help please!


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first i would like to thank evereyone who has ever posted anything of relevance on this website. It is a credit to you all that you would take the time to help other people in similar situtaions and share your knowledge and experience...

anyhow... im just about to start finasteride/min/nizoral for hair loss at the temples.. im 21 and only a norwood 2 ( later stages) but my hair is definitly on its way out... so what i want to know is if folligen spray, multi vitamins, and all the other things are neccessary or worth it?? Also once i go thru a shed will that put me at a norwood 3, until my regrowth starts again??
thanks again

cosmo gene

Established Member
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one of the major options of a hair loss regimen is whether to implement the kitchen sink approach (ie. apply all or most of the treatments ), or implement the more slective approach (ie. one or two treatments at a time in order to determine what is effective and what isn't). I supose we determine our approaches based on 1) the rapidity of hair recession
2) budget 3) availability of time to apply all the treatments properly and 4) legitimacy of treatment, 5)awareness that some treatments might have adverse effects on you, 6) we all respond to treatments uniqueily

Based on my research on I have, THROUGH TRIAL AND ERROR, determined my regimen to be:

1) large amounts of antioxidants including one multivitamin
2) propecia
3) spironolactone
4) folligen

good luck


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Once you have the main players in your regimen:


There you have a GREAT regimen!!! IF you have the extra doe, the concensus is that spironolactone would be the next addition. After that, Folligen.

A multi-vit WILL NOT halt male pattern baldness, HOWEVER, I'd recommend buying a decent multi-vit, as it had numerous health benefits. It dosen't have to cost much, and in my opinion, a multi-vit is a very good investment as regards overall health (healthy bones, nails, hair, eye-sight, skin etc etc.).

See my regimen below...