "style") that you use I'm certain you will get all the info you want on this one.

Until then...